QL Buddylist & PM Inbox...QL newbies, HERE!!!

HELLO, HOW ARE YOU? I'm fine...thanks :-)
I just want to ask if you know what QL buddylist is for and how to use the PM Inbox?
Stupid Question??? YUP...it is....VERY :-)
Even a pre-schooler who knows how to read (ENGLISH)would know what these site features are for:
Nonetheless, I would like to know from the newbies what they think. Coz if no one notices, we've been reading complaints/posts from other Qler that this and that person (a QL newbie) is sending PMs and add buddy requests...
The point is :
1. SO, you're new in DOHA...
---->welcome to Qatar and Qatarliving.com; hope you'll enjoy your stay.
2. Can we be friends?
---> join the main forum and interact...don't send me PM's asking me this.
---> better yet...check out the "Qatar groups"
3. Requests to add me as your QL buddy...
---> I don't even know you MAN...I never even heard/read your ID before...duuhhhh
Yup, best answer to this is to IGNORE...IGNORE...IGNORE.
Sometimes, we do a "NAME & SHAME" topic...or report it to the site admin/moderators...but they come with a new userID....the cycle goes on...uuuggh
i remember one time, one women sent me one message asking me if I can marry her O.o
veni, vidi, vici.
to those who seek friensheeps via PMs and buddy requests....
I bet you my lonely dirhams (in my wallet) that since EID HOLIDAYs are here, proliferations of moronic cretins in QL will be all time high...
Oh where is HARRY POTTER????....nyahahahaha
nadt, you are right...its the lawyer bit.....lol
i dont think the gender makes a difference9some arent that fussed) but the lawyer would sure do the trick..
Maybe the fact that I'm a 45 year old male lawyer is a slight distraction.......;)
lol SN, thought so...
ooohhh no thanks lol :)
lol SN, next time we will send them to you ;-)
You can't blame a bloke for trying......give 'em a break lol......they must get lucky somewhere!
well azi at least you werent asked if you were lonely?
From: paranormal
Offline(Unblock user)
To: nadt
Subject: why
Date: Sat, 22/11/2008 - 1:58am
why do u still awake, do u need love, hugs, and kisses
Aaawwww bless him....
gremlins...LOL nice one azi...
HARRY POTTER is comin,,, dont worry...
veni, vidi, vici.
Nationality: Bangladesh
Job Title: Technician
Gender: Male
Age: 36 - 45
Interests : Sports Watching Movies Riding Motor Bike Swimming and makiong Friends
Tell us about yourself: I am very friendly and jolly person like to interact with people around the globe and share information
History: Member for 4 weeks 3 days
Buddy List : NONE
User points: 0
DUUUHHHHH....these people are like gremlims...they multiply when they get wet...
Like Gypsy, we receive Pm's for vibrators and penis enlargements promotion...well that's hilarious.
What made it funny...coz we know who was sending these messages....(*tickled red..lol)
From: joylove
Online(Block user)
To: ONEmakikomoto
Subject: Hello Dear
Date: Thu, 04/12/2008 - 8:49am
Hello Dear Good Day,
I wish you long life and prosperity ,
My name is joy i saw your profile today at (qatarliving.com) and became intrested
in you,i will also like to know you the more, and i want you
to send an email to my email address, so i can give you my picture for you to know whom i believe we can move from here to next level I am waiting for your mail to my maill address (joy121.johnson(at)yahoo.com)
Remeber the distance or colour does not matter but love matters alot
in life with love joy please reply to my email,(joy121.johnson(at)yahoo.com) so we can know each other my lovely one,
Remeber love and understading matters alot in life one love;
Awaiting to hear from you soonest,
Thanks and God bless you,
From Joy
veni, vidi, vici.
I'm still at the office...and will be here till 7pm...make me laugh, and I'll dissect him/her later....lmao
if you're tired from work today, and you wanna laugh... ill post the message here, and youll be laughin like (*&^%%
i'll try to beat gypsy's 9 inches guy.
veni, vidi, vici.
YuP dAtS tRUe!!!!!!
...and "SHE" sent it TWICE on separate time.
where are these creatures comin from? LOL
veni, vidi, vici.
see what I mean?
I'm an easy person to deal with...kinda WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) type of person.
