Rent a Womb

Just read about a couple paying 20k pounds to "rent a womb" from a surrogate mother.
Whilst i don't have any problems with couples doing this, I worry whether this is exploitation - because the mother only gets about 3-5k pounds. The rest goes to the doctor or clinic.
Should there be a database of women wanting to offer this service directly - without the middle men ?
Would you utilise such a service ?
@ brit: what's the point? let's think from a financial point of view:
either pay 20k for a kid who isn't yours OR just adopt one for free (and maybe even get some money).
Morally (most lack this): why would i consent to bringing a new life in this world when there are thousands of other kids under 1 year that need parents?
Makes sense?
Honestly i wouldn't pick this option UNLESS i am unable to adopt. Whoever is choosing this is an incredibly immoral and selfish person/couple.
yes i agree with surrogacy, but not if a sister has a child for her sister etc..which has been known & also a mother carrying a child for her daughter! that is just to near the incestuous line for my liking
Surrogacy is used to help those couples have children, where they otherwise may not be able to. Do you not think it a good thing ?
Thanks, but no thanks.
this is sad. i don't think isupport it. i just can't understand this idea.i could never do it.
you sure is right dat is wonderful
Until the Govt Legalizes it, this Practice would be deemed illegal,
PS, i don't have a problem with this Practice considering it should be legal...
This is why I said that the middle men should be cut out. In developing countries especially, they take the bulk of the money.
As long as she enters into the contract willingly and knowingly, then the rate shouldn't matter. Think about how much the lawyers take in a settlement or agents fees.
would you offer this service to needy couples ?
ohh..poor's unfair..
I think it is certainly exploitation. The woman who has to bear all the emotional consequences of carrying another's child inside her body and all the physical predicaments should not be given just a small fraction of what the parents give forth. It should either be free or most of the money should go to the surrogate mother.
that's a 9-month contract with extreme hazardous work. 20k only?
Honestly i would just adopt if then need arises.