RGREEN, (and your cohorts) Get a LIFE !!!!

I still couldn't imagine why some people seems to be so persistent????
26 Oct 2007 - 23:27 rgreen surprise. new
From: rgreen
To: azilana7037
Subject: surprise.
Date: Fri, 26/10/2007 - 11:27pm
expect the unexpected just wait we're working on you. rohde girl.
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26 Oct 2007 - 23:24 rgreen slut of ql new
From: rgreen
To: azilana7037
Subject: surprise.
Date: Fri, 26/10/2007 - 11:27pm
expect the unexpected just wait we're working on you. rohde girl.
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And for those who didn't know what's the issue
Last 11th October 2007, Around 715-720AMand was looking for my manager. She called in very angry (according to one of our supervisor who answered the call) and was saying bad stuff about me particularly she wanted to complain that I've been very rude to her and her friends ON LINE/BOARD.
And SHE wanted to report that I have a part time job...
and on Mon, 22/10/2007 - 3:54pm, RGREEN created ROHDE & LIESENFELD thread : http://www.qatarliving.com/node/42997
For what? Scare me? Of what? The other posters who answered in the thread was oblivious of who you are and your motives but the QL folks could see who is "so helpful" in providing the information to you?
You think I don't KNOW YOU? Come on now? You think QL members/posters are stupid and so dense not to know WHO you are?.
If you really know where I work, you could have sent me a PM for the info....logically and rationally, that's the SANEST way to do it.
The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. .-Bertrand Russell
u pipol make lot of enemies here. it takes 2 to tango. ignoring & stop responding s d best ting to do. peryud. sum pipol dey r ugli but too confident to embarrass oder pipol. layf s too short. faytin is not wort it.
Some people take QL so freakin seriously that it gives me the creep to think how would those people be in real life
Seriously some people have got so much time that they spend all of it on QL. No wonder these people get annoyed so easily specially when you are spending more than eight hours on QL.
I always keep my private life separate from the internet.
why is it everytime I am talking to people you start interferring & have an urge to be insulted?
Yesterday I was in another thread & you started personal attacks without anyone talking to you, and now here!
It is very funny that someone like you who lacks the basics of polite conversations is giving me advices!
FYI, I am not pissed off these days. This is just my way of dealing with people who have no respect to others. You must learn to know that all humans are equal!
"Be strong but not arrogant
Be modest but not weak"
Why are so pissed up these days..
You get provocked at the slightest pric of a needle. Talk sensibly and with respect if you want to be respected. behave and treat others the way you want others to treat you.
..**.. ""They walk among us. They vote & they even reproduce"" ..**..
Xena: "Always be careful what you wish for.... it might come true... and then be right back to bite you in the a**......"
Just like it happened to your big fat a**? You were the 1st one on QL who started playing with fire, and it will burn you some day. Your act gave a green light for other members to do the same (to Azilana & others). You were a very bad example Xena
PM:"Why do you feel the need to call name always and be so nasty?"
As I told you on many previous occasions, once I feel that I am talking to a respected person who respects him/herself & others, I will be very polite. On the tiniest hint of disrespect, I will treat them the way they want to be treated. I can not help it if you have an urge to be insulted. I will happily give it to you. Also, as I told you before, if your family did a lousy job teaching you manners, I will.
The 1st step you should take in order to have a small amount of self respect, is by talking to people using their names, not any other name. When you talk to me using a different name, all I see infront of me is: "I am missing an insult! Please insult me"
"Be strong but not arrogant
Be modest but not weak"
My old signature was:
What you are is what you have been, and what you will be is what you do now - Buddha
I changed it to:
The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt.- Bertrand Russell
However, someone got hit by the signature (not intentional) and thought I'm hitting them...yaikks
LOL time for a change...changed it to Garfield :D
she has been threatened and blackmailed thats the gist of it salax
She's been eaten by a cat!!! a big fat orange cat!
"I fight with love and I laugh with rage, you have to live light enough to see the humor and long enough to see some change." Ani Difranco
when I changed my signature to this:
The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. .-Bertrand Russell
I guess I hit a raw/sore nerve somewhere...lol
is it the mysterious one zialan? It sure looks that way.
but they branded me the "QL SLUT" ...so the boys here thinks I am...whehehehe
The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. .-Bertrand Russell
she'll swim back...
