Qtel increases mailbox size!!!!
To reflect today’s massive surge in the use of email as an important day-to-day tool to keep in touch with friends, family and business colleagues around the world, we are pleased to inform you that Qtel will upgrade your barQ ADSL email storage free of charge commencing October 23, 2008.
· Customers currently with 512Kbps speed will now have an email box capacity of 250MB per email account (previously 5MB)
· Customers currently with 1 Mbps speed will now an email box capacity of 500 MB per account (previously 10MB)
· Customers currently with 2Mbps speed will now an email box capacity of 1G per account (previously 15MB)
Importantly too, we have also increased the size capacity of any outgoing email attachment(s) to now become 10MB – more than enough for average email usage (but don’t forget to keep your ‘sent items’ file clear of large attachments as this will add to your mailbox capacity).
You do not have to make any changes to your barQ settings or account as we will implement these changes automatically in our systems.
We feel sure that you will agree that these represent very significant enhancements to your barQ ADSL service and that you can now enjoy greater value for money from this essential service.
generally google , yahoo, hotmail etc accounts are used for personal matters . If U are running a business , U would like to have your own domain email accounts or email account from an ISP for which ISP is accountable for your emails. To whom U complain or call if U have some issues with public email systems like yahoo or gmail.
Why are you still interested in QTel email service, while u can get much much more features, space, flexibility, stability, security, etc.... on other free services like google.
If you are a RESIDENTIAL ADSL customer, you can pickup your free email accounts from here for free -
Go here
Size of the mail boxes will be 250 MB, 500 MB or 1 GB which depends on the ADSL package.
hopefully it will not happen again as now they have at least 250 MB.
Google do may other ways to earn millions of dollars.So they can afford to give email free of charge
Last year, I used to send out a daily email to a couple of thousand people in Qatar. Of the qatar.net.qa email addresses, around one-third were over quota at any one time, and more at the weekend. Among those over quota were many local businesses. It was just impossible to contact them by email when they were over quota.
Gmail, the email service from Google offers users about 30 times the storage of Qtel, at no cost.
it is realy nice
If U are residential user, then U can create maximum 3 email account in qatar.net.qa. But aggregate size will be 250 MB, 512 MB or 1 GB. If U need only one account , then U can enjoy full amount (250/512 or 1G) in a single email.
Go to http://www.qtel.com.qa/MyTools.do, U have a link to create email accounts
well i do have barQ 512.. but i dont know if i have a mailbox as well... how do i access it if u could tell me,, i do have an old *.qatar.net.qa account which is somehow still working and still is 5mb
BTW.. big deal 250mb of mailbox storage..
I am enjoying it right now. ^_^
**Run,Jump make Noise but do not SIN."