Re: You must be so proud !!! What a good advertisment for you .....

JACKSONVILLE, North Carolina :
The body of a women was charred, and the fetus was in the victim's abdomen, Brown said, describing the scene. ...
The remains of an adult and a fetus were found Saturday in a shallow grave in Laurean's backyard in North Carolina, Brown announced Saturday.
The fetus was developed enough that the "little hand was about the size of my thumb. The little fingers were rolled up," he said.
"One of the things that will probably stick with me for a long time, and forever, is that little hand, the way those fingers were turned, that had been burned off the arm. That is bizarre. That is tragic. And it's disgusting."
Read whole story:
Speed comments:-
I purposely posted this for the purpose of illustration only !! (no harms pls.)
This does not mean that the WHOLE NATION is same? I don't understand those closed minded people who just take one incident and just post it to blame on whole Community ??
Every country has problems, bad and good people are everywhere !! One should be free to post anything but in a good manner where people share their view in a professional way ....
Peace to All :-)
Actually there was a case recently of an old man who had been dead in his apartment in Australia for a year.
And yes people were ashamed of themselves because they felt it was indicative of a breakdown in community.
Do you feel the crime represents the general disintegration of the community/moral values??? Then yes people should be ashamed.
And no I haven't forgotten the burning of witches a few hundred years ago a present day analogy would be when there are mob attacks on paedophiles.
If it were only a humanitarian point of view - which it isnt,the sarcasm rubbishes the humanitarian view, I reckon most people would have gone along with the sad indictment of the rural and tribal customs - which are expected to be barbaric,we havent forgotten,have we the burning of "witches" due to heresy not so long ago in the UK?
Peace to all!Dont intend to hurt anyone's nationalistic, religious or other feelings.
Oh you need not to mention (including parts of Canada) ;-) we do understand that Canada exist in this part of the world ;p
Oh I would say LOTs of rural communities in many many different countries (including parts of Canada) would react this way given the opportunity. :)
"How come I can pick my ears but not my nose? Who made up that rule anyway? How come you say that's the way it is, that's just the way it goes, maybe you should decide for yourself what you can do and what you can say." Ani Difranco
Without generalizing, I'd say yes its their way of thinking in this particular case. However, many other rural areas due to inadequate exposure to education, rational human behavior and lack of judicial authority, may or may not react differently.
2400 QL Points!
Way to go Ray!!!
Good point SPeed :P Although I would hate to think Anyone anywhere thinks of politicians as the best examples of anyones society. :P
Rayyz, so would you say that the article was an example of rural Indian thinking?
"How come I can pick my ears but not my nose? Who made up that rule anyway? How come you say that's the way it is, that's just the way it goes, maybe you should decide for yourself what you can do and what you can say." Ani Difranco
but we can call her DC since she comes like a Voltage in QL ;-)
DG ;-)
Who on earth is DC!!!? LOL
2400 QL Points!
Way to go Ray!!!
How r u doing ? long time !! huh ...
Not denying what happened there was something to be proud of, it was indeed deplorable.
But the entire topic of debate is about the comments that followed by Mr. Paul in the other thread, which is what really irked me to say the least. No way does it give a license for someone call whole nation's thinking as similar. One has to actually visit some remote villages in India to see how they work, their mentality and their upbringing.
Moreover, the report itself sounds a little dubious to me. In one place it says the woman was a part of plan in kililng her husband and other places it says she wasn't a part of it. It also says that police were present whereas the head of police says that they reached the scene after the incident got over. Who would you believe?
2400 QL Points!
Way to go Ray!!!
Not really, in India for example the village mentality is very different to that of big city dwellers. How can you compare hi-tech India with subsistence village life for another example?
Love is the answer...
If that is the case then even 1 individual also represents the WHOLE NATION , the best example it the President of the Country !!
Just to play devils advocate, but surely an entire village (200 people) DOES represent the country more then 1 individual. If the situation was reversed say, and that village did something wonderful, like gang together to send aid to starving people, or the like, they would be hailed as a great example of the country, whereas you could never really say that one individual represents the mentality of a whole country no matter what they do.
"How come I can pick my ears but not my nose? Who made up that rule anyway? How come you say that's the way it is, that's just the way it goes, maybe you should decide for yourself what you can do and what you can say." Ani Difranco
I agree with you .... that is why I clearly mentioned "for purpose of illustration only !! (no harms pls.)"
Even thou, a small village does not reflect to a whole nation in particular :p
for example : same way one can dig brutal stories of military action in Iraq and Afghanistan (gang rape of a young girl/ abuse of prisoners/ killing innocent civilians) so they can be called an "Army Village" ;-)
Exactly the point!
Whether its an individual or a small village, both have their heads all screwed up. So why blame entire nation for it!? It's those individuals who're at fault.
2400 QL Points!
Way to go Ray!!!
I just wanted to point that these particular two events are not comparable in anyway. One involves the mentality of a whole community, the other one the mentality of one individual. There is just no comparasion.
butterfly/ rayyz ...
I believe whoever joins QL is becomes part of QL Family/ Community here ?
I can collect hundreds of cases/stories from East to West n North to South
But the way I post tell others about my mentality !! How come Mr. Paul predict that Whole Nations is the same if a small village did (say 200 people) did that crime, i believe it happened due to lack law and order situation.
So many cases happening in other countries too but that one should not blame to other Peaceful people of that same Nation?
Havent read the full story, but I assume that was done by ONE sick individual, and not by one whole sick VILLAGE with police officers watching the crime?
there is a difference.
Read between the lines dude... my previous post was a small collective extract of Mr. Paul's lines from the other post too! :P :)
2400 QL Points!
Way to go Ray!!!
Wake up buddy ... read my comments then post your views !!
this is in reply to another thread not my point of view :-)
What a good advertisment for your country...... i think you should all be ashamed of yerselves !!!
2400 QL Points!
Way to go Ray!!!