Qatar, the richest country?

By silverstar

You must have recently seen in the news that Qatar is the richest country in the world as per Forbes with a per capita income of over US$88000/. BTW when you walk on the roads of Doha, do you get a feeling that we are living in the richest country?

What do you all feel. Please share your thoughts.

By 2020 Olympics• 6 Mar 2012 10:52
2020 Olympics

In pure numbers Qatar is second per capita and yes it includes all residents not just citizens. If just citizens then several times higher than the second place holder. Forbes rightly takes into account purchasing power parity (sometimes called the Big Mac Indexes) which considers cost of living. After this adjustment Qatar is number one.

What matters most is Qatar shares its wealth instead of building large military and bombing other nations. Think of all the jobs it gives and how many people in other countries are supported. TRULY AMAZING!

By jjj75• 6 Mar 2012 08:26

Not the second even

By ghazalz• 5 Mar 2012 22:35

Qatar is the second richest...

By britexpat• 5 Mar 2012 21:32

Qatar is going through a massive change. It will take time, but it will get there.

By tigabaguio• 5 Mar 2012 21:23

NOTE: This country is labeled riches per capita..



By jjj75• 5 Mar 2012 20:59

not the worlds richest - per capita, that is a different thing entirely, please get it into context

By anonymous• 5 Mar 2012 20:55


By anonymous• 5 Mar 2012 20:54


By anonymous• 5 Mar 2012 20:54


By anonymous• 5 Mar 2012 20:53


By anonymous• 5 Mar 2012 20:53


By anonymous• 5 Mar 2012 20:52


By goodguy123• 29 Feb 2012 19:30

Say something nice or don't say nothing at all for crying out loud,The turkey guy needs to bake a chicken or wait for thanksgiving to go back to turkey.

By 2020 Olympics• 29 Feb 2012 14:58
2020 Olympics

Wow. So much hatred and unhappiness is the world's richest country. I hope that you all find a place to live where you can be happy. I know I have. ;-)

Doha186--I have visited all of those countries. I'd rather live in the industrial area than the South Bronx or one of the Berlin slums. Or how about one of the heroin-infested slums of Glasgow? All fine places in so-called rich countries. LOL.

By Baburao-Ganpatrao-Apte• 29 Feb 2012 14:21

excessive laughing is oxygenurious to health :(

By clownfish• 29 Feb 2012 14:20

ok, i will stop "laughting" to myself. What is it again?

ooooohhhh... i will just continue laughing. it's making my head ache.

sorry for the op, i will stop bashing the thread now.

By anonymous• 29 Feb 2012 14:04

yigit: Me No Sepaeeeech Anglieeesh!

By anonymous• 29 Feb 2012 13:52

of course you can laughting to yourself :) because if I wrote 2 time , you need more oxygen and brain because you didn't guess 2 times for same word :) I think you are an empty people and time lost for me because you need be more smart for talk with me. god help to your company because they can go to be bankrupt with you :) see you guys :)

By anonymous• 29 Feb 2012 13:42

oxygen in OZ is somethin ppl take in to get hiiiiiiiiie :P

By clownfish• 29 Feb 2012 13:39

wahahaha... OK i really need some oxygen here, I can't stop laughing. Yeah, only 1 letter mistake in two post with the same word.



By Baburao-Ganpatrao-Apte• 29 Feb 2012 13:35

may be brain needs" weither" more than oxygen

By clownfish• 29 Feb 2012 12:03

"YOU CAN'T UNDERSTAND MY WORDS " yes, until now I'm still analyzing the "NO GOOD WEITHER" in qatar. what is weither?

By brightsun• 29 Feb 2012 11:33

Richest but this place is not secured anymore. Once upon a time it was very peaceful place and less crimes happening here. recently, the crime rate is very highbut it is not mentioned in the newspapers.

Lots of home burglary/ robbery cases registered and the citizens are not aware / alerted of these happenings.

Its very important for us to know or alert the people with all these happenings around us. It's not at all published in the daily newspapers(may be because of law). what is QL'rs opinion?

By Captain_Lost• 29 Feb 2012 11:09

Yeah.. Symbian ...what did she say wrong or disrespectful??

By Baburao-Ganpatrao-Apte• 29 Feb 2012 11:05

when did Fathimah disrespect

By symbian• 29 Feb 2012 11:02


Respect !!!

By brightsun• 29 Feb 2012 10:57

Its very important for us to know or alert the people with all these happenings in this country. It's not at all published in the daily newspapers. what is QL'rs opinion?