ACK! Where did Nemo go! I'm confused!!!
"I fight with love and I laugh with rage, you have to live light enough to see the humor and long enough to see some change." Ani Difranco
even flirt with someone when you've been out..much less pick up someone...You've always been funny, sweet and extremely polite..nothing less..
In passing...these ladies/gents knew me during the get-togethers and some eventful occasions...
I will tell you what pissed her off...and it involves one QL member whom I will not tell who...
The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. .-Bertrand Russell
Wow, all of this reminds of the high school drama. Some people just never grow up or move on. Others are just psychopaths :D
Gotta love 'em!
Have these people ever actually met you Azi??? :? I mean, I've never even seen you flirt mildly, much less try and "pick up"
"I fight with love and I laugh with rage, you have to live light enough to see the humor and long enough to see some change." Ani Difranco
only to learn a little later that "someone" tried to catch me at a bar doing my "picking-up" :-O
Too bad...I don't get picked up or me doing the picking...I drive myself to and from my point of destination...lol
The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. .-Bertrand Russell
It's just sad that people can hold such a grudge against someone that they feel the need to ruin their life. If you don't like someone just don't talk to them, don't try and turn all your mutual friends against them or try and get them in trouble, it's just immature and a bit sociopathic.
"I fight with love and I laugh with rage, you have to live light enough to see the humor and long enough to see some change." Ani Difranco
She is no Mrs. Airsupply... Mrs. Illitrate suits her better.
..**.. ""They walk among us. They vote & they even reproduce"" ..**..
You cannot make friends by force and surely not when you think other person does not want to be associated with you in any form.
Its better to simply ignore such guys. If he still wants to make friends, he better find one who is interested .... is he so much facinated by Azi (hehehe) that he can't find anyone else in the whole of Qatar.
..**.. ""They walk among us. They vote & they even reproduce"" ..**..
how people fail to remember, that the wheel turns... and will land up in your direction at some time....
Always be careful what you wish for.... it might come true... and then be right back to bite you in the a**......
Never mind Azi.... its only cause they don't have any friends, and thats why they have to make some up....
We seem to have quite a few scitzo's on this site....
I was only telling you that you deserve it if someone tries to get to you because you encourage such acts when they are performed by your friends of your type, such as Xena.
I will always be here whether you like it or not. My main issue is to expose the hypocracy in you.
"Be strong but not arrogant
Be modest but not weak"
I am now wary of people I meet...per se.
The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. .-Bertrand Russell
good one Xena
"Be strong but not arrogant
Be modest but not weak"
just goes to show.. you don't know me very well..... Thank you Frog.... and just for the record... I do know joewilliams and his number.. but I wouldn't give it to Talha either....
Not in the habit of destroying others lives.. like some other people on this site seem set on doing..... i have a concience....
I totally agree with Knoxcollege...one should keep his/her personal life separate from the virtual world. Well, but truly all this really scares me a lot.....
[img_assist|nid=43195|title=Save Water Save Life!!!!!!!|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=120]
just laugh at it and leave it behind. there are much better things to do in life than thinking and/or getting frustated with what people with hollow skull do.
..**.. ""They walk among us. They vote & they even reproduce"" ..**..
My new signature hit a nerve, I guess....hehehehe
The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. .-Bertrand Russell
They/she is SOOOO PISSSED OFFF WITH ME...that they/she believes all the lies she/they accuse me of...
I don't know if I would pity their/her/his remorseful life or laugh at their/her/his STUPIDITY....
The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. .-Bertrand Russell
These guys are despos and surely do not need so much attention. Must have been among those who take everything written online literaly.
why should ur company have a problem or create a problem for you b'cos of some loose nut.
..**.. ""They walk among us. They vote & they even reproduce"" ..**..
That was a joke. Xena would never do that. It was Talha who asked for joewilliams telephone number. He jokes about offering a prize to whom he can give him that No. It was joke nothing serious.
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
I admire your fighting spirit. You never give up.
There is a proverb that says:
Does this ring a bell??? :
Xena said hmmm.... ...
who will pay me for the name, address and picture of Airsupply/Mrs/Port Alfred/Lara123 and whoever else he is today?
Info might come in handy....
Bidding starts at $100....
