QL National Day Photo Competition
Yay! At last a simple photo competition for all you snap happy QL people.
What is the subject: National Day
Your image needs to capture the essence of Qatar National Day, and MUST be taken in and around this years celebration events. So no cheating and submitting images you took in previous years because you will be found out and publicly flogged as punishment.
What Media: Flickr
You must be a member of the COMPLETELY FREE OF CHARGE QL Photo Group on Flickr.
If you are not already a member, then simply follow the above link and request membership (which is free). Then you will submit your beautiful potential prize winning image on there for all group members to view and offer their critique (or bash the living daylights out of your work in some cases so don't enter if you are of a sensitive nature).
When is the closing date for submissions: Midnight on Thursday 20th December 2012. Anyone submitting an image now is obviously cheating as the celebrations haven't even started yet, so you will be taken out and publicly flogged. Or in fact shot if you are that stupid!
Who are the judges: Me and me only!
Who can enter: Anyone (except me)
What are the prizes: There is only one, because I can only find one sponsor. If anyone wants to help with sponsorship and give me more prizes then there will be more than one prize to give away. But for the moment those awfully nice people from Barzan Digital have given me one pair of their Custom Fit (molded to your inner ears only so no one else can use them) earphones worth a massive QR 1,200. They make those pathetic Monster Beats gimmicky headphone thingies sound pants, and unlike other brands these never ever fall out of your ears. And they are so comfortable you don't even know they are there. You can wear them while you are on your long photo shoot without any discomfort whatsoever.
Thank you Barzan Digital we love you!
When will the winner be announced: Friday 21st December after I have had coffee, breakfast, another coffee and then got around to reviewing all of the submissions.
When will the prize be awarded: Anytime you want after you have been announced as the winner. But be warned! You will be photographed receiving your prize and your ugly mug will be published on the web as well as in any news paper desperate enough for a story who will publish it. So don't enter if you are afraid of being turned into a mega star.
How to improve your chances of winning: Bribe me!
Good luck everyone. Can't wait to see your images, now go and get clicking!
Kind regards
Imperial Leader of QL Photographic Group
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how about the pictures in the New Doha International Airport?
and more here;
more pictures during Qatar National Day 2012 here;
Thanks to Barzan Digitial and Brian Candy for Selecting me..
Many nice shots from this contest.
We all LOVE QATAR..!
Well done that man !
Check this out.
The winner has been announced on a separate thread:-
55 is the winner so far :P
Picture no 37 to win and 55 for my personal collection :O)
You forgot to take off your CAPS LOCK as well
Great selection of pictures TB :) must be a tough job with judging the winner
Nice :)
37 Brit? You mean QND Bandit?
I hate those blooming horns
37 for now..
But where are Timebandit and UkEngQatar in their thobes..
is that rajnikanth style in 38
Indeed... and I move in the way that it bugs me ;)
Why its annoying to you? after all everybody moves the way they like isn't :)
I just don't understand why people stick text in the middle of their images. A small text credit in a corner is fine, but anywhere else and/or too large and it really bugs me.
Hey... they keep coming so keep popping back to see what's new. BTW 14 gets marked down in my book because of the selective de-saturation (which hasn't been done that well if you look at the background). But so far one of the better examples of the essence.
Ah... sorry... your choice is 14 so far
That's right Brit.... have you spotted one that captures the essence yet?
Hmmmm. "capture the essence of Qatar National Day"..
Then No 14
I will continue posting the entries here as they come in. Entries close tomorrow at midnight, so I am hoping that we will see a few more before then.
No. 6 is arty I guess BG. Not my cup of tea, but I thought I would pop it up to see if others found it interesting.
I was going to submit my photos but No5 beats them hands down :O)
No 5 good why No 6 half
No. 2
No. 1
Oh shoot..
How do we report comments?!
Taken last weekend so not an entry, by one of our QL Photo Group Members during our Pre National Day Shoot.
Man there are some weird people on QL :|
It would be a fun to watch best photos of the occasion!
timebandit, Hope you'll get more sponsors with some extra efforts!
Blank Stare
Diary Date: Friday 14th December 2012 at 9:30am. I am going to be on the Corniche this Friday at 9:30am. You will find me under the statue of the Oryx next to the Al Morjan restaurant http://www.flickr.com/photos/brian_candy/5062757376/ . I will wait there until 10am and then head off around the Corniche in search of pre National Day celebration shots. There are already some great images to be bagged with dhows strategically placed and media placement. Anyone wishing to join me just pop along with your camera. As always QL Photo Group activities are free.
You lucky, lucky ba$tard.
Proper little MOD's pet, aren't we?
You must have slipped him a few shekels, eh? :o)
Thank you ;)
Hey MODS what's the chances of getting a link to this completion on the front page?
