Qatar Living ??!!

Is it just me or does anyone else feel that QL is getting a little slow n monotonous, Somehow all the threads seem to be about the same stuff that i have been reading about for the past 3-4 months... Except for few of the Group things the other forum topics are sadly getting quite "BORING" !!!!!
I'm sure this can be added to that list of snoozy threads all im saying is we need to do something to make the reading more interesting and fresh .... Any ideas ????!!!!!
this "retard" comment comes from living for 31 years in the most homophobic place on earth .... trust me i know what i am saying
"on the other hand most of the straights are very homophobic, or at least they never understand the gay people feelings and it is pointless to disscuss the issue with them"
This probably one of the most retard comments I have read in a long time, how did you come up with this one?
I couldn´t agree more with E46. If censorship of topics or opinions starts here, I will not be bothered to log in and read the forum.
Guys don't get me wrong, I really enjoy reading your postings, specially gypsy and scorpio, even though I may get offended few times, but most of the times I find their postings informative and enlightening,....however I don't find it really useful to divert all issues toward relegious and gay matters....the years taught me that people can get very irrational when relegion is concerned, on the other hand most of the straights are very homophobic, or at least they never understand the gay people feelings and it is pointless to disscuss the issue with them
Censorship is abhorrent. To think that any topic isn't open to discussion goes against the idea of placing a brain in every human's head.
I agree that things must be stopped when we're into the realm of blind insults. That is both immature and counterproductive.
But other than that why can't we discuss sexuality, religion (I keep out of that one because emotions get inflamed quickly), politics, social quirks, etc.
To think a subject is off limits, taboo, is incomprehensible to me. Why was Socrates executed?
People should be allowed to speak their minds and seek anything they wish in life. Maybe we pass personal judgments but ultimately we are not judge and jury and never will be.
Can't be helped guys. I won't be in the office next week, or near a computer. :( If I'm allowed to go home to sleep I'll try and post something. It will more then likely sound a little cranky but I'll try. :D
[img_assist|nid=13228|title=I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
Hey wait! now that's called torturing! you know we'll miss you!!!!!
Come on girl it'll be less fun if you not here.....
I thought that thing I posted for you will cheer you up!!!!!
Just keep dancing baby
Group # 1. Useful Information for Living in Qatar
Group # 2. Religious Matters
Group # 3. Serious Topic for serious people
Group # 4. Mummy's topic
Group # 5. Lost world (Homosexuals etc.)
Group # 6. Political matters
Group # 7. Jokes
Group # 8. Allies
Group # 9. Advertisements
Group # 10.Head bangers (Nuisance)
Just kidding!
Just keep dancing baby
If you do, the boys would go away too!!!...hehehehe
People need to stop writing so much. I'm very busy at work and can't keep up with the posts. Argh!
Actually to be honest I won't be writing much of anything over the next week! Too busy!
[img_assist|nid=13228|title=I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
this is for you! enjoy watching.....
Just keep dancing baby
I couldn't care less if people name me. I just want to know why? As Gypsy said, if people want to read gay bashing and religious posts...go for it....but we have every right to express our views. If you don't agree,and are bored by what we say...ignore it...create new threads!
I was'nt complaining about the topics its just that the same stuff seems to be circulating around... Be it gays or salaries n the rest of the junk....... Nothing intentional was meant to anyone out here !!!! I seriously think people should stop naming other users and the way people talk n stuff....
Not good! most of the above commenter we're very careful not to named people. Oh just ignore it! all you do is spice this board for bored people. they should not lose sleep over your comments.
Just keep dancing baby
Actually Hamlet named me kiarajane. I mean if people want to read just religious blather and gay bashing, by all means, go ahead.
[img_assist|nid=13228|title=I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
Without U there would be pretty much nothing to read ... Without all the 1 liners n wise cracks and the discreet sarcasm :) Where would QL be !!! All I would be doing is scanning the classifieds !!!! To Quote JBH "it dun't really matter"
Nobody named you! so, let's sleeping dog lie. other people have personal problem and coward enough to do it face to face that's the reason why they are letting out their steam here. they can say what they want enjoy it as much as they like.....
Just keep dancing baby
Jeez, sorry I offend people so much with my crazy "liberal" views. I'll leave you all to sit and discuss salaries and car deals then.
[img_assist|nid=13228|title=I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
We are just a bunch of humans and this is what humans are like.
What adds to it is the fact that people aren't face to face.
If we where the tone would be a lot lower, except for a few maybe.
So we'll have to just put up with it because you can't change hunan nature.
[img_assist|nid=15139|title=Is that better?|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=135]
It dun't really matter.
Well, I'm sorry you are all offended by my posts. I have never made racist comments, or abused anyone on here.
If you don't like it, just ignore my comments.
If your bored, stop complaining and come up with exciting, interesting's that simple!
As always Qatari u said it right... The groups really are great Especially e46m3 & all his updates on the tech stuff... Im definitely not complaining about the site... its great as usal keep up the great work... !!! Im sure the guideline will make a huge difference on the posts we see !!!!
hey guys,
one reason for the groups was for people to be able to discuss topics they are interested in without the general "chatter" that goes on in the forums. It has been working great for many people (the technology group is a great example).
this is natural as we grow in members...
we are also looking at a set of new guidelines which should go some way to halt some of the craziness going on!
and finally, this is your site so make it interesting :)
Friends always invite friends to join Qatar Living.
Hamlet I agree with you, it gets really boring. Nothing wrong with people having and voicing strong views but when they just say stuff to get at someone else, unless you are in that little world, it just looks futile and childish. And then calling for the moderator every 5 minutes. I spend a lot of time on QL but don't get that involved because There are some people who I don't want to upset and it feels like I am intruding in THEIR world. It is a shame because this site has helped me so much. I live outside Doha and life can get lonely without things such as QL. I have been looking around at other sites to try and find a site with less aggressive people on it. I guess that this country is so small that a few strong characters are able to drown out the weaker ones. Sad for those who just want friendship and company.
yeah it is true....qatarliving is becoming a battle ground between "right" samawy and saud from one side, and "left" gypsy and scorpio from the other side, with every topic diverted toward a war between conservative and liberal beleifs!
Something seems to b lost here in QL ... I just cant figure out what... Either way its not like we will go elsewhere when v r bored at work like now :) im just glad its thursday !!! ANyone know if anything is happening tonite ??!!!
I couldn't agree more, I've not been posting as much for want of good Forum Topics as well... some of the forum topics are so crappy, they shouldn't even be on there. Then there are these so called "freaks" who come on there and advertise their stuff etc...
Still , QL is maybe the only forum to share some useful ideas. Don't you think?
Can't blame's the weather...getting to be warmer by the day!!!
Possibly u have a point, which is why there are idiots hijacking threads with ridiculous comments, abuse, racism etc. And why so many of us are reading it!!! Maybe there just is'nt anything interesting going on right now. Being so hot, people are staying inside and chilling out. I'm also quite bored with it and must admit having reduced myself to commenting on some issues that one really should'nt even lower oneself to comment on - but hey we all make mistakes! Let's liven it up, intelligently please?