Rizks to sue sexist airline
Rumours are rife that Rizks and his esteemed lawyer are ready to sue GoAir for millions of rupees!
Is GoAir's action sexist or just business?
What other ingenious ways can GoAir adapt to save costs ?
Low-cost airline will only hire female cabin crew from now to save £330,000 a year on fuel
GoAir says the move could save 30million rupees (£330,000) a year
It says its female staff are 33lb to 44lb lighter than their male counterparts
It will also cut the size of its in-flight magazine and only fill its water tanks to 60 per cent capacity to try to make its planes lighter.
The company estimates that every extra pound in weight costs it one-and-a-half rupees (1.7p) per flying hour.
'We are looking at every possible way of cost-cutting to remain profitable.'
Its sexist and another form of descrimination against men, men can also attain those weights if desired so , there were Petit men outthere , other thing 3rd gen gaining grounds.
i cant believe now that women getting priority still people arent happy and seriously who likes to see men
and u have to accept its GENIUS
Hopefully then flying will be a better experience especially as the airline will not have to deal with drunk and abusive pilots and with pilots sleeping at the controls
Brit ,, For Me
Am sorry for the Hijack
Back to the Topic
If they applied that, not just men will be neglected, Fat Women will be also.
The cabin crew will be all women all slim!
This is definitely a sexist idea and I would have sued them had I aspired to work for this airline and found this discrimination.
If the airlines really want to decrease the fuel cost, let them device a method of charging passengers in proportion to their weight and luggage. Passengers should declare the maximum total weight during purchase of ticket.
I'd agree with the cutting the size of the in-flight mag and reducing the potable water uplift to 60% (I'm sure their study reveals that the utilization is below 60%).
But when it comes to employment of only female cabin crew, then I'd say why not also only female cockpit crew and in the worst case scenario, employ male flight deck. Also, try and carry only female passengers as far as possible, they weigh far less too ;o)
so... sexist but it's their business.
getting back to the topic..
is this a good move by the airline ?
They would probably be sued in the West .
of the buddy system .......
Yo Mama,, We don't make fun of your Son Rizks ,, We are kidding with him,,,,
Now give him to us again :O)
Yo Mama is the local guaradian of Risks..:P
What a tragic similarity between mama and son!
I'm sure you would know... lol ;o)
almost weigt-less ;)
so won't make any difference :)
we can ask rizks to chop off the parts that just "hang low" to avoid the extra weight ;o)
They should remove shoulder pads for the lady flight attendants, hats , hair pins , jewelries , minimize more the miniskirts.... I think wearing a little clothes causes decrease more of weights.
It could be a way to save, but it is not fair
"It says its female staff are 33lb to 44lb lighter than their male counterparts"
** After this Sentence Rizks started a Diet, and he said that if the diet didn't work, he will do a "Sex change surgery" :O(
But how do we help Rizks get the job he craves ?
brit...sounds good...:)
A wheeze of an idea. We could also save by making everyone go to the bathroom prior to boarding..
Salaries to women is also less compared to men....
If you have only women in ur company, chances of increase of Image Marketing
:P :P :P
How much would the clothes on them (female CC) weigh and if taken off, the savings...:) May be then they can be wrapped in opaque plastic, as in case of luggage...:)
didn't mention about shaving their heads too !