Regarding the sexual scandal in Saudi

The guy has been arrested and he can be condemned up to death.
TV channel offices has been clausurated.
Sorry, link is in spanish, but Im sure you can find same info in any other english media or use google to translate:
I think this is a little over reacted.
and lie about sex, so how would that be enough evidence to convict someone of a capital offense?
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
He seemed like a 36-year-old teen who thinks he's being cool.
No...I tend to disagree there is a lot of validity to the saying, 'he who has not sinned, let them be the first to cast a stone' is exactly what should be applied to in this case....This is a moral issue and does not deserve the punishment being dont be a numb-skull and retort that would it apply if he had murdered etc blah blah blah....After his initial bragging he has expressed his desire to be forgiven let society if it has sympathy and maturity then let it rehabilitate him....any life is not ours to take.
Do not just blah blah the saying as it is not compatible with ur faith....the reason being is that it stops us from acting like hypocrites.....peace
I do agree, Abu, his stupidity is simply breathtaking and he did admit to what are crimes in Saudi. But I would hope that more evidence would be needed than just the word of a terminally brainless braggart.
PM, look here:
C'mon death penalty for this...we seen honor killings, terrorists, rapes, and abductions committed in this region not even condemned no one cries haram then...this brings even worse impression to society than his actions entail.
At the most maybe this guy needs to be counseled on his actions or is a sex-addict which is treatable, get psychiatric help, anything other than deserve to die for this...shows how backward and ignorant people who condemn him are as a result.
anyways he who has not sinned, let them be the first to cast a significant is this verse today? what about those who complied with him on his excursions, why let them get off scott free...why?
Dont u think we need to forgive someone for their mistakes...some do not realize it till later but still if they do they need to be rehabilitated as in this case.
be humble
Reassuring to know that it's not just westerners who lead debauched, sex-crazed lifestyles.
seem more interested to bad thing.
be humble
translated. Did you? I'd love to have a link to the translation if you have it.
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
PM, it's the same guy who's been sleeping around and bragging about it on TV.
I couldn't understand the Arabic so don't know if it was "haram" but I suspect the issue is that he did something illegal in Saudi.
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
Unfortunately it happens. The guy was an sleep around idiot and he will be made an example of. What he did was Haram on so many levels.
but I hope he isn't executed on the basis of a TV show.
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM long as he hasnt really harmed anyone else but himself and caused embarassment to his own family,i dont see why he should be punished at all..stupid laws..
Agree he was stupid but the death penalty?!!?!!? Seems out of proportion to his supposed crime. Going home to the wife and mother should be punishment enough.
........agree wid FS.......he should have thought abt the consequences.......this is totally harm in our sympathy for him........
at his age he really not come on maturity,,,the fact of the culture that he grown sorry for his mother who raise him,,cannot take back what he is done , now he must face the consequence and reality of beeing a cruel to the morality & dignity,,
A 32 yr old should have thought of the consequences before doing this cheap publicity...without taking into consideration of the laws of his country... if he was a teenager then its a different story.....
I feel sorry for his four sympathy for him
I feel sorry for the guy.Wonder what's in store for the family. Social stigma?
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)