Renting a whole building or nothing (it makes me fume)

Time to rant a bit.
I was in the Ministry the other day and we were chatting about a growing problem.
These damn landlords want to rent out their WHOLE building or nothing at all.
Their logic is, "I want to rent the whole building to a company rather than have the stress of handeling seperate tenants".
This is causing a severe issue. Now the penalty for not renting will be implemented in the future where if a landlord does NOT rent his accommodation for 6 months, he will be responsible for paying 20% of the requested rent (all requested rent for an accommodation will have to be registered on a central database), per month.
This way, it helps to encourage rent.
However, I would like to hear all of your opinions. What do you think Qatar could do to encourage (or even push) landlords to rent?
YEa...landlords really dont like to give seperate tenants bcoz sum r real nusiance like they pay rent late with sum cheap excuses...this and that...wateva....
May be these landlords should give it to a single person or a company which will take care by itself in getting it rented and handle all the operations..
What u say, amnesia?
If this comes into reality it will be good for all expats in Doha, last year I was looking for a villa for a friend and they told me only if they would take the whole compound. Just too much.
The Barwa housing is something that is fully supported by the Authorities. It's a good step forward, however the only way to get rent down is to get apartments filled.
We never knew about the re-payement scheme, neverthless, I dont think it will be a mounting to task to rent apartments if its reasonable and affordable range.
There is buliding in Najma, for rent, and guess what, they want to rent the whole building to one person, (which most of the time becomes a real estate agent) in turn, the rent it high !!! How can middle or low income people afford as such.
Good news is , we can apply online for housing, but, its kind of lottery,, if we are lucky + meet the criteria,, we might get it ....
that makes the matter worse. This is the way that the developments are financed. The landlord does not have to make financing payments until the first apartment is rented. This means that if he has 40 apartments and has only rented one he has to start making repayments on the whole loan. This is why they want to rent the whole building at the same time. With the whole building rented out, the burden of financing repayments is low.
Victory attained by violence is tantamount to a defeat, for it is momentary. Mahatma Gandhi