Qatar's HM's action to HMC Dr's assault

This type of aggressive, unprovoked and uncivilized behavior will not be tolerated...
Abdullah Bin Khaled Al Qahtani, Minister of Public Health and Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Health, following a recent visit to the hospitalized doctor who was assaulted by a patient’s relative last week.
The incident, which is under investigation, has made headlines and sparked an outcry from HMC staff, who say they fear violence from short-tempered visitors and deserve a permanent police presence onsite.
In response, Qahtani reassured staff of their safety, saying in a press release:
“We will pursue the perpetrators of these violent acts and do everything possible to protect staff and create a safe environment where they can carry out their important and life saving duties.”
The Minister said legal opinion was being sought to determine the next course of action and the authorities would take every step to ensure the case was successful.
Meanwhile, HMC has reduced the number of people who can accompany an emergency room patient to two.
Officials are also urging patients’ kin to “remain patient” as HMC works to expand its facilities and further train its staff to handle stressed-out visitors, Gulf Times reports.
i think there shd be laws protecting doctors and staff! u can't just get mad and lose it on someone!!
I don't think this has anything to do with a certain "law" in Qatar. Incidents as such could happen anywhere. Sometimes nerves get the best of some people, thus; a tragic aftermath. What are governments to do? Legislate laws against losing nerves in emergency rooms? It's a sad incident and whoever engaged in the assault should be punished period.
Another thing I have noticed in HMC is that Arabic speaking crowd is always trying to misinform Qatari patients about the non-arabic speaking staff, probably to make a 'better impression'. Because I understand arabic very well & most of the arabic speaking crowd thinks that I don't. I have notice this thing almost in every OPD.
There is a very important point here that the doctor had language barrier. How would you build a rapport when you can't even communicate?
segmund are you a doc?
The nationality is ALWAYS conveniently overlooked - this case if it ever gets to a court has very little chance of achieving a satisfactory Quantum.
Bachus is right - you need to get the Police in there - locals pay NO heed to security staff as they are cogniscant of the fact that NO Nepali/Philipino who values his ongoing salary would dare to intervene - ergo you need to get someone in who will make an angry relative think twice about before he sets about medical staff.
Many emergency rooms in the West (and around the world) have a police presence precisely because tensions are so high. Qatar needs to wake up.
The newspapers and minister are quick to highlight this case but there is never any mention of the nationality of the people that assaulted the doctor. Their nationality is 'conveniently' omitted.
But the doctor wasn't beaten up by a patient. He was beaten up by the patient's family.
Do you suggest sedating family members when they visit the ER?
Blink blink. Blimey well written but I am guessing your not on duty right now ;)
Whatever happened to the doctor in HMC was unjustified, barbaric, inhuman and uncivil to say the least. No one, doctor or patient, deserves to be beaten up in a manner like this.
Having said that, it is important for doctors to know management of aggression. Unfortunately, doctors, as I have seen them, are completely lacking in this extremely crucial skill. On many occasions, here in Qatar, I have seen patients or their family members who were extremely crucial, but I was able to calm them down very easily. I am no magician, nor am I exceptional in any way. I just followed the basic guidelines of management of aggresion.
Aggression towards doctors can and will happen. There is simply NO way to safegaurd againt it hundred percent. However, the chances of a patient getting angry can be minimized dramatically. I remember just a few weeks back, one patient was escalating. I told the nurse he needs to be sedated chemically. But the nurse would not listen. In a few minutes when the patient started smashing hospital property, the nurse yelled, 'doctor let's give him something.' I told him, no let us wait now, coz you did not take it seriously, let it be a lesson for you for next time.
The most important step you can take to minimize aggression is to build rapport with a patient and their relatives. If you are good in this skill, then no matter how incompetent you are, your chances of being hit will still be minimized.
What doctors usually fail to realize that patients are ALWAYS first. Patients are ALWAYS right. We as doctors are being paid for helping the patients. If there were no patients, we would be redundant. We have to ensure that through our words and actions patients know clearly that they are our priority, that we are there in the hospital only and ONLY for their sake. Once they know this, it is very unlikely they will resort to beating us.
Lol Brit an epic sketch
I'll bring the beards :O)
Agree. Coldstone icecream and will discuss the quality of the stones you got.
TB and Khanan
I know the doc. He is alive, in pain but well now.
It's a date Khanan ;)
Let's eat coldstone icecream after iftari.
I haven't been to a good stoning in ages. And I have a bag of the finest stoning gravel just waiting to be used.
why did they attack the doctor?? what did he do? :O
HMC has reduced the number of people who can accompany an emergency room patient to two.
Read more:
How many people were allowed in ER before this?
Stone them Brit! Jail is too good for them!
Hope the culprits are prosecuted for grevious bodily harm (or similar) and actually jailed.
The doctor should be financialy compensated by them also.
I thought tat was all the rage these days
Are you on a Mali trip, TB?
Stone them as well!
Just like the responsible people for the Villagio fire didn't do anything against the prevailing culture. They broke the laws, yes, but that is normal here.
Stone them anyway!
TB, the aggressive people didn't do anything against the prevailing culture!
It's a 'comment', Khanan. Of course, who knows what is the truth.
Stone them!
they are assessing the kind of charges to be levelled against the culprits and the best legal action so the culprits can be punished severly.
LP~I didn't find the news of Doctor's death in Doha News.
the solution for something like this is immoral and goes against the Hippocratic oath... if the patient or his relatives go berserk on the doctors... just leave the room and refuse treatment.
Doha News link -
clearly say he was hospitalized and does not say he was murdered.
Let's not spread rumours...
So HMC is seeking a legal opinion to determine whether breaking someone's ribs is illegal?
Wow. This whole situation is so much worse than anyone will admit.
Khanan, sorry, Doha News.
Link please.
From Gulf News, Khanan.
is alive and recovering.
The doctor passed away due to his injuries. We are talking about hot-blooded murder here, and we are seeing that nothing happens.
@mr_qatar there's a Doctor assaulted by patient’s relatives at Hamad Hospital last week..
Can you plzz tell me what happened last week & why..?