PM said Why Xena! ...
You blatant capitalist! I admire your entrepreneurial spirit though ;-)
"Be strong but not arrogant
Be modest but not weak"
So they won't know what I'm up to...but I guess I already have "STALKERS"...LOL
The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. .-Bertrand Russell
I keep my private life separate from the internet as you never know whom you might meet.
To tell you the truth, I know one QL member (just lurking nowadays) who's office "used to be" in the same building (they transferred to the site) where our office is located. The person knows that I work in that company adjacent to thers.
The first person who answered RGREEN's topic happens to be a RELATIVE of this person....
How did I know? A little slip of a phrase or two in this and that topic...and they think they are very smart.
The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. .-Bertrand Russell
but I guess it's true for people who has too much time in their hands that ...."idle minds IS really the devil's playground"
The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. .-Bertrand Russell
that you are doing fine these days. Try to forget those and throw it behind your back. Ako alam ang mahirap na bagay , pero kaya lang at tanong , bakit na?
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
PM never mind, I know you're doing a hard and time-consuming job. That was my job before I came to Doha. It's simply the best I've ever had. :)
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
I think the same way. It's always safe to keep personal details outside of forums .
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
i suppose its better we keep our outside persona far far away from this forum.
Make sure you are not easily identifiable through the forum
I think at least that will help a lot from these kind of problems
gettin up early on sat is taking it toll on me.
i dint really understand wht dis is bout.
could anyone please enlighten me. :(
Its' becoming a sorta scary now ..... I know that no matter how strong a woman is she just becomes so vulnurable in similar cases. All my sympathy goes to all Ql femal members. Everything is gonna be allright Inchallah.
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
Sorry to hear that PM......Hope it was not very serious.I know you r a srtong woman and can come over it. Just let us know if we can b of any help.
You take care.
Life is too short and if u r not living on the edge then u r taking up too much space.
I am over jealous myself ...its a good trait of mine and am proud of it
@ owen i am already reaping the benifits ... Peace to u too sis
If you can't change your fate, change your attitude.
I hope you're ok PM. :?
"I fight with love and I laugh with rage, you have to live light enough to see the humor and long enough to see some change." Ani Difranco
she don't even have a job and totally dependent to whoever is supporting her...
i'm always accused of being the JEALOUS....hmmmm, I wonder now???
The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. .-Bertrand Russell
and TCOM will benefit on that secret..:P peace buddy...:)
[img_assist|nid=12867|title=Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.|desc= |link=none|align=left|width=44|height=180]
This is just a bitter delusional mental unstable person who has too much time on her hands (probably cause her husband wants nothing to do with her).
"I fight with love and I laugh with rage, you have to live light enough to see the humor and long enough to see some change." Ani Difranco
Secret is already out
If you can't change your fate, change your attitude.
Hey Amigo, don't let others know of our secrets;)
Scarlett. For me the grinding has already started.
BTW charan has a short fuse when u talk about color and hairstyle:D (found it out at Orion the other night)
Life is too short and if u r not living on the edge then u r taking up too much space.
i do appreciate that...hehe...yep, bedhead hair so far this morning
Scarlett - you look like got out of the besd from wrong side:)
just don't like folks that treat others like this person is treating Azi...its just plain WRONG...
so rgreen is ur manager?
n wht did she expect u to do whn u read dis "expect the unexpected just wait we're working on you. rohde girl."
get scared n leave the country?
for getting into these petty things.
For a change I agree with Gypsy.....lol..(may b its becoz of Sat)
Life is too short and if u r not living on the edge then u r taking up too much space.
supervisor knows you and your work...don't worry...I'm sure your supervisor knows what a crackpot this person is now..considering what they did...I mean..complain to a company about THEIR employee and comments made ON LINE, and not even on their website???
Get a grip you mini minded person...this is a COMPUTER...if you don't like what is posted..take it to the moderator...and if no results, then TURN it off and/or go to another website that has people like you in it..OR, are they too paranoid for you, also???
Azi...remember who you are dealing with...sanity?? I DON'T THINK SOOOOOO...not in their vocabulary.
Hmmmm looks like the emotionally disturbed are back. :P
"I fight with love and I laugh with rage, you have to live light enough to see the humor and long enough to see some change." Ani Difranco