Qatar Philharmonic - Gala Concert

Last night I went down to Qatar National Theatre to attend their concert. It was a part of two days show 'Qatar Philharmonic Orchestra Inaugural Gala Concert'. The first day was for invites only, and the second day, last night, for the public (you have to buy the ticket of course).
Qatar Philharmonic 31st Oct - Encore from novita77 on Vimeo.
The orchestra only played three pieces. Symphony No.5 from Beethoven, Bolero from Maurice Ravel and the third one is Arabian Concerto - World Premiere from Marcel Khalife.
Symphony No.5, it was very familiar tune. I heard it many times before. Still very nice to hear it live in a proper theatre.
Bolero from Maurice Ravel ... I never heard about the composer. He born 50 years just after Beethoven passing. The pieces were 'unique' in my ears. I like the part when the orchestra members doing a lot of plucking on their violins and violas.
My favourite one was Arabian Concerto. Composed by Marcel Khalife that now become a music director and the resident composer of the newly founded of Qatar Philharmonic Orchestra. Classical orchestra instruments mixing with Arabic percussion, I can’t find a word to describe the performance. But the music was simply 'amazing' and 'enjoyable'. They have tabla, bouzouq, Ney, Qanoun, and Oud. It was a quite long piece ... about 30 mins.
The Orchestra received a lot of applause and played an encore. It was 'different' ... The orchestra played along with some kind of Arabic drum.
For the two days performance, they had two different conductors. First day was Lorin Maazel and second day was Andreas Weiser.
This is their Gala Concert, I am looking forward for their next performance. With Marcel Khalife as their music director, I really looking forward to hear their next 'orchestra with Arabic touch' recital again !
UKEngQatar ... did not know if you have a 'classical taste'. There will be plenty more to come. The next one would be on the 12. Are you going?
lucky you Novi.. We tried to get tickets but they were sold out long before..Well ur organised. Friends went to Bahrain this weekend to play there in The Bahrain Orchestra..
.., maybe they thought that a husband & wife 'team' would be just too hot for the audience to handle!!
They were certainly hot as all present would verify.
Can you imagine having that kind of talent, let alone in your marriage, makes one's mind boggle!
Sonja & Dmitri simply divine people & consumate musicians, but possess that rare quality of being relatable people, that's rare in my experience, they must have un-done so many pre-conceptions of those 'watching' that are new to classical music!
Long may they continue to reside in Qatar & wow & woo audiences from wherever, their talent should be seen, if you missed them & are open-minded to 'music' you should get your butt's to the next concert!!
MapleLeafs, thanks ... looking forward to see Marcel Khalife now :)
Yes, they were really great. My daughter was very much excited. Although she wasnt feeling so good today (she got cold I think) she could concentrate till the end.
Novita, I will be looking for tickets. I will let you know as soon as I have some information. usualy the tickets are sold by the Embassy.
crescent ... still think it is very romantic for husband and wife performing together !!!! What was your daughter comment about the recital?
Crescent ... on the 12 there will be a jazz concert in ASD. It is only QR 20, and notfromhere selling the tickets. Not sure if she have any left, for the price you should go with your daughter...
I mixed it up, which event and where was on 12th?
By the way today the recital was wonderful. Their performance was gorgeous.
The auditorium a bit cold though, may be to me.
Oh Novi, you are gonna be BUSY writing next week!
See you on the 12th :-)
What can i say Notfromhere ... they were 'together' from Nursery, Reception and Year1. Her parents American, and plant to relocate back to the US in 2 or 3 yrs time, thats why they moved her to ASD to streamline the education. My son was really sad when she left ...
The auditorium is really nice ... and i read on the program today that ASD will launch its own concert series on 2009.
So next year we will have series of recitals from Qatar Foundation (that usually sponsored by Shell) plus from ASD.
Who said there is nothing cultural in Qatar ???
For next week itself there are 3 music events ... 11, 12 and 14. I am going to all of them ... lol
Sorry I missed it, but sooo glad there will be more to come.
Torque, glad you liked the new auditorium. It's been a loooong wait. The days of concerts in the gym are OVER at last, woo hoo!
