:( Rest in peace

Nearly a week after he fell into an open sewage maintenance hole in Abu Hamour, 5-year-old Fahim Sirajudeen has died of heart failure, a family friend told Doha News.
Boy who fell into manhole outside of Abu Hamour fish market dies
Read more: http://dohanews.co/#ixzz2f8l9qupD
Doctors declared Fahim dead around 11pm yesterday. According to the friend who identified himself as Abu Saaliha, the boy was still in Hamad Hospital’s pediatric intensive care unit when his heart stopped working.
He had been on a respirator since last Tuesday evening. At that time, Fahim was leaving the Abu Hamour fish market with his parents and younger sister when he fell into a partly open manhole in a poorly lit area.
It took some 10 to 15 minutes before an employee at the fish market obtained a ladder and rescued the boy, but because Fahim had been partially submerged underwater, doctors said all brain function had been lost.
Fahim is at least the third child to have fallen into an uncovered hole in the ground in Qatar in less than a year.
Jazakallahu Khair for sharing. Will try to be there.
Obituary (Updated information)
The Funeral Prayer will be held today 18th September 2013 at 5.00 PM. Location: Women's hospital Mosque, near parking @ HMC.
Once the prayer completed, the coffin will be taken to Airport, as the burial will be in India.
Heartfelt Condolences to the bereaved family.
May his soul rest in peace.
Dear Bros and Sis,
I think we are all talking abt the same thing and we are all concerned abt the same thing. Its al abt Love & Care.
So why don't we stop fighting and bothering abt religion and lets pray for this little child.
Checked and responded!
I am B class Religious, Waiting to get my ISO certification to be A class :O(
MN, I can understand your feelings.
gj10110: I only explain myself to people I care for (:
MN, Why dont you share with us your concern, instead of sending PM's
Fatimah: check your inbox
How very awful, RIP little man!
Who opposes everyone .... X, Y & Z Grades ....
I think Sunilpatt meant being extremists. Yes being an extremist is not a good thing. Neither is being sarcastic in a forum where one's sarcasm is likely to go over the heads of most people. MN needs to hit edit pronto or this post will just lose it's purpose!
can put it in this way ...
X Grade Religious : Religious for self .
Y Grade Religious : Asks family members to be religious .
Z Grade Religious : Guides the humans globally to be religious .
"Religion is always good. But being very religious is dangerous."
Is there degrees of being religious ?
sunilalapatt: What does dark sarcasm mean?
RIP - Tragic, I hope the family can sue the company responsible for leaving the MH open.
In which centuary you guys r living in??? Faith, destiny...whts wrong with u guys... Religion is always good. But being very religious is dangerous. Where is humanity, love and care. You might have answer for all this. But if this incident happend becoz of someone's negligence, it shuld be properly identified and reported to the authorities and make sure that this won't happen again.
If you believe this is the faith and destiniy of this child, THEN I BELIEVE THE DESTINIY OF THAT IRRESPONSIBLE PERSON IS JAIL.
" I believe in love, care, help eachother, don't lie, be honest"
Mevin87 : see your inbox.
Marco: How can you justify this as not negligence by the authorities..like human life has no worth..open manholes are dangerous.its easier and better to place a barrier for an uncovered manhole than keeping a close eye on ur kid everywhere he/she goes to play. If the kid was in the right country, the family would have sued the council/engineers for all its worth.
I am very much torn up about this. My sympathies for the bereaved family.
"Those whom the angels cause to die(when they are)good persons, they say: Peace be to you! Enter the Garden because of what you used to do." Al-Qur'an 16:32
I am so heartbroken today on reading this sad news..
No words to express the loss that the family of the deceased must have been going through..
May his soul rest in peace...
Inna lillahe wa inna elaihi rajiyun... :(
im so sorry.
Ina lillah wa ina lahu rajeerun! may he be in jannat el fardaous, amen
very sad story indeed and a true nightmare for any parents! My heart goes to his parents, may Allah give them patience in this difficult time....
Authorities should look into this case and should not happened to any one else..
Very painful to read not to mention bone chilling..This is a calamity that can befall any of us. In fact it is something I have always felt quite freaked out about given the number of insecure or hardly secured manholes we encounter around here.
