Qatar Short Film about Indian Expats

Super.Full. is a 13-minute short fiction film that has played in 13 film festivals around the world.
It tells the story of an Indian worker who lives in Doha with his wife, whose dream is to have dinner at the fancy restaurant across the street from their room.
The film is now competing to screen at the Venice film festival. The audience chooses films that will win. Please support us and share this link with your friends and networks.
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Well, that's another new film idea. I respect your opinion and thank you again for sharing your views.
A real story needs to be documented about the poor workers. Sometimes what happens in real life is not good for a fiction story and vice versa :)
but a good effort..Best of luck
Story Well told... the girl looks more Nepali...
still good effort...
I think the "Deaf&dumb" part was a master stroke... it crossed the language barrier...
Good effort - but as you say , It's Fiction :0)
Super..... quarter...... not full
Niam--I agree. Poor in a rich city is an interesting twist.
However, despite affi's profanity (and obvious failure to grasp criticism), I have a hard time getting past the falseness of the portrayal. How many gas attendants can afford their own flat, meet the income level to have a visa for their wives, and have their wives with them? I'm guessing zero. In consequence, the film offers a rosy, false picture of workers' lives in Doha. It's propaganda that wrongly portrays workers' lives in quasi-idealistic way. A realistic portrayal would be him living without his wife for two years in bug-infested barrack/prison and being driven around on an unairconditioned bus.
Perhaps something that showed him yearning for an expensive object in a shop window that he wanted to buy for his wife would be more accurate--then, when entered the mall having saved enough money, security guards could eject him for being a so-called bachelor.
The cinematography, however, is excellent.
We simply had to make a choice as this is a short film :)
And the juxtaposition between a poor couple and a very rich city is stronger than a rich couple in a rich city in my humble opinion.
I've watched it already under a different summery...
But I wonder, why they didn't depict average and proper Indians?
Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment. Appreciate all the feedback.
Qatar is the richest country in the world, according to Forbes. I probably made a mistake by saying Doha. But since it is the capital, I thought it would be just natural. But thanks for calling my attention Bachus.
As for the visa issue and the deaf/mute issue, it is not a matter of bad research. For those in Qatar, they should know it is a "between the lines" criticism of the system which would never allow something like that -let alone the maltreatment of workers/migrants and the treatment of people with disabilities.
Those who know will understand the message :)
Please try to share the link to the film with friends and networks and if you like it, vote for us. And keep the feedback coming, good or bad, we want to hear what you think!
Thank you once more,,,
The guy is wearing a FabIndia kurta :)
We shouldn't criticize anyone, their must have been a lot of effort by the whole team who made this. This is not intended to hurt anyone.
I watched it and thought it was ok.That's it!
Good cinematography and theme, Like it in that sense.
However the film is based on superficial information and is far from ground reality.
I would have given it a 5 star if the expat was shown as dreaming the whole film and waking up in a bunker bed at a bugs bite.
There is nothing Indian about the film. Neither the actors or their expressions or their home. Good attempt though by the cast and crew to capture the emotions of us poor people. Just a thought- how did he get visa for wife???
A sincere request "If you cannot help then at least don't hurt!!!"
@ Bachus
the simple explanation to ur A-Hole of a Questions is IF THERE IS A WILL, THERE DEFINITELY IS A WAY.
amazing two thumbs for u :)
I have a couple of questions/comments
1. Doha is not the richest city in the world. The entire GDP of Qatar (which is based mostly on industry outside Doha) is less than Tokyo and NYC. In terms of total wealth of citizens, Doha is way behind a list of cities.
2. How does this guy afford to pay the visa on his wife? And there is no way he meets the minimum income requirement to apply to have his wife with him.
Otherwise a great short film. Beautifully shot.
Good try. Good luck.