Lol Novi, your son was picking up chicks at a classical music recital???
Nfh, today was great ... Sonja and Dimitri played beautifully. Had to bring my brat, and he can be a pain at times ... He met his 'long list girlfriend' who moved to ASD from DESS and got over excited ...
I just finished the write up from yesterday ... going to do from today tomorrow ... have to upload the videos first lol.
I have a feeling a write-up is coming, so won't say more now, but it really was fab & the auditorium very good!
Novi, how was the recital today? And how did you like the theater?
MapleLeafs, would you mind to let me know the details of Marcel when it come out please?
Thank you for sharing that with others:( GRIN
Marcel will be performing on Nov 20, 2008, however it will not be classical music concert but rather a concert of his songs sponsored by the Embassy of Lebanon.
qatartico ... great :)
like your idea novita, i will pm you a.s.a.p, once i have a more definite plan for tuesday.. we could organize a small group to sit together if someone else on this thread is interested
**lateral thinking**
Definitely I will. And yes we ll be there today.
yes crescent, you SHOULD / MUST check QL more often :P
I read your post but it was too late. Shd look at QL more often I think.
crescent ... if you like classical stuffs why dont you come tonight to ASD and watch Dimitri and Sonja playing?
last night .... 8pm. It the ladies club just opposite the food court end of villagio.
I did not know either if one of the violist did not tell me ...
Novita, was it a rehearsal then?
it shd have been interesting. Then I missed another one too. Where was it in Aspire?
yes i did Qatartico ... It was nice ... and more informal. None of the musician dressing up ... I am did not know what they were playing though. No programs were being distributed.
i am set to see the duo piano violist tonight, and another one on Tuesday.
Maybe you should PM me if you defenitely coming on Tuesday so we can sit together?
novita, did you go to aspire last night?
hopefully we'll meet at the next concert then :)
**lateral thinking**
MapleLeafs, i saw his son Remi Khalife performing on the piano few months back. Now you know where the son get the music talent from. Here is my write up when Remi Khalife performing :
I saw the concert and as most said it was realy amazing. Specialy the last piece by Marcel. I hav ebeen folllowing Marcel since I was a kid. I grew up listening to his songs and latter his music. He is truly a great musician. For those of you interested in knowing more about him here is his Web Site address:
By the way, The tableh player is one of his two sons. Both studied and play music.
ah shame Qatartico, i will have to wait on Tuesday to meet you then :P
novita, i believe it is reliable information.. i also was informed by one member of the orchestra that they will perform for free tonight at aspire.. pity i have a dinner :(
**lateral thinking**
i been in touch with one of the musician from Qatar Philharmonic, apparently they doing another concert tonight in aspire building at 8pm. It is free for all.
Dont quote my post, cant guarantee how accurate, but i am going to have a peek to aspire tonight ... Would be nice if i can see them performing again.
sorry am a new user to QL.
actually wats going on here.
[email protected]
no, thats different school ...
Err.. American School - is that the DESS?
Qatartico, for the past 2 yrs actually there are quite regular classical recitals around Doha. Shell always sponsoring Qatar Foundation bringing musician from abroad to perform in their auditorium. The problem they dont do much advertising so not many people knows it.
Doha Orchestra will perform in American School on the 14th. You can get the ticket from International Music Centre. Adult QR 50 , children QR 25.
thanks again novita, i'll try my best to be there next tuesday! its good to see so much interest for qatar orchestra..i hope the next performance will also be a success, the more people attend the more likely it is such fine musical events will become a regular feature in Doha... inshallah
**lateral thinking**
ntf...just borrowed the term from qatartico, thought it was apt. Would like to hear the Arabian Concerto too.
Hubby works in QF and am assuming tickets are sold there so will be asking him if he can get any tickets, as yet the friends I have spoken to are either not avail/not their taste so need a date and will let you know if I can get any:)
I may be blonde but I am wise
smile lots laugh more
Ok snowyowl, next time the symphony orchestra is performing, we expect you to help us scramble for tickets, then we can all go together :-)
Hmmm... what do you mean by "blended"? It will be a woodwind ensemble (plus piano) featuring Western chamber music.
snowyowl, i think on the 11th would be a smaller version. It does mention would be only the principals player.
