Recession Rage - Gunman kills US Police !

Another new term - "Recession Rage" .. Psychologists must be having a ball...
Fears of "recession rage" were growing in the US last night after a second man who had recently lost his job shot dead three police officers in Pittsburgh.
Two other officers were wounded after the man opened fire on them when they responded to a domestic disturbance. The gunman was later arrested after surrendering following a four-hour stand-off.
Richard Poplawski, 23, was armed with an assault rifle and two other guns and was said to be depressed after losing his job and feared the Obama administration was poised to ban guns.
Meanwhile, it emerged yesterday that the man who shot dead 13 people and then killed himself at an immigrant community centre in the small American college town of Binghamton on Friday was depressed because he was unemployed and had difficulty in learning English.
Though exact details of the personal history of Jiverly Voong, 42, were still unknown, local mayor Matthew Ryan told ABC News that he had recently been laid off.
The Observer
Write like A civilized person have your own thread..I'll go there...Don't leave your shit here...
Although I am not for suicide but sometimes we cannot condemned those who have done it...that's the way out they chose...
"Jack Frost VS Jack Cool"
Salute,Comrade Dragonfly!! How are you? :-)
its the capitalism that failed doing their formula because its results of private profit taking.
Everybody is right everybody is wrong, it depend where you stand
it is the american Security and exchange commission that missed the flaw.
No Dragonfly we should blame the banks and their bad mortgages.
Brit, they go nuts, plain and simple. When it's less trying times people might notice it, or care more, but the thing is, everyone around him was probably in the same boat and worrying about their own problems, that's why he slipped through.
So, Cynbob, you're going to get some bloke who is on the edge, worrying about his job (or having lost it), the bills, the debts, the mortgage and how the hell he's could hold it all together and you're going to tell him he's got to talk to a therapist about it because, on top of everything else, he's failing psychologically? What good would "therapy" do when you're being thrown on the street with your family and don't have any food?
provided these 'Credit' facitilies to suck innocent people from the 'Interest' money, who showed them the fake dreams ? It's the Govt. who supported the Banks and Financial institutes to go ahead and suck their blood.
But in reality the recession hits from the USA, because the world financial market is in USA, which crashed and took other Giant Banks and Companies with it ...
Spike LOL!!
Agree with Cynbob...that's why it's good to moan and whine than to keep it all inside then lose sanity...
"Jack Frost VS Jack Cool"
shall we all blame american for the recession problems just like what brasil president says "is all because the blue eyes people, the white people"??
I dont think that wise. i think this recession are all of us to blame because our greediness to have fancier car, bigger house, shining shoes, sparkle jewelry, who got bigger rock, and so on.
Everybody is right everybody is wrong, it depend where you stand
The perfect scenerio would be educating society about identifying these rage-filled people and get them help before they ruin their lives, as well as the lives of innocent victims and their families.
Often these 'types' often don't overtly disclose their feelings of helplessness until it's too late.
How many times have we heard, "I can't believe it! He/she was such a quiet person, always kept to him/her self...I never dreamed this would happen."
scenario ...
I will never support such act... this is strictly frobidden and God hates such people who do suicide.
Gypsy, I'd say it's probably more that if the foundation of your existence is the responsibility to feed and house your family and suddenly your ability to do that vanishes, then you are liable to become utterly irrational and react like a cornered animal. That would explain why the man in Speed's link killed his family first - to protect them from his inability to look after them. Twisted, yes, but it has an insane logic and is a form of behaviour that has been repeated numerous times.
I could not agree with your and Gypsy's suggestion. If they kill themselves, it did not solve any problem. The proper suggestion is seek counseling!
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
I was really saden with this story :
One side I agree with Gypsy, why to kill others? If you want to kill yourself just do it ...
I guess there's a 'sense of entitlement' among certain people which makes them even more prone to 'rage's like this when confronted with a situation that makes them feel powerless. What better way to level that off by taking oneself to a position where one can dispense life and death at will...really SICK, I say!
Gypsy, they hardly moan that's why...
all the negative emotions files up and when it explodes its with a Bang!!!!
"Jack Frost VS Jack Cool"
We've all been there.
But what makes a person take that step of taking a human life to "avenge" the wrongs in his life ?
They have termed it "rage" because these people are angry. They feel that they have been unjustly treated. They take their anger out on other innocent people.
These people, despite having family, friends, etc., have lost their way. They are SICK individuals and I too, wish they would contain their anger and just rid the world of only themselves.
I think the problem is that men specifically relate their financial and job situation to their egos. When they lose that, they break down, and this is what happens. They feel emasculated, and what's more masculine then going on a killing spree.
i think of it more, that human are so fragile. just because they lost their job they kill other people. why we all so afraid of not having anything. pathetic really. so materialistic.
we forget that we still have family, friends and most important compassion to feel love.
Everybody is right everybody is wrong, it depend where you stand
Sadly this is a result of an economic downturn. Personally I prefer the ones who just kill themselves.
We all get depressed, but why do these type of cases usually occur in the USA ?
Is it because of the availabilty of weapons, TV , Video games ?
What ?