But these bubonic cretins are far too much...IGNORING them is easy, but like I said, a kick in the tooshie is aptly needed here :-)
and by reacting/answering my post (regarding the loonies)...are you one of them?
thanks for posting, anyway..cheers!!!
thanks for the welcome... BUT YOU' GOTTA BE KIDDIN ME...
early this mornin', i just got my third PM (1st and 2nd were answers to my query here.) this 3rd one is of the same type as what your talkin about,,, quite annoying huh...
now i understand you better... but am not a lady and its specified it my profile, thought i would be exucse from this sh*t.,
wanna post it here, and wanna know if youre gonna have the same reaction, coz i was laughin like *&^% while i was readin it...
veni, vidi, vici.
"For the newbies (not all..just the loonies)...just interact in the main forum...you'll gain friends there...or should be need to translated?"
cool down azilana, what I get, by the way, having you as my buddy?
take it easy....
I'm off to bed :-)
huh!! what's interesting on that! you hate me Azi :)....I guess around 2 or 3 am i'll tak some rest ca not stay awake, hoepfully the phone will not ring coz my sleeping is very heavy O.O
:)....you go to bed!!! I'm in office..good night! oops! good morning :)
My answer to your Q's...stay active in the main forum.
Good night :-)
Azi, I'm new in doha, do you wanna be my friend ^|^...yawnnnn I'm sleepy....
you defo made my day...lol
definition of hiney from wikipedia :
The buttocks (singular: buttock) are rounded portions of the anatomy located on the posterior of the pelvic region of the apes, including humans and many other bipeds or quadrupeds.
for those don't know what mean hiney, so be carefull with Azi!
what a "hiney" is? He gotta have a tooshie for a head....lmao
i saw that, very expressive signature lol
Maybe I'm just living up to my signature (see below)...hehehehe
Azi, you are really in bad mood today, what happen?
Nationality: India
Job Title: hvac engineer, businessman.
Gender :Male
Age: 26 - 35
History : Member for 1 day 3 hours
Buddy List : Buddies: Greman
Got news for you kiddo...NOT INTERESTED.
I'm not annoyed with you...but you're asking for it
it's just a NAME & SHAME...only it has a softer blow (I guess)
Ok...ok..I'll IGNORE YOU NEXT TIME...if you're STUPID enough to send me anothet request...duuhhh!!!
just ignore it...:)
Gypsy Ignored the 9 inches!! Oh my God! 9 inches and still not good enough!!
The buddylist was created to see who among your friends are online so you could send PM(private messages) so for threads not to be hijacked (I guess, that's the purpose of it)...
But others use the PM Inbox to harrass, annoy other members...
Well, for those newbies who will add me AGAIN & AGAIN...you'll see your name in this thread.
I'm not that bad...but hey...like my signature says:
You can't teach experience...
first im a green apple here, i thought buddy list here works the way it works in facebook, myspace, friendster etc... but anyway never really my habit to make invites or requests...
i can see ur quite annoyed, can i add you now??? (LOL), seriously, what makes this place full of pieces of crap??? from the boy-next-door turned horny guys to geek turned damsels in need of great $ex gals (for whatever its worth).,
boys, keep it in your pants.
girls, your brain is bigger than your boobs.
then world peace follows. LOL
3.emad - I'm just speaking what's in my mind...what's childish in that?
DMSolomon - my avatar is gorgeous? thanks...but you know very well that I'm NOT...I look like A WITCH with a big hairy mole on my nose..nyeknyeknyek
Victor Bhatt - I've been doing that...for at least one year...but these morons don't seem to get it...
SAG - did you read what's in the topic??? Please read it again...
For the newbies (not all..just the loonies)...just interact in the main forum...you'll gain friends there...or should be need to translated?
I ignored it alsboy :)
Can we be friends Azilana?
Gosh... tht invite surely is a nasty one. How did u go by it?
Be polite once and twice and if continue to bother you; block them one for all. If u don't want to entertain them
This is the best one I've received lately :)
OfflineleroyIII's picture
(Block user)
To: Gypsy
Subject: Wanna me
Date: Thu, 27/11/2008 - 3:49pm
If u wanna a hard fucker with 9 inches pennis, email me at amro241078/-a-t-/hotmail.com to make arrangement.
u'll never fee bad about that.
or avatars. Yours is gorgeous. Wait 'til they see you in person, maybe a hundred times request you'll get!! Of course not only to Newbies, maybe even from the antiques, hehehehehehehe!!!!!!!!!!!!
