QL is legendary

Did u QLers think about QL in a different way, in a longer run... What we do or say as a part of QL, will be there forever, like in 50 years our generation could visit this site and actually know about us or how we were. We are making history on QL... How many of u people think of QL in a bigger picture, rather than just a froum u visit everyday?
'Never frown, even when you are sad,
because you never know who just likes your smile'
A long time ago, sylvania and GE light bulbs was the thinking of the present, then fiber optical, then wireless, then WHAT?
I'm using my telepathy powers, Could you hear my voice? Gypsy.... my confession booth is ready for you......
I'm using my telepathy powers......
Don't forget Friday night.......
Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else.
-- Will Rogers
surely is a great site.
I'v been evaluating job offers in other countries and there really isn't any useful information for an expat easily available. Its mostly in the local language.
So thumbs up to QL.
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.
QL after 50 yrs? not a single thought about it, till u posted this thexonic. i am living each day with Qling as part of my life. anyways QL will always be what it means to us. we learn, create friendships and help other people. and maybe someday a site may supercede QL but it shall never be forgotten in the internet history..
I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it. ~Charles Schulz
I think thexonic got some solid gyaan from somone about life and bigger pictures!!!
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
Hope that this site will be 1st in ranking.Best of luck Bye.
"Drink Beer Save Water"
ooohhh - I am Legend?noooo
I am Legend is will smith is it not??
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
darude to know eact other here, dnt think have to meet in person..wht say ya???
spicemom ofcos u r oneamong thm....
In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
so how many legends we got here on QL?
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
i knw u dude, tho never met..i like u r smartns..keep it up.LOL
In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
ah you never knew me :D
Darudeee r u actualy visualisin those framed wallpaper of wild wolf? think so...LOL
In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
HI all :D
after 50 yrs, there will be A VISITING VISA issued by QL exclusively for members. new comers will keep framed photos of senior ql members logos ...kinda wolf, dragon..etc on their house windows as wall paper...he he LOL
In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
yeah, I'm a legend....lol
oh... good to know i'm a legend too.
Everything is temporal, but... change.
Sylwia i dont htink u have to worry about such thing lol, ur daughters r adorable, they wont get any wrong ideas of ur post :D
Una palabra no dice nada, Y al mismo tiempo, Lo esconde todo - Outlandish
Many of the QL Users were in the dark before QL. now all of them write, read & even go out with the rest of the users...
The Venezuelan Sensation!!!
in this case they perhaps will know how to upgrade current forms of telecommunication to the new ones...how to transfer/adapt data from the current info carriers to the new ones.. and our records will be still readable :P
Pfft :P If I was your husband I'd be calling you all the time too Mila! He doesn't want you to wander away ;)
Visit www.qatarhappening.com
Not sure I'm too happy about it! Better tone my posts down! :P
i use telephaty already gypsy. when i miss my husband or my family somehow they call me.
Everybody is right everybody is wrong it depends where you stand.
Nah there will be no internet in 50 to 60 years. We'll have moved on to telepathy or something. :P
Visit www.qatarhappening.com
They can always check our activity here....LOL
Hope older threads dont get deleted.
even in 50 years people will know that on May 14 2008 qatarisun was suffering of exhausting flu...:(
seriously.. would be nice to know what people will think about us in 50-60-70 years from now on...
Mila hahahahahah sorry, this is what happens when u stay up until 630 on ql then u wake up at 9 and back on ql lol... actually had a little tuff day...
Una palabra no dice nada, Y al mismo tiempo, Lo esconde todo - Outlandish
Qatari u r legend too... I am legend because of the movie, cuz I'm the only one on QL at 3 am when no one's here lol. Makes me feel like will smith hahaha :P
Una palabra no dice nada, Y al mismo tiempo, Lo esconde todo - Outlandish
thexonic, are you okay man? there is no MR. PAUL in this thread, why u mentioned his name??? something i dont know. hmm... what u guys been talking about
Everybody is right everybody is wrong it depends where you stand.
Nadt, thanks, yea I just thought of it now lol... and i was a little scared at first thinking baout the same thing, but I guess its allrite :D
Una palabra no dice nada, Y al mismo tiempo, Lo esconde todo - Outlandish
i hope QL can grow to become buniness venture in the future. Look at ebay and amazon for example, before nobody want to use its took atleast 5 years to people to used and familiarize and now become one of the biggest internet industries.
So Qatari keep the good work. Hope someday you become millionaire you still remember us.
Everybody is right everybody is wrong it depends where you stand.
Nice one thexonic, never really thought of it in that way...I better be careful what i reveal here incase my kids read it when they grow up and hold it against me...
Nice words Qatari..very true..
dude, you're a legend! in fact, every QLer that takes the time to give someone some good advice, a helping hand or make someone smile...now that's legendary!
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