Qatar needs Salalah like resort in Shamal

Qatar is deploying lot of funds in the tourism sector, but no project has so far seen the light like Salalah. There was a news sometimes ago, that such a plan is at the drawing board stage to built Al Shamal city.
Al Shamal city owing to its proximity to cooler Iran shall offer mild summers and lots of recreational facilities to Qatar residents, which shall also generate lots of inland tourism.
Many people would prefer to spend their summer week ends in Shamal which at present is missing altogether in the country.
Interesting comments ...........
Equinox: I look forward to it. Will probably take Rizks with me and then share the photos ..
And when you camp there, please take and share your pictures for QL friends.
Ideal is no word, we live on ground.
This project is set to take shape soon, and you would soon see lot of inland tourism when families would spend their week ends in Al Shamal.
Shamal has a cool weather as well as the sandy beaches, for anyone to bask, bake and take.
I've used 'sizzle' on purpose, brit. Like the oil in the pan it makes a lot of noise and in the end it's all gone.
Such resort would bring joy to all
Fizzles ..
Equinox .. It seems from your articles that you want an idealistic existence where government and free enterprise Forget about market / fiscal realities but pander to unrealistic whims
Yes, you are right.
Given the country's diversification drive towards tourism, the tourism authority shall be geared to do the upkeep of such projects in the times to come.
"it sizzles"
The problem in Qatar is not building a structure. The problem is to maintain it, service it, and fill it with life! Artificial resorts usually don't live long. They have "Grand Openings" and then is sizzles all out together.