Has anyone else noticed that the Contact link does not work. there is a CAPTCHA requirement that stops your feedback to the WEBMASTER. the CAPTCHA does not show up so you can complete it.
the feedback I have tried to post to the WEB MASTER is the fact that they do not maintain the Posts.
I have deleted at least 10 posts in the past weeks and they still show up in searches as complete links with all details.
I recall looking to purchase a BOAT Sept 2009 and found links that were 2 years old and no longer offered or any good as information.
Although QatarLiving is a great site and has made a lot of people's lives easier and better here in Doha they need to continue to improve.
name calling seems to be pretty rampant among some here
duh!who cares?
lol cryspy
Cryspy ... lol
thnx for clarifying the "button" ;O)
make sure you press nicely... the contact button
Just used the contact link. Captcha is working fine.
DJ - you seem to be the next winding up merchant on QL. gotta see when you are going to get thrown out.
Desert - try it once again. if not contact the resident hijackers.
i like you...forgive me,,never happen again
how are yah?
i love you today..
HARD! Try harder!
hes IT at qf,he can do that for you,,
it's actually working, i was able to change my username thru that contact button. :)
what can be done?