QR flight makes emergency landing

URUMQI, Feb. 5 (Xinhua) -- All 194 people aboard a Qatar Airway flight from Japan to Qatar were safe after the plane made a successful emergency landing at an airport in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Thursday.
The passenger plane, QR821, flying from Osaka, Japan to Doha, Qatar encountered mechanical problems at about 6:35 a.m. above Urumqi, the regional capital.
It plunged from a height of 11,000 meters to 2,000 meters in just five minutes, forcing the crew to prepare for landing at 7:22a.m. at the airport of Kashi city, according to the airport administration.
On board were 20 crew members and 174 passengers from 22 countries and regions including Japan, the Republic of Korea, the United States and Qatar. They were all safe.
The passengers were sent to nearby hotels.
Qatar Airways is sending another plane to transport the passengers.
The airport administration of Xinjiang is investigating the incident. Further details are unavailable at this time.
Oops, forgot to include the link-
Journalistic license - Plunge in five minutes? Still, my trousers would have been brown :o(
Did you Google it first?
It was on the front page of Friday's Gulf Times, where it was referred to as an "unscheduled landing", due to loss of cabin pressure.
The plunge in altitude wasn't mentioned.
So its not a non-stop flight! This is a bit of a disappointment considering QR as the airline with one of the youngest fleet. Hope to see this on tomorrow's newspapers! (:
You have to say that now in mongolian.,
Atleast, its not on the yellow river., :)
call me ONE.
will we see this news on Qatar paper I wonder?
Good Pilot. Thanks God they all save. Otherwise I will be paranoid to fly with QA next week.
Everybody is right everybody is wrong, it depend where you stand
safe landing
Whoa, talk about leaving your stomach on the ceiling! That's a pretty rapid descent, usually it takes about half an hour on a normal approach. Glad everyone's OK, love to know what happened. "Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of Qatar Airways I'd like to be the first to welcome you to Mongolia!"