QL Ladies rumoured to be joining new sect..

Is this true. Rumours are that Chocoholic and Xena have already succumbed to his "hunkiness" and more may follow :o(
Vladimir Putin has become the object of veneration for a bizarre Russian all-female sect whose followers believe that the tough-talking prime minister is a reincarnation of the early Christian missionary Paul the Apostle.
Members of the sect that has sprung up in a Russian village some 250 miles southeast of Moscow believe that the 58-year-old macho Russian politician is on a special mission from God.
"According to the Bible, Paul the Apostle was a military commander at first and an evil persecutor of Christians before he started spreading the Christian gospel," the sect's founder, who styles herself Mother Fotina, said.
"In his days in the KGB, Putin also did some rather unrighteous things. But once he became president, he was imbued with the Holy Spirit, and just like the apostle, he started wisely leading his flock. It is hard for him now but he is fulfilling his heroic deed as an apostle."
Reports from the sect's headquarters close to the town of Nizhny Novgorod say that its members are all women who dress like nuns and pray for Mr Putin's success in front of traditional Russian Orthodox Church icons that have been placed alongside a portrait of the Russian prime minister himself.
then it wouldn't be a fair, ummm.. fight... surely I can also bring a spear, or two, just to make it interesting.... Bwaaaahhhhhhh...... bwahhhhhhhhhh;-p
Dear Xena,
This is my "Impaling" license..
Ready when you are!
No warriors-princess-related spears allowed! :)
than poisened, Brit.... which our dear Mr Putin seems to be famous for;-p
Be careful.. He is known as Vlad the "impaler" :O)
you have to be kidding... Vlad Dracula would stand more of a chance.... ;-p
Blooming heck love - I have been lying here all night lol
I am north west then take a left near that mans house that has the sofa outside then take 2nd right - there is washing on the line - go straight ahead to the rubbish bin - go past that - then take another right (or is it left) - anyway start shouting and I will hear you lol
you wally.. I roamed the streets looking for you. Could at least have sent the GPS coordinates ..
Don't quit yet. First tell us what life us like in the commune .
Dang! BritiLeaks is at it again.
That's it, I'm quitting QL.
Rescue meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I am fallinggggggggggggggggggg lol xoxxox
brit, I've never been a follower.
He is leading his flock .. Would you not like to be fulfilled ?
That guy is darn fugly.
LOL... "hunkiness"??????? :P
Damn it..
This is getting worrying. I'm thinking of starting my own sect here..
It will help fallen women and those who may be thinking of falling ;o)
I am present sat in his Dacha after taking a dip in his banya.
The Vodka is frozen and delicious with the beluga caviar.
Xena and Choco have gone out looking for stray dogs and are due back soon.
It's good here - apart from no pole dancing (yet)!
I am off to make a pot of Shchi whilst wearing a babushka.
Dobryj vyechyer xoxo
Vlad's effect on women is stronger!
You're just jealous of Vladimir and his effect on women :O)
you choose to be loyal and sincere and will not talk or spread rumors or make any false accusation about them.
and if you in any case did under any circumstances your parts will be put into grinder machine and your nose tide to a jetski as your punishment.