Qatar Tekken 6:BR Society

By d3vine_fist •
Is there a Tekken 6:BR Groups/Society here in Qatar?
(PS3, PSP or XBOX Consoles)
If the answer is no, let's make one.
Kindly comment here. :D
Let's get it on! ;)
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hey guys if u are really up to the standard we shell go for it thats my PSN RD139 and I dont play online because of the lag so if u fancy gathering it would be better ;)
fingers crossed.
Also willing to join the tekken community... Up!
nice, let's invite more tekken gamers. so we would have some test-game soon :D @mokz12 - what is your main character?
I'll join if ever there is..and if there's a tournament i'll participate..looking forward to this..