By Baburao-Ganpatrao-Apte• 29 Feb 2012 10:49

ok ok turkey is the richest county in oxygen

By Rizks• 29 Feb 2012 10:46

yigit for your goggle sake 'OFF THE CAPSLOCK'.....:(

By Captain_Lost• 29 Feb 2012 10:45

LOL YIgit... did you say something.. or is the lack of oxygen that i cant really understand you .?? :(

By Captain_Lost• 29 Feb 2012 10:39

Faitmah.. ROFL..I carry an oxygen tank with me all the time.. for emergency situations.. :P

By brightsun• 29 Feb 2012 10:32

Apart from all these issues, this place is not secured anymore. Once upon a time it was more secured place and less crimes happening here. recently, the crime rate is very high. Lots of home burglary/ robbery cases registered and it is mentioned in the newspapers.

By Rizks• 29 Feb 2012 10:04

yigit, swear to God and tell us watever you have mentioned about yourself and your interest in your profile - is tat all True ? :(

By FathimaH• 29 Feb 2012 09:59

and heaven for others.Perfectly understandable. Oh well..Glad I'm breathing fine. shortage of oxygen for me!

By Baburao-Ganpatrao-Apte• 29 Feb 2012 09:55

oxygen ?? what happened finished in qatar ? n u shld be grateful I KEEP MONEY FOR NICE LIFE FROM HELL AND I WILL LIVE IN PARADISE

By ishu369• 29 Feb 2012 09:38

The rick is in terms of the income they gain from the vast oil and gas resources and the carbons and what ever.

its not on what they pay the expat labors and other white collar staff

By Baburao-Ganpatrao-Apte• 29 Feb 2012 09:30

"ALSO I KEEP MORE MONEY FOR NICE LIFE IN TURKEY" earning money from hell and still criticizing

By anonymous• 29 Feb 2012 09:26

I wanna be a billionaire so fricking bad

Buy all of the things I never had

Uh, I wanna be on the cover of Forbes magazine

Smiling next to Oprah and the Queen


Oh every time I close my eyes

I see my name in shining lights

A different city every night oh

I swear the world better prepare

For when I’m a billionaire


By Baburao-Ganpatrao-Apte• 29 Feb 2012 09:18

why wait in Hell for short time also ? u can move now or tomrrow to ur paradise

By Missteacher• 29 Feb 2012 09:10

I want to be rich!! :(

By Baburao-Ganpatrao-Apte• 29 Feb 2012 09:07

if they make everyone rich they will become poor soon bhuhu !

By clownfish• 29 Feb 2012 09:06

i feel sad. I live in the richest country but my salary will not make me rich. huhuhu!

By Baburao-Ganpatrao-Apte• 29 Feb 2012 08:57

yes qatar is the richest country that why all the "richest ones from west" r working here

By anonymous• 29 Feb 2012 08:23

This is just statistics..we get 'per capita' figures when we divide the GDP by its population. As its a small country with very low population, the per capita figures are high.

Qatar is sitting on the second largest gas field of the world and the exports are also high comparatively.

The revenue from the exports fills the government treasure and used for the country's development whereas the labours, foremen and supervisors are all privately employed by outside contracting companies so their salaries have no bearing on the country' richness.

Now, I agree the condition of the industrial area should be looked at and improved upon. This is again a low priority area to the state as there is no direct revenue from this area. If this had been a state refinery, fertilizer or steel sector, things would be better.

By Prism• 29 Feb 2012 08:12

Money can only buy all one has to acquire including wisdom to put that money to good use.

By kkforever young• 29 Feb 2012 08:06
kkforever young

Yes, and you pay labourers QAR 700 (Shame on you !), have a poor educational system, poor health system, have bad roads, reckless drivers, lousy infrastructure, etc, etc, etc...

By anonymous• 29 Feb 2012 07:49

How will you justify any country richness when the infrastructures are very poor & standard of living is high which is not corresponding to any salary of lowest paid worker position. If anyone will be at rich country you will feel and enjoy the benefits.

By anonymous• 29 Feb 2012 07:30

i agree to your post... there's no RACIST in Japan... i will be back home soon!

By m_e_j_a_s• 29 Feb 2012 07:28

richest? maybe only in resources... but in other aspects, i highly doubt...

By silverstar• 29 Feb 2012 06:49

By anonymous• 29 Feb 2012 06:08

2020 olympics why not visit other countries such as US, Canada, Japan, Germany, and see how different the life here and there. qatar maybe labeled the richest but the countries that I mention is better cause you can feel that your in the rich country

By timebandit• 29 Feb 2012 06:04

2020 Olympics when I read your posts all I see is "Blagh, blagh, blagh, blagh, blagh, blagh, blagh, blagh, blagh, blagh, blagh, blagh, blagh, blagh, blagh, blagh, blagh, blagh, blagh, blagh, blagh, blagh, blagh, blagh, blagh, blagh, blagh, blagh, blagh, blagh, blagh, blagh, blagh, blagh, blagh, blagh, blagh, blagh, blagh, blagh, blagh, blagh, blagh, blagh"

By 2020 Olympics• 29 Feb 2012 06:02
2020 Olympics

Oh and the jealousy continues in another bashing thread by ungrateful expats. You must wake up with such hatred in your hearts to live somewhere you hate so much. How pitiful.

