Resigning to work

By War10ck


Im working in Qatar for more than a year. I started in the company last July 2010, now I want to go back to my Country for personal reasons. I submitted a resignation letter last sept 6 with a 30 days notice. I inform also on my letter that my last day in work is on Oct 6. Is there any way they will not grant my resignation?

Thanks for the advice

By anonymous• 26 Sep 2011 23:45

Pray dude, since you are wasting your time on the internet, there is no other.

By War10ck• 25 Sep 2011 16:02

Guys, Im runing out of time, what if they will not process my exit bermit until my last day in work (Oct 6)? I need your advice....


By anonymous• 24 Sep 2011 12:03

Flor, I know what you are trying to say in morse code... I am done here.Frankly, seeking advice on an internet forum is not the best way to get things done. I wish the OP the best of luck in all this and a safe return.

By War10ck• 24 Sep 2011 11:14


Flor, My MD told me to think about it and we will talk again on sat (Today). Yesterday I send a letter to his personal mail stating that my family did not allow me to stay so I have to go back to my country to process our documents (My family) going to Japan. I have informed also in my letter to please arrange my exit permit before Oct 6.  Now if he will not call me today to talk regarding the matter, I guess Im runing out of time.

By flor1212• 24 Sep 2011 09:14

can you give as update as to what you do and the outcome so future similar scenarios can be adviced properly?

By flor1212• 24 Sep 2011 09:12

read my comments again and honestly, I gave the OP an objective reply.  The law that you are saying is not applicable to his case strictly.  Maybe if he is not an Asian, maybe. And if he was not hired LOCALLY, maybe.I am giving him some hope of a good settlement rather than confrontational one that may lead to more compliactions.  Better to do it the diplomatic (not begging, that is your word) way so he can go home soonest.  No need to ask if he can buy his ticket, HE HAD it all this time.Now either the OP do as you say or do as I advice.  For me, less complication (even if I need to step back a little) would be better than make a confrontational move that may lead to more consequences.DO NOT misinterpret my comments, it is very simple.  Yours is the one that MAY entails unnecessary consequences that may delay the OP plan to go home as soon as possible (for any reason known to him).

By War10ck• 23 Sep 2011 12:25

Tnx again Mike...

By anonymous• 23 Sep 2011 12:22

War,Read the law, seek assistance. Already told you how.Qatarliving is a virtual community, you don't know exactly who you are dealing with. Time is money, please move ahead.

By War10ck• 22 Sep 2011 14:57

Chill guys, I appriciate all your concerns. To make it simple after telling my story I just want to know only if it is possible that the company will not grant my resignation. And assuming that they will not accept, what should I do so?  Note: -I work in the company frm July 2010 to present-I pay my own plane ticket coming here in Qatar-I have my own working Visa which they transfered to the company -I have my ticket now going back to my country

Tnx to all of you guys

By Chairboy• 22 Sep 2011 14:12

Mike, Flor is a diamond at tryig to twist facts and squirm on the line - get on the death penalty - he'll blow u away!!!! ;o)

By anonymous• 22 Sep 2011 14:04

flor1212... would you please stop bending the facts?

The guy is asking a simple question and your answer was based on what is your own perception, which is some sort of 'meleé' of what is like living in Qatar and it might be right, or maybe not, the fact remains you did not answer the question objectively.

In a few words: you said that after working over a year the guy would have to beg and kneel for something that he is being owed.

Let me quote you right here:

"if you are on a strict 2-year contract, then it means that you are resigning early which has a somewhat negative thing against you."

Ok flor, negative according to whom? Show me the money!

"But if you have been good with your work and your more than 1 year stay had been fruitful to the company, it will be much easier to negotiate or talk with your management about your inetention."

This one, I did not get it! Next one is the icing in the cake:

"The worst that you can encounter is BUY your own ticket.  But if you have a one-year renewable contract, then you have the right to go home with your just benefits!"

Dude, why don't we ask him if HE can afford to buy a new ticket?

It shows that you had no effing idea that this country already had a labor law!

By flor1212• 22 Sep 2011 09:55

he was locally hired, so the article you quote still applies to him?  Will he be given exit permit? To exit where?The guy wants to go home by October 6.  The less complication ways will do the trick.  But if the company becomes stubborn, then it's up to him to delay his trip and make necessary actions as you guys adviced! (Ijust do hope he can run to you and seek your help).

By randomguy• 22 Sep 2011 09:52

Why not?Why are you scared to fight for your rights?

By flor1212• 22 Sep 2011 09:50

Nice advice Mr Randomguy!

By randomguy• 22 Sep 2011 09:47

You can terminate the contract with a notice whenever you want. If they deduct any money over it then you can take them to court. Nobody is forced to work here and don't let them bully you.

