QTEL TV provider
Any one know other provider for TV. QTEL amaze me by their customer satisfaction. Adding simple package and pay them extra money and service is not provided!
The amazing about it is to stay on 111 line for an hour listening for their adds. talking with representative does not solve the problem. I had to talk with four they have different due dates!
I need other TV provider... Had enugh
Went to Starlink on Thursday night and chose my package. Got my OSN installed this afternoon. And it is excellent.
Glad to help! :)
Thanks for you all and special thanks to Pink hippo17 as I will go to star link shop and install OSN package.
Message them in Facebook, they response pretty quick.
thanks a lot!
For anyone else interested in OSN:-
No problem! :)
Cool thanks PH
When we went to get our internet with Qtel we did inquire about the tv and the guy who served us actually told us not to bother as it was full of problems..So took his advice..lol
You pay one month in advance depending what package, and installation was free..It's all through direct debit in Dubai.Was very quick service!.They just put the box in and set it up for you..And yeah think it was star link!
I think the shop your talking about is Star Link..
Ok I have answered my own question on the per month for the package. But I am interested to know what the equipment and installation came to.
If you don't mind me asking Pink hippo17, how much did the OSN package cost (equipment and installation / per month)?
I went to the mall below zig-zag towers and got osn from a shop that is a provider for osn..Sorry can't remember the name of the shop!..We picked our package,payment came out and they came the next day with the box and installed it..Have had no problems with it at all..Good luck :)
Couldn't be bothered with Qtel!
The best time to call 111 is in the morning between 7.30 to 8.30 and if you are not getting a response you are free to send an e-mail to the customer care. I am always getting a very good service from them. I had a problem recently with Mozaic and got it cleared in two days.
Don't tell me you still have problem.