Rekindling Old Friendship...
Kate was strolling through the bazaar one day when she accidentally came across Terence. It had been quite some time since they had seen each other. The first thing Kate noticed was how his face beamed upon seeing her. How happy he was! They exchanged hellos and greeted each other. Both were happy to have stumbled, Terence more than Kate. And though Terence still had her number, he asked her still, to know whether she would give or not. Kate was in a bit of a dilemma for she did not want to make him sad,but she new that if she did give her number, what was to come. She gave it anyways. And from the next day on wards, Terence started calling her inconsistently! She ignored it for half a day, some dozens of calls of his. She knew he still liked her, but she did not want to encourage that behavior.
Next day she got a call from an unknown number and she happened to pick it up, and guess who it was. Her friend from the past, Terence! She stammered and told him that she was at work while he called, but he made her promise never to ignore his calls again. She thought about his words deeply, and pondered why he ever wanted to be friends with her so badly, knowing the fact that she liked him the least. If anything at all, she was only polite with him. But he never ceased to be the friend that she had so wanted in this lonely world. From then on, Terence would always be there for Kate, for things big and small.
Terence should focus on his work and not be distracted .. He should work hard and save money
Terence - Rizks
Kate - Chin Tu Fat
In other words "friends with benefits " - lucky Terence