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
I still got 10 usernames in my pending list waiting for them to be active before they get my approval for their frensheep buddy, but seems these people just get lost in planet Mars or are they ALIEN? or are they just another persona of Mmmmmmm *wink*wink*
azi just stop acting like a child :P
Emad =>
I don't know why you want me as your buddy...DUUUHHH????
it's absurb to send a buddy request to someone you don't know...
Obliviously there are quite a few who don't understand...so here is a simple explanation for those that don't...
Mother - A women who is married and has born children, that she must look after day in day out and while is not necessarily deemed as a full time job..Let me tell you "IT IS" even when they are all grown up and moved away your still a mother......
Housewife - someone who is married, the mere fact that they put this in their job description should tell you that they are not looking for "special Frendsheeeep" and as for being a full time housewife well some men are worse than kids......
there Now there is no excuse.....;)
"Your born, You Live, You Die, given this premise, one can conclude since we have no control over when we are born and when we die, the only thing that matters to us should be how we live, simple really?" Mis-Cat to her philosophy Lecturer.
I got my points for posting topics and interacting...DARUDE knows that very well as he used to threaten me with his cannons and bazookas for starting topics that are kinda within the line of decency...ehhherrm(*coughs)
lol, greentea...oryx started the name and shame topic trend sometime last year when the PM inbox was added and it became a norm here in QL.
you can say that again, azi...
i just "name and shame" one yesterday....
and he's banned now... if ever he resurrect he better keep out of my way, or else my BIG BROTHERS out here will pounce on him =))
who doesn't understand the word 'MOTHER' or 'HOUSEWIFE'?
And they still ask why?...geeezzz >_<
ok I AM A NEWBIE ! :( but im trying hard to become an oldie ;P .. u see im a member for 2 weeks and i have gained now 275 points :D:D i bet u gained ur first 100 points after 5 weeks or so :P
and i dont think i have sent you a buddy request yet.. but i think im going to do it soon.. i'd love to get u pissed.. oldie! ;P
Emad =>
by deleting part or the whole topic coz I wrote "stupid" or some other reasons.
I'm just airing my views about these people...who has nothing better to do but pester some of the ladies here :-)
I'm sure others share my sentiments in one way or the other :-)
I love the PM's that I get asking why I put Mother as my Job......IT'S BECAUSE I AM ONE YOU IDIOTS......
"Your born, You Live, You Die, given this premise, one can conclude since we have no control over when we are born and when we die, the only thing that matters to us should be how we live, simple really?" Mis-Cat to her philosophy Lecturer.
or my guess is...you're "trolling"...lol
why would I change anything in my profile and be accussed a FAKE (though I know a lot here)...I'm posting, interacting coz I enjoy being logged in QL.
Though these cretins are just an annoyance, once in a while, we need to pitch them a little bit, just to say "HEY, STUPID...you can read but can you understand what you read?"
i think what azi meant was "false friendships"....
u dont like making friendsheeeepzzz ? ;P
calm doownnn ;)
Emad =>
we try to be nice and polite...but "they" don't seem to COMPREHEND that things don't work out that way here...
If you (QL newbies) wants to meet friends here in QL...learn how to interact with the rest by participating in the main forum or to the topics of the groups of your choice.
We (oldies - hate that word)don't bite nor sarcastic or MEAN (as EMAD said I am)...but sometimes, it's irritating...
Change your Gender from Female to Male for an instant cure to your problem ;)
I have changed mine to female sometime back just to receive all these crap & return them in kind ;)
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
Sorry if I seemed to be mean...but it's tiring everytime you open your QL page, and this PM message alert pops and when you expect it to be from your friends/buddies, what you see is this "I'm new in Doha" bullcrap and the ever infamous question "can we be friends?"
Not to mention that ______ sends a request to add you as his buddy.
Azi ... you missed the part about searching before asking stupid questions (points etc!)
Did you Google it first?
As a newbie, i've been receiving such messages... polite at first and becoming bolder in each questions... guess, it will not be avoided :((
true true azi...
you are so mean! ;P
Emad =>
that's for sure...lol
How they resist their temptation when you are a look alike of JLO :)
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me