Qatar sees huge hike in abandoned cars

Doha has seen a 791 percent increase in the number of cars being abandoned on its streets and outskirts, it was reported on Sunday.
The city’s municipality has revealed that in January this year 1,448 vehicles were deemed to be left unclaimed.
Didn't these people hear about used car selling? You know.., if the car is still in good shape and running you could sell it to someone who is willing to own it and doesn't mind the fact that it had been used... I know i would gladly get one, they are cheaper and that's what i want, in fact i am going to get one of the used cars Philadelphia the next weekend, cause i prefer to spend my money wisely.
Where is the scrap yard located? can we buy piece by piece sprare parts? like mag wheels and the other stuff?
some body has to start a scrap business as germans do
...and after their contract is finished, kalas! Leave them there without even finishing the loan pay. It's not crisis. It's everyone's habit. No respect for the classic ones that have a better and stronger chassis than the new ones. As long as it can still be counted for insurance and availability of spare parts in the market, why not go for it?
You know if I can just find an old VW bug in the Abu Hamour scrap yard, I'd be willing to lease or rent one. Still kinda liked some of those plenty Nissan Altimas driven by 'bearded' drivers.
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
vulcanizing shops here!With too many cars around???
"I do live by the motto that pessimists are usually right, but all the great change in history was done by optimists" -Thomas Friedman
I am surprised that puncture repair kits are unavailabe, especially with the number of people using bicycles here. Perhaps you were looking in the wrong areas. Shold have contacted Paaju..
Rizks, I scoured Doha for inner-tubes for my kid's bike. Couldn't find any, nor could I find a pucture-repair kit. In the end, I had to order tubes from Amazon. I wonder how much business is lost to this country every year because local shops are stocking 20 varieties of the same product, rather than the things people actually need.
Old/unused Cars stockpiled on top of the other is normal in this area and if it is not enough to accomodate such huge scraps of metal. In Saudi, there's plenty of area to spare.
i would like to abondon my punctured tricycle.... who is willing to take it ??
their cars, don't do it, instead give it me..heehe! (as long as it's LOAN FREE and in good running condition). You are most welcome! LOL!
"I do live by the motto that pessimists are usually right, but all the great change in history was done by optimists" -Thomas Friedman
Its not only Kerala, the whole world is suffering because of this recession including India and Kerala is also part of it.
what we called in Phils. "chop-chop". Disassemble the spare parts into pieces, classified them as 're-usable' and 'for disposal or throw-away'. (of course, not really throw them away but send them to junk shop for re-cycling into new metals).
"I do live by the motto that pessimists are usually right, but all the great change in history was done by optimists" -Thomas Friedman
Maybe the local municipality, will land a contract with some Indian company, to buy those cars for scrap metal.. There is good money in recycling steel and aluminum. Indians are notorious in that field.
Another solution is for the municipality to purchase a metal compactor. Those machines will crunch those cars into squares. Meaning less space and more efficient storage.
or re-modeling (customizing cars).
"I do live by the motto that pessimists are usually right, but all the great change in history was done by optimists" -Thomas Friedman
Indian State Kerala is bracing itself to handle the crisis...of the expats comming back from the Gulf in huge numbers during the year 2009 ...due to the recession.
“... vehicles are already stockpiled one over the other,”
Isn't that normal for a scarp yard ?
"The scrap yard is full to capacity...and vehicles are stacked one over the other".... what do they expect the people to do?
Crisis? No, people who buy new cars are just too lazy to take the old ones to the scrap yard.