Random Qtel stuff

Some guy from Qtel got in touch with me. I thought I should drop his statements here, just in case anyone might find them useful.
With regards something I "retweeted" on twitter about Qtel blocking SIPS-based voice-over-IP:
For information, Qtel isn’t blocking access to VOIP services provided by others. There are a few cases in Qatar where VOIP clients are using more bandwidth than is available on people’s ADSL service or can be handled by international connections. These services have also caused a few other sites to have access issues, but – while I understand why people might think that – Qtel is not responsible for these access issues.
As you will understand, Qtel does not support third party applications or devices because they are outside of Qtel control. Usually we recommend that people contact the vendor from where the device has been purchased, but there is also some technical advice available for those that need it.
In response to recent evidence of Etisalat spying on their BlackBerry customers:
Interestingly, same question on spyware was asked during the launch of Qtel's customer charter (which has Qtel Customer's Right to Privacy as one of its promises). Qtel said they fully support the secure environment provided by RIM and would not issue patches that compromised this.
' bleu We can't help you with that. Have a nice day, any other issues?
I have been connected at 4200k since the 4MB upgrade months ago and no settings were changed, it's an issue on your side!!!!
We can't help you with that. Have a nice day, any other issues?"
Good grief, What a service...I can't even get this quality of service right here at home in the US. I envy you guys. LOLLLLLL
put up a complaint in ict qatar if they arent helping you out..i have a long history of fights with qtel..no response for a week or so..and when i escalate things..by evening it gets solved..
For giving them the best fight:
1. Lodge complaint
2. Do as they say in the complaint (duhh u know they are dumb but still just for funnn..)
3. wait for somedays like 2 to 3 days.
4. No response then escalate to ict qatar.
5. If u get a response that issue solved but still facing problems then call them blast them and complaint in ict qatar.. :)
Have fun..hehehehe..
I had put an order to shift my landline and believe me there's no info from qtel until i myself call and ask status..my complaint was lodged and resolved but i couldnt see the line in my house..lol..m waiting for the appointment tommorow..otherwise tadaaaaaaa..ICT qatar rocks.. :P
SecretAgent, they won't admit it, but they do block them.
The idiot on the line kept insisting that my line was 8MBps even when I was telling him that I was connected at 666kbps the remote FEC (forward error correction) counter is 328518 and that the downstream attenuation is 45dB (upstream is much higher - >100dB).
Ok, I want to know a couple of things.
Does Qtel block certain types of software on mobile phones over 3g ?
For example, I have tried to use a program called SEVEN which can forward all my email to my phone over 3g. However, it doesnt work over 3g with Qtel. When I use it over wifi it works. When I use it over three 3g on a network abroad it works. On Qtel, it does not work over 3g. Is that because they intentionally block ?
Also, the popular program FRING does not work over 3g with Qtel. Again, it works over wifi, but not Qtel 3g.
I want to know if Qtel blocks such programs, so I dont have to keep wondering if I am doing something wrong on my end ! If I ask Qtel they have no idea what I am talking about and deny they block anything.
did u have a nice day??
"As you will understand, Qtel does not support third party applications or devices because they are outside of Qtel control. Usually we recommend that people contact the vendor from where the device has been purchased, but there is also some technical advice available for those that need it. "
When I called 111 for the 666k connection on my 4MBps link (supposedly upgraded to 8MBps yesterday):
How many people on the connection?
Just me.
Are you using the QTel modem?
I'm using a linksys router.
We can't help you with that. Have a nice day, any other issues?
I have been connected at 4200k since the 4MB upgrade months ago and no settings were changed, it's an issue on your side!!!!
We can't help you with that. Have a nice day, any other issues?
Good on them