Racism in Qatar
Racism in Qatar...does it really exist taking into account that Qatar is a Muslim society and the Holy Qur'an as we all know strictly bans any form of racial discrimination. The stuff of "Al-Arab" caried out a special investigation and seemed to find out something interesting.
What do you think of that?
Well, I meant something different 8-))))
Amici - congratulation for being one of us..let just be true to ourselves that it still exist in everyone of us. It still comes to us unexpectedly..
called Kabir Das ...I'll try my best to translate it into english..
I went searching for evil but could not find any and then looked into my own heart and realized that all the evil was there!
Unfortunately that just does not have the original punch...for thooe of you who know hindi...
Bura jo dekhan mai chala bura na milia koi..Jo dil dekha aapna mujhsa bura na koi..
but you know, I only experienced extreme racism here in Doha. After years here, sometimes, I already feel like a racist myself hating the racists by becoming racist myself. bad of me.Ive not become a beter person by joining them
Fair enough!
CBD, you have your opinion, i have mine..
IMHO..they are not the same..racial discrimination is when you discriminate peopl for thier race...while racim is an absolute term that means distinguishing races..
unless you add an adjective to it..you may not be able to say it is good or bad..
IMHO, racism = discrimination.. basically almost the same, hence the term "racial discrimination"
CBD, gotta agree with cynbob, can I have your rose coloured glasses?? There's a HELL of a lot of discrimination in Qatar, and while I would never say every Qatari is racist, or even half of Qatari's are racist, I have seen some that are VERY racist. I've been to a camp where the Filipina's (who were there as guests as well) were told to serve the Qataris & Westerners present!
Everyone hates everyone, whatelse is new??
English vs Scot !
British vs Aussie
Aussie vs Kiwi
English vs french
why? coz qatari are with the same race of indians... asian race....but discrimination...definitely, its so obvious that discrimination is existing here.
qatari vs indian
arab vs. arab
filipno vs. indian
etc., etc., etc.
You're right. I get on famously with some dear Chinese friends at the Ramada..
has Qatari down as his nationality. So he, of course, has to follow the official view as UKEng says. "We are all a happy non racist society here in Qatar"
i take back discrimination...as it happens even to Qataris and will stick to aparthied..
you have only commented on discrimination so I believe we agree on aparthied..long time ago..much longer than 100+ years..
Are you sure that you are living in Qatar and can honestly say that "discrimination against races have ended long time ago"?
Can I have a prescription to your rose colored glasses?
yah i agree with you its all over the world
racism is a human nature..
if a European guy marries an African woman, people will notice the different culture and it will not be seen the same if he or she married from the same culture..this is racism...however, it does not mean something bad..
racism becomes bad when it translates to violence and actions against different race just because they are different race..
Qataris are racist for sure when you define racism as realising the different races..but, in Qatar, aparthied and discrimination against races have ended long time ago.
Call it what it is. Racism is discrimination. According to Webster's dictionary, discrimination is to distinguish; to make distinctions in treatment; show partiality or prejudice.
Ah, yeah, it occurs here.
No there is No racism in Qatar. People here all live happily with each other. This is the official view.
Maybe its not racsim, more to do with classism the locals seem the Indian workers, etc as the hired help and therefore beneath them!
Well according to the newspaper, a random survey on 300 person (locals & expats) was conduct (60.33%arabs, 35.66 Asians & 4% Europeans).The outcome was that 56% of participants find their self racist
each one has their own little bit of racism. The Indians ever have racism against their own in their own country!! Well admittedly its a big country with lots of different types of people.......
I saw it in my car while driving towards that Cafeteria. It happened so quickly that by the time when i parked my car and got outside he was already gone.
I agree with tallg
Its all over the world.
I think it's racist to post an Arabic article in an English forum.
Why didnt u stick up for him? or are u scared of Qatari's also?
If i saw that, i would have jumped right in there instead of feeling bad about it later...
What the Koran says and what its followers practice, are 2 different things!
Racism is very common in M.E.
Once i saw one Qatari guy jumped out from his LANDCRUISER and start slapping one poor indian guy working in his small cafeteria on small financial dispute. Gossshhhhhhh, you would cry to see that indian's poor red face. His eyes were filled with tears in anger as he couldn't do anything about his owner in Qatar. I really felt that I should cut off that person's hands. Land lord was using very abusive language to him and doing so, he left.
Furthermore, i have seen many such incidents of Anti Racism and feel very much uncomfortable living in Qatar
I think it's in Arabic and I can't read it.
yes it does.. been discussed lots of times..
Yes it DOES exist. I have met several Scots who hate the English!