By flor1212• 22 Sep 2011 09:46

I never said the OP not to stand by his rights! Check my postings.  You are giving a negative view on my comments.  Hope the OP understands all his options and return home with a peaceful mind!

By flor1212• 22 Sep 2011 09:43

got here and got his job? He came with his own visa (presumably, not the typical OFW procedures). And I am not that person you think of, I am just more keen on the diplomatic way of solving problems. Specifically if the problem occur outside your country.  Better to settle and take all dilpomatic options first before going to more complicated solutions.It's my opinion, I respect yours! 

By flor1212• 22 Sep 2011 09:38

you will do everything to get out.  But that is the last option.  And again, check the specifics in the contract documents.If you think everyone can do that, do you think this sponsorship law will fluorish?It's a case to case basis, maybe your friend is lucky and their labor attache is more accomodating (maybe not much thing to do) but the Philippine labor attache? He or she is a very busy person.

By anonymous• 22 Sep 2011 09:28

Another thing Flor, I fully agree that it may not be easy to get things done in this country but it's always better just to give it a try and stand for your rights.

That is a million times better than what I've been reading in your previous comments which in my mind sounds pretty much like "kneel and let them do whatever they want to you".

By anonymous• 22 Sep 2011 09:22


Then that's more power to the employee. Forcing an employee to stay is a violation of human rights.

Contracts are necessary in any legal relationship between two parties, unfortunately the bigger fish always tries to use his leverage against the weaker.

A friend of mine resigned from the private sector, and their expectation was that he should stay with them for at least 2 good years. He received threats from these idiots, they told him that they would not pay for anything, they said that he would not get an exit permit and/or visa cancellation until completing the 2 year term. They also told him that he would not get paid for his end of service (severance) benefits.

He took this case to a smaller diplomatic representation (than the Philippines) and they helped him out with the labor department. In the end the guy left the country, got paid and no one got hurt.

By War10ck• 22 Sep 2011 09:16

Thanks for the advise mMike, I'd probably seek help from labor after my appointment to my MD this coming Saturday.

By War10ck• 22 Sep 2011 09:11

Thats the problem now Lisa. Iwhen I gave my letter last Sept. 6, my managing director did not accept it. he simply informed me that it is not accepted and he thow my letter in the bin in front of me. I told him that I realy have to go for some family reasons but he told that we will talk again this coming saturday. I also send a copy of my letter to his personal mail to make it sure that he was informed that day (Sept 6) that i have submitted my letter officially.

By flor1212• 22 Sep 2011 08:58

waht is stated in the Qatar Labor Law that company can terminate an employee without giving any reason as long as they observe the notice period?What you are saying is easier said than done!  And you want the labor attache to handle this case?  It's like asking for the moon to shine during daytime!Do you honestly believe that the OP will go such scenario? How I wish! And if there is a law trhat governs everything, why do you need for a contract?

By anonymous• 22 Sep 2011 08:48


Sorry but I have to disagree, a contract specifically states a term of duration which can be extended by mutual agreement and if shortened, should be in compliance with Art 49 of the local labor law.

You cannot force anyone to stay with you for a certain period of time. I have heard that employers may put lots of funky stuff in their contracts simply because they are taking advantage of their culture and because most foreigners ignore their rights and entitlements, but nothing in a contract can possibly override whatever is stated in the labor law.

Since our friend is not under an indefinite contract, he should provide no more than two weeks of advance notice and his employer MUST pay for his repatriation.

War10ck, my advice to you would be - go for an appointment with the labor attaché at your Embassy and get him on board with all this, he is the go-to person in these matters.


By flor1212• 21 Sep 2011 23:29
Rating: 2/5

is very critical in their operation (and 30 day notice is not enough), they need to specifically tell you.  Otherwise, they need to abide by the clause in you r contract about termination by either side.Suppossedly, by this time, the management should have informed you whether they accepted your resignation or not since you need to process some clearnces.  Exit permit will be done a week before or within the week of your supposed travel.Now, I would presume that they have not accepted your resignation (because you are asking here) or you are just pressuming? Which is which? BTW, your resignation should have been formally received and stamped by the receiving party! And you kept the receiving copy with the date of receipt clearly stated!

By War10ck• 21 Sep 2011 23:21

What if they will not proces my exit permit till the due date of my resignation? Can you give me an advise what to do or atleast where to seek help by that time...

By War10ck• 21 Sep 2011 23:19

Im quite sure I dont have any bank obligations. Thanks for the help Flor.

By flor1212• 21 Sep 2011 23:09

and since it is you initiating the move to terminate the contract, the consequence now is somehow "against" you.  But since you are locally hired, it should be less problematic.  If you don't have any bank obligation, then you can get all the clearance you need and the company will be obligated to accept your resignation (with the notice period). And hey need to follow the specifics of your contract regarding your travel back to home country (if included).