I look forward to all these musicals stuffs happening around doha. Nothing happen for mths and out of sudden they are all happening in the same time.
Thank you Novu so much for posting this. LOVE it! Sitting here rather jealous of you, NFH and others right now :)
Would you happen to know if the one you've mentioned on 11 nov will be 'blended'? (off to find babysitters...)
I may be blonde but I am wise
smile lots laugh more
I just found this (going to put it up on QL Calender later when i hv more time).
Qatar - Shell presents:
'The World of Woodwind'
A Concert of Chamber Music
Featuring Principals Players from Qatar Philharmonic Orchestra
Works by Mozart, Elgar, Mendelssohn
Tuesday, Nov 11 2008, 7.30pm
At Qatar Academy Auditorium
Education City
Ticket QR 50 available from Qatar Foundation PR and Marketing Department
Telp : 454 0950 / 454 8160 / 522 3073
wow... I love this one..
novita.. thanx for the invite, i cant make it on friday but i'm interested in such events and would be grateful if you would inform me of any coming up in the future :)
**lateral thinking**
Title of the encore is Sabah al Leil( Salute ) also composed by Marcel Khalife. But I don't know if what you've done is legal..(copyright?)
Yes i agree ... thats boils down to personal taste ...
Qatartico, since i put up this thread some of the musicians who on QL been PM'ing me.
I told them to let me know if anymore event like this coming up, then i can put it on QL calendar.
Speaking of which ... on this coming Friday the 7th, one of the violist from Qatar Philharmonic will have a duo recital with his wife in American School of Doha. At 4pm. The wife will be on the piano. I have put the event on calendar. If you have nothing on why dont you come along to American School and attend their recital.
novita.. i love arabic musical instruments but i don't quite like the way they "blend" with the traditional ones .. i guess it boils down to personal taste, de gustibus non disputandum est :)
it would be great if they organized more of these events but i'm not sure they have definite future plans for qatar orchestra.. anyone knows more?
**lateral thinking**
I was one of the lucky people who attended the Friday concert, yeah it was enough good as a new porn orchestra.
Before, we were waiting the orchestras from different countries to visit Qatar to enjoy these amazing nights, but now we have the national one.
I like the Arabian Concerto too, and I heard for many composers who really have amazing symphony.....
Qatartico, i love the arabian concerto. It is different than the usual orchestra :) I do hope that in the future Qatar Philharmonic will perform more pieces like arabian concerto.
Does anyone knows the title of the encore i recorded on the video on my thread?
RocknRoll : they usually sell the tickets at virgin.
Now where can I buy tickets to next event?
Being a fan of classical and operatic music i was very happy to read about this performance.
I hope soon they will have some operas or at least some areas.
Maybe im wishing for too much but hey one can always dream right? ;-)
Errr, Majnoon, wasn't that Bo Derek?????
Did you Google it first?
Fantastic initiative and great performance by the young musicians, I totally enjoyed it! Although, I must say, I personally found Khalife's Arabian Concerto a bit harsh to my ears after Beethoven and Ravel...
**lateral thinking**
is even more famous for the seduction scene in the movie "10" with Darryl Hanna in 1979.
He who dies with the most toys wins.
I look forward to see your son Jazz Concert on the 12th Notfromhere ... xxx
It was a wonderful performance last night. Bolero was beautifully done..such a seductive piece. And Arabian Concerto was really unique. Mesmerizing.
Couldn't take my eyes off that tabla player ;-)
Sooo nice to finally have some entertainment for grownups in this town!
Thanks for posting, Novi. I'm sending the link to my daughter.
Yes I am lucky Baldrick, Notfromhere (another QL'er) managed to grab the last 2 tickets. I went to the recital with her.
If you like classical stuff, do come to ASD on the 7th at 4pm. 2 of our QLer (husband and wife) doing a violin -piano recital duo.
You Lucky, lucky .......
Ravel's Bolero is probably most famous for being the music Torville and Dean skated to!
Did you Google it first?