"Richest" defined by Forbes is a dollar figure not a quality of life. There is obvious a gap between the rich and the poor in this country as there is in most wealthy country. Life in industrial area is better than living in many slums in the world or people would not be choosing to live there. They also receive heath care which is more than US provides its poor.

By wargame1• 29 Feb 2012 05:52

The Forbes claim is for citizens only. While most people are shocked at the low salaries for the unskilled expat workers, think of what they would be paid in their home countries if they were lucky enough to have a job. I brought two brother-in-laws from the Philippines here and they are making ten times what they would in PI. There is not a "successful" country on the planet that doesn’t have an exploitable work force and Qatar is no exception. I blame unscrupulous recruiters for charging huge recruitment fees and their home country governments for corruption and failing to bring industry.

By timebandit• 29 Feb 2012 05:52

"but I do hope to see Qatar prosper further more and do away with all those negatives and human rights abuses that prevail around."

Lovely thought ;)

By mbijlee• 29 Feb 2012 05:50

Qatar Flour MILL (QFM) still paying some of Asian Emplyees @ 600 QR Per month. How will they become Rich????

By FathimaH• 29 Feb 2012 05:34

Yes I do feel that compared to where I come from, Qatar is by far more privileged and luxurious. And I am content here with my life which does give me the feeling that I truly am in a rich country, InnalHamdulillah. Richest? God alone knows best, but I do hope to see Qatar prosper further more and do away with all those negatives and human rights abuses that prevail around.

By anonymous• 29 Feb 2012 05:11

yes qatar is the richest, but why is the internet connection is slow? why is the road not nice? why is the city planning ugly? they have money but why not use it? i'm originally from Japan and im use too modernity. the reason why im here is because of the tsunami, i pick qatar as my second home cause its labeled the richest country, and now i cant go home because of the contract, I was fooled for going here in qatar, why ? because they kept building up qatars name as a good country I have atleast one year left, I miss my dynamic real rich country Japan

By Jhopp• 29 Feb 2012 02:51

I am pretty sure those figures are based on the local resident population, not expats.

By anonymous• 29 Feb 2012 01:04

so sad the Asian laborers are getting 800 riyals per month yet it is the richest country in the world..

By symbian• 29 Feb 2012 00:18

Richest only for citizens.....

By akfazil• 29 Feb 2012 00:07

per capita income of over US$88000/.???? Its 1/200th for the labours in Industrial Area. 1/100th for their foreman and 1/50th for the supervisors. 1/25th for their Engineers. 1/15th for their Project Managers and 1/10th for the Manager projects. This is whats happening with more than 100 contracting companies having more than 1000 staff each in Qatar...

Is the survey among st Qatari Nationals only or Expats?

By metoyou• 28 Feb 2012 23:19

If we only see the other people how they live here,, even others don't eat good and others are picking fish in the garbage area in fish market... :( this is really sad story...

By mssqr• 28 Feb 2012 23:10

Its an statistical figure. Real richness come from the

manners and behavior. Most Qataris are nice people but some takes advantage of low paid workers. I know a person still pays QR400 per month to his former kofil to get permission to change kofil to work some where else.This worker earns only qr1500/month out of which he has to pay QR400 to the former kofil. Does it go with the normal behavior of a citizen of the richest country? Although it is illegal in this country. But this is the norm here.

By metoyou• 28 Feb 2012 23:03

yeah right me too... they should increase their productivity at work also. :)

By Donzypaulo18• 28 Feb 2012 23:02

if so, they need to increase my salary =))

By metoyou• 28 Feb 2012 23:01

Maybe they are when you look at their resources. But in general like when i am taking around here in Doha only few places that i can say i am amazed to see like Katara and The Pearl. The rest are still no yet developed. Maybe they should also have mayors in each area so there will be someone to take care of its place and developed it.

By coxtown_rajan• 28 Feb 2012 22:53

Forbes, atleast next time, prior to your declarations,

pls visit the Industrial area, camps and the living conditions of bachelors ( I mean the labors and low paid workers )

If the survey is only concerned with locals then its ok. SS, for my academic interest, can you tell me what are the + points that makes a country richest ?

By frenz• 28 Feb 2012 22:48

Qatar looks like a rich country.. don't you see so nice salaries in this country plus a clean and neat environment so many towers and expensive lifestyles.

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