QL Page Load Delay

I am not sure if its only me, but i am facing real heavy load time each time i refresh a page on QatarLiving.
actually the problem is not loading the entire page but my very beloved side links provided to seek the hot topics and new forums etc.
is there anyone else facing this problem?
can the QL legends do something about it?
thanks for those who worked on this issue... its all so fine now.. :)
Time to switch on to Adult Content Server...usually they are fast...meant for Hi quality video...lol
how can i? i would have to finally settle down looking at the new QTel "oops" page.
Unlike Britney Spears i hate to "oops i did it again"
EX, are you sure your not downloading some naughty material? :P
okay so i can stop cursing my IT department.
galloper48 yes MODS will answer on this thread after the clean :P
The avatars and the silly heavy signature pics repeatedly posted in every single comment, don't help the load!
Rizks you will be the first one to go, well maybe 2nd after Pajju :P
/\____/\___/\_______/\______________/\__ ____________________________________ You Lost Me!!
"The more I see of the world the more am I dissatisfied with it." Jane Austen.
let's wait and see.
Pajju is that right?? Are the Mods "Cleanig da House"?
Good for that
PS: guys/lads try using ctrl+F5 for a major refreshment!!
ya Mods deleting some unwanted Trolls ids like Pajju, Arien, WK etc. etc.......lol
you are not alone... QL is slow here as well, most times, unable to connect to server always appears on my screen.. it was ok this morning though..:(
yes all users facin same problem .. MODS updatin QL server :)