Random Acts Of Kindness

Hi All,
I have not posted for a long time but feel compelled to tell you about a random act of kindness that was afforded me by a complete stranger.
In January 2009, I posted a summary of my CV on QL in the hope that an employer, or indeed anybody who could help would pick up on it. My family and I were in a grave situation in the UK, following my being made redundant 1 week before Christmas and being 2 months away from losing our home.
I received one reply, from a person, who you all know as Penny Pitstop and I have watched with interest the comments regarding opinions towards her. Penny had been in a similar situation and felt compelled to ensure that another family, particularly one with 2 very young children did not have to endure the misery of losing everything.
I came to Doha in February with my colleague and throughout were supported, not only by Penny, but her family, who welcomed us as if family. Towards the end of our visit, with no prospects currently on the horizon, Penny invited us both to stay with her family, free of charge, despite it causing a significant amount of upheaval - This was all done by Penny and her family, with no feeling of imposition and with no willingness to accept any gratitude - "We just wanted to do it, we would not want anybody to have to go through that situation", was the favourite comment to any offer of thanks.
Fortunately, since this time and with a huge amount of assitance from Mr Pitstop, I have secured employment, with a reputable company and with a package that means we, as a family, will survive.
I wanted to recognise somebody who has become a dear friend and made a significant difference to a family, with absolutely no agenda other than wanting to help another Human Being.
You are welcome to your opinions, however I did want to redress the balance in some way.
I hope that I will pass on the act of kindness, when I get the opportunity.
This is my last post, a sincere thank you Penny and family from all the Manumission family xxx
Hi, this is Pennny. You lot are just as racist as me. Lets go over the posts; I have seen the term Paki,Thirld World, smelly Indians, why do Westerners get the best jobs, we as Indians and Pinoys etc are better< is that not racist?
I am racist but so are YOU! I have had one other name on here and you did not guess it right at all. However, I agree I was racist, as 95% of you were, so please don't play the smug card. All of you are. So get over it.
Now you say:Would I help a starving Indian or Pinoy.I do all the time.
I have to ask, do you help your fellow country men?
You earn more. So why is up to me? I help anybody from anywhere but especially a Brit. However, I was the first to give and supply when Novita asked about giving to charity.
Yet, when I have gone to charity functions for Indians and Pinoys, it has not been Pinoys and Indians that has given. It has been the Westerners. So who is racist????
Sorry, I have had one other name on here and so HAVE ALL of you. I do more for charity; as in give to Indians and Pinoys and as you say 'Pakis' than you.
I am a Special Needs Teacher, I give my services for free as I love kids and I want to help.
So please keep guessing my name and keep insulting me. Oh by the way...Manumision is not my husband at all. His story is real.
My husband did lose his job over here, Manu did post and I helped. I did feed him, we did get him a job and yes we put him up for free.
By the way we also helped our Indian driver get to England and our Sri Lankin maid be helped to get to America. So NO I am not racist at all, you lot are.
I know this wont be posted. But it will be posted elsewhere.
I am glad to know that Penny helped Manu, but any poster who gets banned a half a dozen times doesnt do it for their "random comments of kindness' to the QL folk.
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
and taking a short sabbatical. Need to recharge! :)
manumission is pennypitstop / cuteydog / etc as well...
as he said this is his last post, so maybe this is one way to clear her name...
Way too complicated--whatever.
sheesh she has some identity issues... penny for her pitstop, cum-mum? mity-pain, loopy-ladys wtf sorta nicknames are that!!
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
Ididnotin...ooopppsss exhale.....
Everything gonna be alright!!!
pennypitstop = cumfymum = calamitypain = gloopygladys = cuteydog = ???
Thnx for your post. Nice to learn that penny folks are compassionate. I nearly wrote a nasty comment about them & just missed posting it. Keep up the good work. Cheers.
man-on-a-mission. What mission????????????? Ummmm. let me think???????
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
First Jade Goody and Now Penny..
2009 must be the year of "rehabilitation"
hmmm...maybe she had hidden agenda in helping him....
I'm happy that she's (all) NICE to you (sugary and with SPICE)...but hey, you're from UK, just like her.
I do doubt if she would extend the same to the Indians and Filipinos and T(W)CNs?
This still doesnt change the fact that she was being an arse on QL, no one is judging her by the things she did for you, sure she may be a nice person, but then we gave our comments on her for what she did on QL and her ways of thinking about other nationalities, wonder if she would have taken in a poor starving Indian labourer and treated him with so much kindness, or perhaps a Pinoy?
Whatever doesnt change anything for me good for you, and good for her too.
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
It was so inspiring to hear such act of kindness from an individual...hope you could also do the same thing if opportunity arises...Goodluck to your life here in Qatar...Just enjoy Life and always be happy...=)
Mitzzyy Mitz '09
Penny Pitstop back on Forum i am going on strike now till she doesnt get back.
Countrywoman com Cutydog come Pennypitstop.. many names of the same Character.
If Manumission what you have written is True then I would say never judge a person for what he is on the outside but also worth looking inside too
Read properly guys...manumission is refering to her husband as Mr. Pitstop.
Did she ask you write this to show us the otherside of her? Why am I not surprized..lol
Pennypitstop actually has a heart after all. Good for you, Penny! Now stop being so mean on QL.
is a male?
amen... pass it on to others and to others to pass it on to others as well, its the best cycle in life!
I hope you do appreciate this act of kindness. Many people would not be that nice or could afford that level of help.
Thanks for being nice.
so nice to know that there are still people like Penny Pitstop.
have a copy, will loan if meet.penny?are you with us penny?(looks inside the laptop screen)lol
loved that movie!Paying it forward...
inspires me...
"I don't go back on my words, that's my way of ninja"
What he wrote made you think that Penny might be a male? If I'm not mistaken, you've met her too, right?
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
pay it forward to three people,regardless if you know them or not.
to penny,wherever you are,thank you for helping manu.