:::Qatari Identifications::

By qatari-princess •
Qatar is in the process of a vast
leap to success. Actually the country is
sort of half of the way there. Well, you
know when a country is in for a change,
or say, a phase of transformation, people
tend to loose their personality, their identification.
What do you think?
Is this true?
Or is it just the worries of Qatar citizens' due to the
progress they are going through.
The changes of lands due to the government decisions.
and I don't know what else;;;;
Are we going through a phase here?
Well, I basically wnted sth to
discuss about!!!
Everyone here is expressing his / her own. Well changes do happen and should happen. But better not bad. We are in modern world exposed to cable, dish and much more. If something is left unchecked it imposes a bad change. Rest is up to you to decide or how you take it.
We are moving towards the dooms day. Things are getting worse and I am not surprised.
wont agree with PM this time., (im lying.)
(waaaahhhhh, im not OLD!) :p
call me ONE.
No, its nice to see that camp boys who prefer to play the pink flute can mingle with the public so unobtrusively in Qatar! such a forward thinking country and so culturally accepting! Bravo! We'll have Qatar Pride soon ;)
True, but the basic values can not change.
the only thing cnstant in this world is change., what matters is how you cope with it., are qataris having trouble with identity crisis?,LOL, i dont think they seem to be bothered with all the massive transformations (in all aspects)., :)
call me ONE.
Sorry. I'm not Qatari, so I should shut up. But I have a big mouth, so can't.
Everything changes. People change, societies change. This has always been the case. Discoveries are made and society reacts.
You can't hold back change. China tried, because the leadership felt threatened by the outside world. Eventually, they realised that they weren't being attacked. The world just changes, and they couldn't stop those developments from crossing their borders.
Modern-day closed countries are also trying to prevent change. North Korea, Bhurma, Zimbabwe all in some way want to freeze their societies at a certain point, or even revert their societies to some past golden age. Of course, in these countries what has happened is that the societies haven't been frozen, but have decayed due to the repressive policies.
No one owns the change. Pop music happened to US society, just as it happened to Europe, and eventually happened to the rest of the world. That doesn't mean that America owns pop music, or that all pop music is in some way American. It's just a thing that has happened in America and has happened elsewhere too.
Fashions change too. Sometimes skirts get shorter, sometimes women wear modest clothes. If you were to look back through European and American history, it would be difficult to define any clothing style that was truly British or American or French. All you can say for certain is that the fashions kept changing.
Now here's the thing. If change is going to happen whatever we do. If it's as inevitable as time itself. If you believe that things just change. Then why would you try to hold back the tide when you're going to be swept away by the tsunami of history?
It's impossible not to change. It could be good to change sometime, for a change! It doesn't mean that we're losing our identity.. Change some times encourages us to keep the good things and eliminate some things that we inherited and we feel stuck in.. like the discrimination between tribes.. It's stupid, in my opinion.
[img_assist|nid=7232|title=Dua|desc=Amen :-)|link=none|align=left|width=440|height=56]
i agree with abuamerican.
my question is what do you identify yourself with? how do you see yourself? i see qataris as muslims and then as arabs. i think arabs are still doing a better job at preserving their values and islamic identity than some developing asian countries are.
change is always happening no matter where you are. whats happening now is a result of a change in people's thinking a few years ago. what we are thinking today will manifest itself in future and we may not be here to witness it. i think it was ibn-e-khuldun (correct me if i am wrong) who said that a change takes three generations to surface (one generation is 40 years).
We are losing our personality, one indication is that we're posting this here on QL, and not on one of the Arabic Qatari forums.
We also see an identity crisis in many of the Qatari youths, we see the girls less and less covered, with more and more hair standing out.
We see more and more boys running around in Jeans. You wouldn't know the difference between black Qatari youths and a rap video, if it wasn't for their Qatari accent.
We have also lost many of the family and neighborhood values we had only 20 years ago. We don't know our neighbors anymore, and only visit family twice a year (the 2 Eids, and we don't visit them all).
I have more examples and I'm sure you do too.
(p.s. I like this thread better than the other one :)
The future is made of the same stuff as the present - Simone Weil.