Ql - please do something about this bloody spam.
Wave after wave of it multiple times a day everyday.
6 pages of it this evening all ready - and there will be more of it overnight.
All the current posts go back pages and it disrupts all the conversations. Only those who participated in them originally pick them up again, as everyone else doesn't know they exist.
You must have noticed that the number of participents on the site drop as soon as the bloody spam hits? - No one can be bothered to wade through it.
Not very good for your buisness model, is it?
Please introduce a code before posting or deny new members posting rights until a specific period has elapsed.
But please for pity's sake do something.
15 pages of Spam
really annoying.!!! Wake up QL...
which is ANNOYING :(
The MODS are only showing their power against us genuine users who make this site what it is today.
Yup, nobody is commenting anyway..
No really active thread for past 4 days, all buried under several pages of spam..
Post a thread about selling tickets, will last 2 minutes. Spam lasts forever...
You have a real problem here QL.
I'll be back in a week to see if you've sorted it.
thats 180-ish posts.
Spam through emails and spammers on a forum are quite 2 different things.
I never get spam in my hotmail in box.
Ps 7 spam emails in a week is nothing - there has been about 500 on this site in under 48 hrs.
in my hotmail mailbox, i got 7 spam emails this week, in yahoo dozens of spam are coming. i am tired of reporting this to the site but doesn't work. however, when i report a spam in yahoo messenger, the user who keeps appearing in my YM doesn't appear anymore. and so QL moderator has to make urgent action to stop this spammer to avoid this wonderful site from dying. anyways there are many loyal Qlers in fairness.
its hard to type when lying down in bed...lol
lol azilana....
k Edited ma comment....:)
for the last 2 days...I've been receiving e-mail sent failure notification of some I never sent at all...
Weird...and annoying.
exex, a friend told me it is quite easy...apparently there are websites that tell you how to do it.
I think qatarliving died quite some time ago and the corpse is starting to smell ;)
Maybe we should get together and start our own site.
It is certainly apparent that the owners of QL have very little, if any, interest in QL anymore.
6 pages in 20 mins non-stop
Don't know if it's ended yet.
this thread. I can only assume that the owners of Qatarliving don't care that their site is dying. In fact, maybe they lost interest and this is their way out. What else would explain the empowerment of moderators who let their personal feelings get in the way of doing their jobs and the incessant spambots?
At least the 4th time in 24hrs
2+ pages in 7 mins thus far.
Even Microsoft's website gets spammed now and then. The spammers are very intelligent and just use the tools the electronic digital information networks offer. Bad luck.
I am pretty sure those are not simple spammers...there is method to what they are doing ,which shows that there is reason behind it all.
adverts have started now:
QL is turning to be some people's playground...enjoying the powers that maybe...
Be careful...it may bite you in the A$$ one day...
@ lostinspace,thanks mate! i thought it was just me!...yup,the good old days eh?!...well,i still call it spam,luncheon meat that is!...
Mods,you guys got to sort this out mates,or the spammers will just take over & QL will just die out,isn't that what usually happens to sites when nothing's done to stop the spam?...
rememeber when a spammer was someone who used to eat luncheon meat sandwiches :0(
this morning.
Pages 2-8 all infected with posts that haven't been active for ages, just spammed over and over again.
Mods are quick to delete our threads but powerless against these spammers I wonder why?
Just introduce a code.
It isn't that hard
Mods you need to do something.... A friend of mine who used to live in Qatar summed up the benefits of QL perfectly, "QL changed my experience of living in Qatar" please we need to make sure everyone can have this excellent resource available...
And the spammers have arrived here too...:)
eid mubarak, spammer!
some times they help a lot, and hide unwanted threads from main page ;)
There have been only 3 genuine posts in the last 40mins at least, It could be a lot longer but I can't be botered to search back any futher.
Mods - this spam is killing your site and enterprise, but I guess you know that already.
Weird thing is, when I introduced a new thread a while ago, begging the spammers to spam it, they didn't, yet they seem to hit anything QAWS related....