A really sad story! Any comments ?

UK couple 'abandoned IVF twins because they were girls'
The British hospital where a couple who travelled to India for IVF treatment reportedly dumped their newborn twins when they found out they were girls confirmed today that twins were born “healthy and well” at the hospital.
The Sun reported that the mother, 59, and father, 72, travelled to India for fertility treatment that would not have been allowed in Britain because of their age.
The parents, who were born in India but are British citizens living in Birmingham, reportedly told doctors they did not want the “wrong sex” babies immediately after the children were born by Caesarean section in Wolverhampton’s New Cross Hospital a fortnight ago.
The newspaper said that the husband then asked medics how long it would be before his wife was fit enough to fly back to India for more IVF treatment in the hope of getting a boy to continue the family name.
Today a spokeswoman for New Cross Hospital said: “We can confirm a pair of twins were born at New Cross Hospital. They were healthy and well. They were born here because the maternity (facility) where the parents were living was busy, so a few days later they were transferred to a Birmingham hospital, where the parents were living.”
It was reported that the twins have not been visited a single time while in hospital.
A spokesman for Birmingham Council’s social services department said that he could not confirm any details, while a spokeswoman for West Midlands Police said she was not aware of any police involvement in the case.
Countries such as India are known to display a cultural preference for sons. An investigation by the BBC Asian Network last year showed that between 1990 and 2005 almost 1,500 fewer girls were born to Indian mothers in England and Wales than would have been expected for that group.
John Paul Maytum, spokesman for the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA), which licenses and monitors IVF clinics, said that treatment in the UK was regulated to ensure babies’ welfare.
He said: “Under UK law, before anybody is given treatment, there’s a requirement that the doctor must take account of the welfare of any children born. You’re making sure that the children will go into a safe and loving environment. If the doctor has any doubts about that then they shouldn’t give treatment - that’s part of the British system.”
He added that sex selection of embryos for social reasons was illegal in the UK, and surveys showed that 80 per cent of people were opposed to the practice.
IVF treatment on the NHS is subject to guidelines from the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (Nice), which recommend a mother judged eligible should be offered up to three cycles of IVF if she is between 23 and 39 years old at the time of treatment.
It isn't just sad..it is a shameful indeed..
Son preference, sex selection, female foeticide, whatever we want to call it, is a dark side of India in the 21st Century. We boast of our prowess in IT. Yet technology is being used in this country to fashion a future without women, or with very few of them. Is this progress?
I know, bringing about changes in the demand for sex determination is a long process and the key is through women’s education and empowerment including the right to property and land rights. States in the North East and in Kerala where women have these rights show a comparatively better sex ratio.
[img_assist|nid=52086|title=Life is never boring, but some people choose to be bored.... Boredom is a choice. - Wayne W. Dyer|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
am in agreement that hopefully they will be adopted out to kind, loving parents.
They're too old to be parents anyway...(contraversial I know but hey!)......the poor things will hopefully be given to parents who actually want them an will live long enough to see their 10 th birthday!
"It is dangerous to be sincere unless you are also stupid."
- George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)
"...You might have seen a housefly, maybe even a superfly, but I bet you ain’t never seen a donkey fly. Ha, Ha, Ha..." Donkey
It is sad that those who want to have children very often can't have them, and these who don't deserve to be parents are blessed with offsprings....
still think people who have an ulterior motive to having children, other than to love, cherish and care for them, put them first, show them how to become caring adults etc should never be allowed to have them in the first place
The reason probabaly has to do with inheritance and continuing the bloodline.. They probably want boys to continue the family name.
Just goes to show there are lots of sick people out there?!
that's why further from that...
I really don't get this mentality. What makes anyone think like that?
If I call their behaviour animal, it would be unfair on animals.
The only consistent feature in all of your dissatisfying relationships is you.!
a very sad story...
seems to me this couple really wanted to have children to the extent of going to India for IVF, why then, would they take that chance, and go to all that trouble if all they wanted was boys?
We cant predict at the moment of conception, what sex the baby or babies will be and later in pregnancy I don't believe parents should be told the sex of their baby for that reason.
How they could take the babies to full term and then turn their backs on them?
where was the screening process that we have in the Uk before anyone can go for IVF??
a sample of typical animal behavior of human... actually, further from that...
At their age they should be grateful to be blessed with a chance. So many couples never have that joy.
Motivation is when your dreams put on work clothes.
- Ben Franklin
It shows that the indian cultural values have over-ridden their parental responsibilities. I hope they are prosecuted for their actions and a good loving home found for the babies..
they should be held accountable for their actions. It's difficult to understand how their mind works.
Then to ask how long before they can try again!
In the Cookies of Life, FRIENDS are the Chocolate Chips
i m with swissgirl
Live and let live...
Pathetic.. What are kids now, disposable commodities? Some law or such must be there to stop them. What if the next kid is a girl? Dump it and go again?
Motivation is when your dreams put on work clothes.
- Ben Franklin
(luv my daughter soooooooooooo much)!!!!!!!!!!!!!
they should be jailed for life.