Qatari never said good bye to me :(

Call me old fashioned, but I was a faithful follower and contributer to QL for almost 2 years.
I still don't understand the points system, I guess the likes of Darude and Novi clock up the points when the send out notices for QLSG and answer questions, organise groups etc, but I thought I had been quite a good 'poster' part of QL.
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DaRuDe Uncategorized 22780
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Bye Bye Qatari
Aww jauntie, you're not so far away. The flight is a piece of cake. Just come over for lunch!
Well there is always Dave that can give you a cuddle..Just close your eyes and
courage jauntie courage....
May go to ground for a week or so :(
to be honest, I'm so hyper at the moment I could do with that chair! xx
...always a free place for you!
guess I just felt I got so much out of QL whilst in Doha and even before I arrived there! and sort of hoped I'd given a bit back occasionally :D
I can't see us getting back out there, to be honest ... that's probably why I'm being a tad maudlin. Sorry.
Better to leave on a high note. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
To be honest, now I'm home in UK, I can't think I can offer anything to any discussions about Doha, unless of course now I can be honest about things in 'other' subject areas. hee
Aaah.. did you finally remember your 3.40am rant?
I'm jealous that you have handsome Dave...
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama
yikes! didn't even know you're going?!?!?!!
so sorry that i missed that! i very much appreciate all your contribution to the QL community. thank you so much for enriching the site!
anyway, please have a safe trip and i wish you all the best with your post-qatar life!
please come pop into QL and give us an update now and then.
Well I have given you your new imaginary friend Dave.. Everyone asking UKEng who is Dave. Well thats the new name of your new imaginary friend. By the way has Dave the snowman melted yet that you made a few days
dont be stalkie jauntie, he never say goodbye to me either because we all knows we always coming back and always can find him and the rest here.
and am 2 years and 49weeks member of QL, thats almost 3 years in 3 weeks time.
Everybody is right everybody is wrong, it depend where you stand
We feel as if you're still with us here in Doha. I am sure that Qatari just did not read your thread about your leave. You will not be forgotten.
I hope you would still keep in touch from the UK.
Common you are not gone every one can stil reach you down there in UK.