Qatari Exporters & Products

By landloverreview •
In order to present the exporting community of Qatar to the world, TASDEER has published The Qatar’s Exporters’ Directory in 2013 which showcases profiles and capabilities of over 120 Qatari exporters. It is a highly effective marketing tool for showcasing Qatari exporters and the quality of the products manufactured in Qatar.
I did not much there! Thanks anyway!
Dude I dont have the whole statistics.. but you can browse through the link :)
LLR apart from products relating to the oil & gas what is Qatar exporting in large quatities?
Thanks! =)
You can download the .pdf formate. Click the link given in the main post. Cheers.
Is this book available for purchase or free and where? Thanks for the tip! =)
It's a good sign n Good move to explore the Qatar products to the world market, hopefully it will give much more encouragement to locals on their exports.