Qtel Doubles ADSL internet speed for Free!!!
Yes it has happened. A number of my friends got an SMS form Qtel letting them know that their broadband ADSL connection bandwidth has been doubled. I didn't get the SMS but as soon as I came home I ran the Internet Speed Test and lo and behold, my previously 1 MB connection was now showing the below readings!!!
2MB, woo hoo, now I'll be surfing QL twice as fast :o)
The official Qtel announcement is here:
Ok.. ill bite.. how do you get those connection speeds?
What is QTel thinking with the new 8MB service for 600 Riayl? I mean, all of the packages are extremely overpriced, but thats just absurd!! Thats about $165 USD! You can get a 50MB Fiber Line direct to your house for less than that in the US.
Does Vodaphone plan on offering landlines / internet services at any point?
Dont know if this shows but download is 14.79mb and upload is 20.99 hehe it will be faster in the morning when there's no much users logging on to the network :)
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
In the site http://www.ip-details.com/ also you can test the Internet Broadband Speed..
Yes, it is true. The speed is double now. This news is also posted on their website.
adeel_9298 try restarting your router. It worked for me.
hahaha, beat that!
I am still getting 512 K speed :(
Do we have to call Qtel to upgrade or is it automatically upgraded? I am living in Kharitiyat !!!
Adeel Ali
Birdie, they are not giving you free internet, they have "upgraded" your connection speed, so they are not charging you. Before if you had to upgrade from 512kb to 1mb they'd charge u 50 bucks i think which is just stupid, even charging to downgrade. So thats what they mean by "free" upgrade :p
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
you had the connection and you didnt get any text from Qtel where as i dont have connection and i got 2 texts.
my download BW now is 3.5 kbps. i have 2MB account. that's why ive been finishing my downloads very very fast :D
Let us hope it is going to be FREE...
such offers normally comes to give a "taste" to the customers and make them addict. Later they charge it and customes will give into that addiction.
See the way, WALMARTS give cheap prices for a few months initially, literally "kill" the small scale farmers and later all customers rush to only WALMART ,whatever be the prices, because there are no small farmers / roadside groceries. !!!!
got SMS too yesterday,
from 512kbps, as i check speedtest last night... i got plenty of 1Mbps... it depends on the link testing on other end's locations.
a freebie is something to be thanks with and hope it is to last.... until the next upgrade :)
" fear always spring from ignorance.... "
so now its only 2/3rds slower than the rest of the world....wonderful.... :(
Some speeds will go up, But realisticly with contention it wont be that much faster.
They may increase speed but I bet bandwidth has not changed.You get nothing free from Qtel.
I did the speed test and it showed 1 Mb/s
Should we request the upgrade?
lol i knew of the upcoming upgrade long back, when they announced that services would be affected in April.
I am talking about surprise for customers who dont/rarely visit QL so dont know about discussions taking place here!
Great another surprised customer who wasnt paying attention to QL for the past month.
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
Excellent, Qtel has really surprised its customers with the FREE upgrade !
True i got this sms today, but i noticed my speed double a week back.... i was wondering if it was a limited time offer, then with today sms i was delighted to know (trust) its forever and hats off qtel..... no vodafone can shake you.... :-)