Reckless Bus Driving in Qatar

On one fine morning (last saturday), I was on the way to Wakra from Abuhamour. I think it is a new road to wakra from Abuhamour (Near Barwa housing) It is a one lane road without any dividers for the opposite lane. I was overtaken by a Karwa Bus that is driving as if him in lusail circuit.
Ye really, and while the driver overtakes another land cruiser, he couldn’t able to get in to his lane before the other car from the opposite direction came. GOD !! I thought the guys in that car is khallaas ! suddenly the car took right and skid in the off road . Yes I saw that from my rear mirror, the car rotated 2 times on that off road and thisbus driver aint stopped the vehicle. I was still behind following him. We reached wakra road. Still this guy did the same, started overtaking other vehicles. And u know the funny thing, the speed limit for bus on wakra road is 80 kmh and I was driving behind him at 120 – 140 kmhr . So I wonder at what speed he is driving?
R u crazy!! and you have no right to point others while you did violation in serious way. Yes you will become "Zero" if you do it again dear.. please dont paly with life of others, if you want to kill yourself choose other way
Hate to point out the obvious,but he may have been speeding,but you were driving one handed making sure you got a good shot of the bus and speedo.
"People in glass houses" as I would argue that you were the more dangerous driver.
yes ooo with your reckless driving, others peoples lives are at risk too, you know, other drivers and possible pedestrians who you may not pay attention to because your busy debuting your first "film".
Driving at 240km even if your alone in the car still puts other drivers at risks, you dont relly get it do you...
You are "the pot calling the kettle black". Do you "understand" that.
the landcruiser is faster than you and the Karwa bus. report the bus and you'll find yourself fined. Using a video while driving, particularly at 140Kph, geez, is as worse like driving on a mobile phone.
ye, i drive recklessly !! I drive at 240 on shamal road , and max speed on wakra road is 220.. I drive like that only when i'm alone in my car !! But his case is different . The life's of many people is on the hand of that bus driver !! And i don wana waste my time complaining him and to ruin his life !! I just showed how these guys drive and just a warning to those passengers who use karwa bus !! understood !!!!
how ironic, your posting a thread on reckless driving while you are driving and recording with your mobile at the same time and you were also speeding. practice what you preach dude. looks like your the reckless driver here too.
well 000 u did good by posting there video! but if u show this to police they wll say u that u were also driving at 140 and while driving using mobile...loool they wll volitate u but its hard to catch the karwa driver coz no number plate can see =P anyways i guess we qatariz now should do races wid karwa bus drivers!! =P
Abdullah Al Quraishi
Pennypitstop.. hahaha.. the angry White Van Man...really reminds me of my driving through London...
Guess there it is the white van man.. Here it is the white pickup Indian (no offence intended..only using Indians as 80% of the expat here are from India)
Sorry to say but rather like England most bus drivers are mad men. They are the poor realtives of 'White Van Man'.
It must be frustrating here to drive a bus. Are they penalised if they don't get to places on time?
Not making excuses for them at all but it would be interesting to know if that is ONE of the reasons they drive so badly (tried to think of a better word) but badly will do.
I refuse to go into Karwa taxis as well. They also drive like 'White Van Man' but again only worse.
My thoughts are my own, but I doubt my Mum would agree with some of them.
bus drivers thought they're driving a mini cooper!
"I do live by the motto that pessimists are usually right, but all the great change in history was done by optimists" -Thomas Friedman
someone should talk to this bus drivers... i was driving on the slow lane going to industrial area and this bus behind me was flashing his headlights! What the Eff?!!! im on the slow lane you &^*&^$... i didnt speed up but slowed down, that pissed him off.
And the taxi drivers are the same! Paging Mowasallat, this says a lot about how you train your drivers.
i know what we need here American police like those who come in TV ( most .... drive ) lol
120 dam what was he thought he driving motor cycle ??or because he drive karwa bus that so huge , thought he have the road
irresponsible Karwa Bus driver. No need to tell my story, it's understandable!
"I do live by the motto that pessimists are usually right, but all the great change in history was done by optimists" -Thomas Friedman
The oldest buses are so slow that, on the Dukhan to Doha route, they take out a fuse to make it go further. The fuse powers the a/c. Lovely in the summer, can you imagine? Also, sometimes they stand up to take the fuse out from a box to the left of the driver in the roof while they are driving!!
Apart from that they are nice guys. I have never had a problem in 3 years of regularly using Karwa.
lol ..DaRuDe !!! :)
Maybe he was experiencing a severe call of the Nature. And could not hold it any longer. Most of them are real idiots, strange but true.
IMI - The Screen Behind The Mirror
"I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent."
"The best way to destroy an enemy is to make him a friend."
sure why not all i need to do is get some masala on you and throw you down in the sea and all the fish will come to eat you then catch as many as you like :P
lol UkEngQatar @ 'beeping '
DaRu.. agreed !!.. but promise me, u ll catch some fish for me ... ;)
not now on friday morning to corniche the port where ever one fish :P
I was shocked when a Karwa driver, driving like a flying qatari over took me from the inside along the Mesaieed Wakar Road the other day.. I am sure that my speedometer was beeping I wonder if his speedometer was beeping too..
NOW ?? :O temme wer to come with my car.. :P
oohh.. thnX DaRuDe...
And nice driver too... :)
Anyone having info about a good secondary school in Doha?
no thanks DaRuDe
i want a ride now you nastygal
red speedo meter
tat too very urgent
ye, i was driving and videoing !! :)
see, if he is only overtaking in wakra road, its oke. I tol na, he was overtaking in that single lane road (like the road near sealine).Even Qataries where driving properly on that road !
And yesterday night i saw one big accident on that same road. That reminds me of posting this here..
You were driving and videoing?!?!??! Tut, tut.
Looks like everyone speeding on that road (lots overtaking the bus). And he indicated to overtake.
i forgot to look at the number plate.. i was concentrating on my video and drving ! :)
lol rms.. !! well, i was following him.. :)
Report him to the police.
And ye, u wer also violating the traffic rule. How can u drive at 140 when the speed limit is 120 ? :P
LOL @ 'lusail circuit' ..