Qatar Rental Law
I hope this helps. I spoke to a judge who claims most of their laws are adopted from the US and UK.
By reading this law it seems favorable for the tenant.
Lease Law No. 4/2008, Amendments, and Executive Decisions
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
Chapter 1
Definitions and General Provisions (1-3)
Article 1
In applying the provisions of this law, the following words and phrases will have the meanings assigned to them, unless the context requires otherwise:
The Ministry: Ministry of Municipality and Urban Planning.
The Minister: The Minister of Municipal and Urban Planning.
The Commission: The Commission for Lease Disputes Resolution, an affiliate of the Ministry.
The Office: The Office for Registering Lease Contracts.
The Landlord: The owner of leased properties or those representing him/her.
The Tenant: The person(s) renting properties as well as family members living with him/her, or those given tenants’ legal rights by landlords.
Leased Property: The property tenants pay money to rent.
Article 2
The provisions of this law are applicable to places and parts made for residence purposes or any other commercial and industrial purposes. They are also applicable to furnished apartments leased for more than one month, regardless of whether the tenant is an individual or a legal entity.
The following properties are not subject to the provisions of this law:
1. State properties (public and private).
2. Agricultural lands.
3. Plots of land.
4. Lands used in support services, such as industrial ones.
5. Tourist apartments, hotels, and units.
6. Housing units given by the government or companies to staff.
Article 3
Leases subject to the provisions of this law have to be in a written form. With basic conditions written, these leases have to be registered at the Office.
Registration provisions will apply to existing contracts. Tenants have to take the necessary measures to register their leases within a year from the date of the application of this law. Tenants have to use all proofs to establish the terms of their lease contracts. Submissions will not be heard from tenants until they register their lease contracts at the Office. Requests for proving landlord-tenant relationships prior to February 15, 2008 are the only exception to this.
Article 4
Landlords are obliged to give tenants the leased properties in proper condition in the light of a previously made agreement. Tenants have the right to demand an abrogation of the contract or a reduction of the value of the monthly rent according to the decisions of the Committee.
Article 5
Landlords are obliged to maintain leased properties so that they can be fit for use. They have to be addressed in a written form if they brook delay in this maintenance.
Tenants can then get permission from the Committee to carry out this maintenance themselves and then cut the cost from the value of the monthly rent. They also have the right to demand annulling the lease contract or reducing the rent in case of any harm.
Article 6
Landlords have a right to maintaining their properties even if tenants disapprove of this. If maintenance partially or totally breaches the terms of lease contracts, tenants have a right to demand the termination of these contracts or even a reduction in the value of the rent. They can also demand an extension of the contract for a period equal to the period of the maintenance.
Tenants cannot enjoy any of the aforementioned rights if they do not report to the Committee within 30 days after the end of maintenance works. They can retain these rights, however, if they give acceptable reasons to the Committee.
Article 7
The insurance landlords take from tenants must not in any way exceed the value of two months’ rent. The purpose of a lease is dependent on an agreement between landlords and tenants.
Article 8
Tenants have to use leased properties as agreed with landlords. They are not allowed to make changes to such properties without written permission
from landlords.
In case of tenant-induced changes to properties, landlords have the right to demand that the properties be returned to their former state. They have the right to compensation as well depending on the individual case.
Article 9
Tenants have to pay for their water and electricity consumption. They have to pay the telephone bills as well as any other fee incurred during the lease period unless both tenants and landlords agree otherwise.
Article 10
Landlords do not have a right to a rent raise by force of this law without approval of the Minister.
Article 11
Tenants have to pay rent for the leased properties seven days at most after the date specified in the lease contract. They have to get a receipt showing proof of the payment.
Article 12
Current lease contracts are viable even for new owners.
Article 13
New landlords have to make themselves known to tenants via registered mail within 30 days of buying properties. They have to enclose a copy of their title deeds with the notification letter.
Article 14
Tenants cannot lease all or parts of rented properties to a third party without written permission from landlords.
Great laws. Now who are you going to get to enforce them?
The complete, properly translated and amended version is here