By War10ck• 21 Sep 2011 23:02

Its 2 years as stated in my contract

By flor1212• 21 Sep 2011 22:57

what is your contract period as stated in your contract?

By flor1212• 21 Sep 2011 22:55
Rating: 3/5

and as you quoted, the employer can deduct any equivalent amount.......But if the contract is 2-years, then the corresponding amount may be more than expected.  That's why I said, he may shoulder his ticket as he has not finished his contract.And since it was late that he mentioned that he was locally hired, the another consequence arose unless specifics were placed or indicated in his contract.But I fully agree with you about the notofocation periodas we all are under contract!Again the magic word is "DEPENDS"

By War10ck• 21 Sep 2011 22:53

Thanks Mike. Thats also what I've known thats why I gave a 30 days notice. My only concern is what if they will not grant my resignation and I already have a ticket. Another thing, I have my own working visa when they hire me and the plane ticket coming here in Qatar was from my own pocket, they hire me as local. If they will not accept my resignation what is my other option to go back to my country?Tnx

By War10ck• 21 Sep 2011 22:52

Thanks Mike. Thats also what I've known thats why I gave a 30 days notice. My only concern is what if they will not grant my resignation and I already have a ticket. Another thing, I have my own working visa when they hire me and the plane ticket coming here in Qatar was from my own pocket, they hire me as local. If they will not accept my resignation what is my other option to go back to my country?Tnx

By anonymous• 21 Sep 2011 22:43
Rating: 5/5

Flor I don't believe what you are saying. The law only says you must provide 30 days notice, otherwise they could deduct the equivalent of that salary off your end of service entitlements.Guys please, READ THE LAW! (see art 49, part 2) which regulates the advance notice period.Article 57 stipulates that employers have the obligation of repatriating their workers.NO CONTRACT CAN OVERRIDE THESE ARTICLES! Article (49) If the service contract is of an indefinite duration any of the two parties thereto may terminate it without giving the reasons for the termination. In this case the party intending to terminate the contract shall notify the other party in writing as follows:­   1. In respect of the workers who receive their wages annually or monthly, the notification shall be given not less than one month prior to the date of the termination. If the period of service is five years or less. If the period of service is more than five years, the notification period shall be at least two months prior to the date of termination.   2.    In all other cases the notification shall be given in accordance with the following periods :   A) If the period of service is less than one year the notification period shall be at least one week. B) If the period of service is more than one year and less than five years the notification period shall be at least two weeks. C) If the service period is more than five years the notification period shall be at least one month.   If the contract is terminated without observing these periods, the party terminating the contract shall be obligated to compensate the other party for an amount equivalent to the wage for the notice period or the remaining part thereof. Article (57) Upon termination of the service of the worker the employer shall at his cost return him to the place from where he has recruited him at the commencement of the engagement or to any place agreed upon between the parties.   The employer shall complete the proceedings of returning the non­Qatari worker within a period not exceeding two weeks from the expiry date of the contract. If the worker joins another employer before his departure from the State the obligation to return him to his country or other place shifts to the latter employer.   The employer shall bear the costs of preparing the corpse of the deceased worker and the conveyance thereof to his country or place of residence upon the demand of his heirs.   If the employer does not repatriate the worker or his corpse after his death as the case may be the Department shall return the worker or his corpse at the cost of the employer and recover the said costs through the administrative means.

By War10ck• 21 Sep 2011 22:20

Sorry for asking this kind of q's. 'just want to know if they have the rights to stop me.Tnx a lot

By flor1212• 21 Sep 2011 22:16
Rating: 5/5

get an exit permit from this current company and go! Best of luck!

By War10ck• 21 Sep 2011 22:12

all benifits means 21 days leave pay & gratuity?  I already have a tiket and i also informed my company. by the way, i forgot to mention i have my own working visa when they hire me. they transfered only my wisa to the company when i joined. I also shoulder my plane ticket coming here which means they hire me as local.

By flor1212• 21 Sep 2011 22:00

Unless you give-up all your right for any benefit and buy your own ticket!Oh, and one more thing, 2-years ban.

By War10ck• 21 Sep 2011 21:57

does it mean the company has the right not to grant my resignation? considering that i dont have given a 30 days notice?tnx

By flor1212• 21 Sep 2011 21:47
Rating: 5/5

if you are on a strict 2-year contract, then it means that you are resigning early which has a somewhat negative thing against you.But if you have been good with your work and your more than 1 year stay had been fruitful to the company, it will be much easier to negotiate or talk with your management about your inetention.The worst that you can encounter is BUY your own ticket.  But if you have a one-year renewable contract, then you have the right to go home with your just benefits!

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