Religious Nutter

Self-declared rabbi guilty of child abuse
A self-proclaimed rabbi was convicted in Israel yesterday of abusing eight children, including a three-year-old beaten into a coma. The Jerusalem court that convicted Elior Chen, 30, said he believed “small children are filled with evil and only ‘purification’ can rid them of these harmful elements—meaning they must be beaten, tied up, burned and fed faeces”. Chen, who will be sentenced at a later date, was described as the spiritual leader of a group of four followers who obeyed his orders to assault the children. The eight siblings are the children of a woman with whom Chen lived. The abuse took place two years ago and the comatose child is still in that state.
Source: Gulf Times (Today)
So it's not just the Catholics that have problems then.
I have to say, this is one of the worst cases of abuse I have seen for a while. I can't even begin to imagine what those little angels had to endure.
I agree with WK, now "they must be beaten, tied up, burned and fed faeces” Grrrrr....
they should never be released, period.
these are extreme cases of psychopaths...they do things, not for any material gain but for their own gratification as they believe in something weird. they are criminals in the eyes of the law but mere punishment cannot transform them to normality.
they need to be treated on a case to case basis before they are released..
The man is evil , using the cloak of religion ..
Four of his folllowers have already been jailed for up to 20 years (well done to the judge).
They tortured children - feeding them feces and locking them in suitcases; one has been in a coma since 2008 after severe beating.
Yeah 4 other child abusers
he was a rabbi for the 4 isnt it?
What Religion ?!!?
He had only 4 followers....
its ridiculous calling him a "Rabbi"
Damn you hijackers!!!!!! stick to the topic now
FS and few tubes of superglue lol
oh on Arien...:( can someone hlep me find the missing pieces of my broken
"JD is the secret of ma energy "
FS - am taken :P
does that make him sober in the morning TB?
Arien I was about to ask your religion...seeing your signature...I am not asking...:(
your sign needs to get a life
And Tinkerbell - your siggy is exactly what I feel right now too... other than finding a map of the office outlay and packing a shotgun...
sign sucks bit time tinker :D
Yes that 54 year old Blondie is booked for Thursday. I still have friday and Saturday open for you Arein..:)
I was once kissed by a nun when I was young. I found that quite insulting?
Colt45 said FS ...My dad did law and he thought pretty much the same like you, is why asked that ;-)"
But but but ... one has to be a crook to catch a crook! Notoriety = street smart... :P
Pilgram . mine too :) , Morning UK ,did you hear from the 54 year after that? lol
My signature is proving more and more useful.
Yes religious can make you or break you.. There is nothing in between!
End of the day its the Marijuana called religion which transforms the weak to criminals and terrorists.Dumb it.Live as one, love oneanother.
My dad did law and he thought pretty much the same like you, is why asked that ;-)
Un-human. Did you ever seen the pictures of some African nations transplanting some sort of wings in the heads of children? Really Scary.
Colt... I almost studied law... but got scared of those notorious guys in the campus..:) I was very naive then....:(
Why didn't you study law and become a judge? :-)
WK after burning them will they be able to eat anything ??
Poor childrens...:(
such...rabbis..bishops..swamijis...all must be used as the target for shooting compettitions...Exploiting ppl in the name of religion!!
"they must be beaten, tied up, burned and fed faeces”
That's how his evilness must be removed in prison as well
This problem exists across ALL religions. For some reason, even good and responsible parents are willing to trust their children to priests..
Hope the guy gets life!
what a sick b*stard!