In Sha Allah the boy is now in a better place, but what sadness his parents and other loved ones must endure for the rest of their lives given how tragic his death was. Hope and pray steps are taken at least now to amend what is truly a deadly problem. Surely it wont cost too much resources to properly cover a manhole!
Apology accepted Boxbe (:
LLR: our prayers are not going bring him back and it' not going bring back the other kids who died in similar incidents and it's not going to fix the poor lighting around residential areas, nor is it going to cover the manholes around them either.
Sorry mods
Yes Marco, thus we say Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un.
I appreciate Mr. MOD's effort.
Marco.....good try..sarcasm is not something that flies here..;)
It is sad to read people's comments here, before we say may he rest in peace, we have to say may we live in peace. There are three gifts which GOD has given to everyone. one of them is thinking that I am wise..everybody has a right to express their opinion..
This is not about court hearing or investigation.Cross conversation and fighting in a tragic thread is not really appreciable.
Inna lillahi wa inna ilahi rajioon
sakiv171: Hi 5!
lets forget about safety everywhere if that things has to happen it will happen, just a thought why we to spend lots of money on safety if every one has its fate
gj10110 : stricter parental; supervision would of stopped him walking right into the uncovered swage hole'n would of definitely saved his life.
Deleted by Moderator. Warning to user Boxbe....Do not create topics or posts that criticize, bully or insult other Qatar Living members, and do not flame and provoke other Qatar Living member into arguments. Your continuing in this manner will result in your account being deleted
is responsible for his death here at the ground ...
MN, basic safety precaution could have saved his life...
Cannot put everything on fate/destiny...then why are the safety rules for ?
May the little tyke rest with the Angels. May his parents find the strength to bear their loss.
May this be a chance for the powers that be to take strong action to minimise the risk of this happening again..
Marco just a question. If you believe is destiny so much then why everyone study, work, do business etc. Why dont they just sit and wait for their destiny.
God help those who help themselves.
Keeping your FAITH high is a good and ones FAITH gets stronger if they do something good to help the community (Public).
Authorities can only do so much.
Because no amount of extra precaution or sign boards will save you from facing up destiny.
These days if you notice.. parents treat their kids like animals taken care by their trainers (nannies).
Mothers get frustrated and Fathers donot wish to handle things.
This is So sad.. May Allah give patience to his Parents and family members.
Fate nd Destiny is right.. but to avoid such accidents.. Authorities should start implementing extra precautions and sign boards.
Also, Parents should be urged to take extra care of their kids when they go out.
Boxbe, I agree with you.
Agree with MN and Sulieman...
If it was written that he will die by falling into an open sewerage maintenance hole then Even though if there were proper signs or danger signs and lights, surely he would have died the same...
May his soul rest in peace and may Allah give his family the stregnth to bear the loss...
Any updates regarding the funeral? If its here maybe I will go.
Innalillahivainniilahirajioon !
Sad, really Sad - May his soul rest in peace and give enough courage to his parents to bear their loss...:(
BOXBE16DOBARA : The sewage was open for the boy to fall into it. simple as that.
If it happens with anybody, Including my kid
I believe that everybody has time to live and then will die
If he didn't fall there, he might die in his bed in the same time
I don't want to hijack the thread
It suppose to be to pray for the kid
because of some one else mistake the boy got trapped...go read the news again..hope the same does not happen to ur kid and u say it was fate because of some one else mistake
BOXBE: Because it was destined to be so.
BOXBE ,, Use your brain too
Didn't you hear about something called "Fate" or "Destiny"
It was meant to be, Whatever was the reason
For some time use ur brain or utilize it...It was because of negligence of some one else the poor kid got into...No proper lighting in that area...why was the sewage open and why no signs or danger sign over there
Innalilah wa inna ilahi rajihoon :(
GG: It was his fate. All written down in his lifelines.
انا الله وانا اليه راجعون
May he rest in peace
Very sad news !
Of course his death is no one’s fault.
Innalillahi vainna ilaihi rajioon. He died because he was partially submerged in water and the brain lost its functions? That is unbelievable. The sewage water could have gone in through his nose.
Oh God...so painful...a life lost because of the negligence of some people...:( May God give his family the strength to bear their loss
heart wrenching !!! May his soul rest in peace and his parents enough courage to bear this loss :-(
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un.
Sending healing thoughts to his family members. It remembers me of my younger cousin whom we lost few years ago.
Heart Breaking, May his soul rest in Peace!
:( RIP