It's a QL competition run by QL members for QL members. Surely it's worthy of a mention on the front page?
Done! :)
Good Luck to QL Photographers!
I heard that .. Pardon ?
eers earphones to be exact Brit
"Essence of National Day"...
Have already decided, but will keep it secret till after I have won the eer phones :O)
Yousef Abu-Ghaidah Business Development Manager for Barzan Digital, holding a box of eers that they are giving away as 1st Prize to the winner of the QLPG Qatar National Day Photo Competition worth QR 1,200.
Thank you Barzan for being the first company to help with QLPG events by sponsoring us. But man your Business Development Manager looks dodgy ;)
I remember a couple of years back. The winner of the QL Spirit of Ramadan competition was a photo taken on some low spec (not even a smart phone) mobile phone. The quality was not great, but the image truly captured the Spirit of Ramadan and it won.
The same rules apply here. Quality is not the greatest consideration in this competition, it's the content.
I Dont have a good camera can i borrow it from you ?
Now I am forced to take my D90 out which I got for Christmas two years ago and have not used much since!
TB so just to recap, as you mention that there are lot of events going on around Doha to mark Qatar's National day. I was at the Parade last year but this year don't thing will make it so early. The photo can be any event marking the Qatar National Day. I might be taking part in the Sailing Regatta at the Sailing club on the day! will try to capture some views from the Sea!
Hey guys,
We're pleased that some people are psyched for this event. I couldn't agree more with TB - worst picture of me ever (blame the late night work times!)
We want to emphasize that this is a chance for you to mix your artistic flare with nationalistic pride. We feel that it's important to create incentive for all citizens and expats to take part of National Day in every way possible.
We've seen TB's photography and he's damn good at it, making him a trustworthy judge for sure.
Please feel free to follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/barzandigital
Or even like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/barzandigital
Good luck to everyone, we're certain you guys will enjoy the event.
Hey we still have a cracking first prize though.
Still no new sponsors what a shame.
Khanan.. you fool, that was a pool match, not bowling.. small balls.. remember?? :P
Now see here you :|
hear :?
brit humor goes straight above my head ~:)
Ho ho Ho :O)
Because Noddy won't pay the ransom Brit ;)
Why do elephants have big ears ?
sssshhhh! TB!
Don't talk bad about the manager, they migh cancel the contract.
We have one QL'er 'Season', who sponsored a challenged billiard match. The winner get away with iPhone-4s worth QR 3,500 that time. Hope someone as genorous on QL come up as sponsor.
Good Luck :)
OK, how about maroon cowboy hat and white lungi ?
Its Qatari theme - right ?
You cowgirl chasing chaps wearing cactus eating person..
There has to be a Qatari theme to it..
Suggest you wear sandals and Abaya
Rizks of course you can... but you may wish to warn people that they may find the image disturbing in advance to prevent vomiting.
Lols - Done.
Yup CL
Can i post my pick in Neon color lungis with a Cow boy hat and boots doing Gangnam style dance at Corniche ?
FS of course they can :D and may I say how splendid you are looking today.
Can i post a photo of myself doing robot dance on national day at corniche??
This is awesome :)
TB...Can retired members participate? :)
No... no editing will be allowed :D
Ave Ceasar. Ave!
I will take a picture of the children dressed in maroon coloured thobes dancing and waving flags with the blue plumes of Nissan Patrol exhaust fumes in the background..
There are events on all around Doha. Loads by Sports R/A I believe. Hey and unofficial events are eligible as well, so if you know of a private shin dig going on somewhere, cover that. The parades of cars and enthusiastic (if death defying) antics of the public are well worth a shot or two.
Guess yours was a stray case and you were lucky. But yeah, end of this singles business and look out for the winner and its photo of this competition.
HGL I am among the ones who are not allowed to enter malls on Friday, if single:)
Yallah, No more HIJACKING, or the imperial leader will shoot us.
Oh they have bachelor areas too. Anyways, we werent told of that...were just asked to go back which we followed, had a nice bf and returned considering it as a morning walk.
My apologies...just remembered, the singles from the nationalities who are allowed to enter malls on Fridays were however allowed on the said National Day to go through. So the term 'singles' in my first post should be read with an appropriate prefix.
not with family. All males.
we were directed to designated area for bachelors which is fair enough.
Were you with your family? I and painther went last to last year and werent allowed. Didnt try last year and wouldnt try in future.
but went to the parade with bachelor frnds.
the did allow us very near to the parade.
Guess singles would lose out in participating in this competition as they arent allowed anywhere near to where the activities would be taking place....:(
Hail the Imperialest Leader!
Great Intiative TB!
PM me the kind of 'Bribe' you want and we will discuss at morning coffee :)