Qatar Airways Toilets

Last week I came to Doha by Qatar Airways. I was travelling as a Economy Class Passenger sitting in front 3rd row. The air hostess were collecting the empty trays keeping their trolleys in centre of the walkway which makes impossible to any passenger to cross through that. Seeing this I decided to use the toilets in the front which comes after Business Class. Coming out of the toilet, 1 of the air hostess objected me as not to use the front toilets and told me to use only toilets at the back side.
Is this some kind of rule that Economy Class passenger cannot use Toilets near Business class??
Adult Diaper??? :-(
Even in 14 hours flight? Then what you use?
When I fly I never use the toilet......
The bathrooms in Business and economy are different. As nomerci noticed, bathrooms in economy become uncleaned much faster than in business.. When you fly 14 hours, at yhe end of your journey you don't want to walk in to such bathroom... I always fly business if the flight is more than 3-4 hours.. I can manage economy to Bahrain, or to Dubai... Not much further...
Sadly you are right. Which is quite ironic as this country and culture is based on Islam and cleanliness and hygiene are very important to the religion.
Minoush, all you have to do is to go to a public toilet here in Doha...and, despite cleaning personal being present, you will see similar things as on the flight you were on.It seems that people are not bothered by very smelly and unhygenic surroundings.
That's the problem. Why was there water (or again, another liquid) all over the floor? Why is there toilet paper strewn everywhere?Are too many people washing for prayers? Kids playing and the parents don't bother to clean up after them? What else is going on in there???I'm sorry but you never see bathrooms that filthy on domestic flights within the U.S. Yes, most domestic flights are not even close to 13 hours long, but still even 5-6 hour flights are never that dirty.
How about the economy passengers not leaving the toilets filthy? Do people not know how to use a toilet? Is it too much to ask to wipe the sink after having used it? Courtesy and manners seem to be alien to some people...not even to mention hygiene.
I have flown both business and economy with QA. Once flying economy back to the States. the economy toilet was so flithy, water (or another liquid all over the floor) toilet paper everywhere, etc... I wouldn't step in there (nor allow my daughter in there.) I walked to the business class bathrooms and went to use them. The flight attendant told me I couldn't. I told her how flithy the economy toilets were and if she bothered to clean them, then I would use them, but as long as they stayed that dirty we would be using the business class bathrooms. I then said if you don't allow my duaghter to use this bathroom you will have an even bigger mess to clean up all over the floor of the plane. I stood my ground, assertive but polite. She let us use the business bathrooms the rest of the flight. I don't know if being American made it easier for us or if she just didn't really want to clean the bathroom so she caved...Typically economy passengers should stay with the economy bathrooms, but if the flight attendants don't bother to clean them they better get ready to allow the use of business class.
s_isale...cannot be by ship, they also have economy and business class...:)
ROFL Rizks, u r just tooooo much, what all wierd ideas u have in mind.
Take it like if in ur office u r ordered by your seniors or the company that u should not allow anybody in your boss's cabin's attached toilet than definately u will not allow anybody to go and pee in ur Boss's cabin..Right?It is not a matter of high class of low class..they are bound to do their duties...what if some high end business class wala compalints against them....Going to business class toilet is a simple issue but the norm s for cabin crews are very strict indeed.....
If I pay top dollar, part of it would be so that i share the toilet with the least number of people possible. One time in Ecconomy class, some man took a dump in the sink. YES I am NOT kidding, he went in the toilet looked at the toilet, then the sink and decided that the sink is the more logical place for him to do that job. I was not on this flight but my friend QA crew was. Life changing acts could happen on board sometimes. The more I know people, the more I love my dog
they should start giving away empty bottles as well for the Economy class passengers to Pee in it - incase if the toilets are occupied ? :(
Each seats of the econony class passengers should have a small Hole under the seat in case of Emergency Peeing ? :(
when we can have Emergency Landing, then why not Emergency peeing ?
HGL, by ship :)
If they wouldnt be able to fly, then how are these peasants going to go home....walking!!!!
this is why airlines should increase the cost of flights so peasants like yourself can't fly.
Sorry but if I've coughed up the extortionate price for business class on Qatar Airways there is no way I would want to be sitting on the same the toilet seat as a manky cattle class person!!! YUCKKKK!!!
tell you what....when I fly business I sure as heck do not want people from economy class in the business class toilet...have you effing seen what those economy toilets look like after about half an hour flying time??? Particularly flying into and out of the ME and Asia . No thank you.It's simple, you get what you pay for.And since you do not seem to be particularly adverse to follow the call of nature where you happen to be standing...stay the heck away from anything related to business class and anything where cleanliness and decorum is in order.
thats the better idea Nitin to pee on walkway, atleast I can maintain the ETHICS of not using the Toilets of Business Class people who pay so high for their toilets....
ROFL, nitin
U shud hve pee in the walkway only... or shud hve hold urs n said i cannot hold it further...!
I dont make noises during pee... sorry so it was not the case actually...
I already waited for half hr., so that the trolley gets clear but it didn't....
The Only reason was bad noises coming out from the toilet. thats why she showed her concern.
You missed the whole sentence, " Economy passengers are not allowed to use the Business class toilets, unless it's an emergency and the Business class occupancy is not much"But to answer your question, yes it would, but I'm not sure you'd be served vindaloo on board a Q.A. flight :-(
They very begrudgingly let me use the Bus class toilets when my baby was screaming his head off because he had a soiled nappy and it was clear I would have to wait some considerable time to use the economy ones.
on a separate note, I have just travelled back on QA and could not fathom whose bright idea it was to put all the people travelling with babies at the front next to bathrooms with no baby changing facilities in any of them!
Flight was Airbus A321, no special toilets... all same..
"Economy passengers are not allowed to use the Business class toilets, unless it's an emergency"
Would 1 hour after a vindaloo constitute an emergency?
Now that would have been funny as hell
good that the airhostess didnt threw you out of the plane ? :(
The toilets are not the same as economy. They are more roomy, have designer toiletries and are probably cleaned a lot more by the crew than the economy ones.But to answer the OP's question, like many have said, it's because of all these amenities that are available for the Business class passengers and so that they don't wait long to be able to use one, Economy passengers are not allowed to use the Business class toilets, unless it's an emergency and the Business class occupancy is not much.
yes there is... so now you know... :)
The only difference you have from economy class toilet to business class toilet is that, business class have one fresh rose flower, moreover the size of business class toilet is slightly smaller then economy class toilet.
I suggest the airlines should have overhead monorail right from the front to rear, so either they can have their trolleys suspended in air and moved easily or tie a passanger on the hook and push him above the trolley....ha ha
Other way around, if a business class passenger want to use toilet in Economy class side (for any justifiable reason), will that be allowed...just because they paid more MONEY than a economy class passenger.....??
I think u made some bad noises there in the toilet, so that's wahy they objected.sorry
oh, man ...dont go there...u are heading for a cast system if u didnt figure it yet
those toilets are for business class are for people who paid for it.
There is nothing related to Security at all...Secondly, Toilets be it for Business class Pax, or Economy class toilets are the same, nothing is different in it...
Its mainly for security reasons....the majority of international carriers now adopt a policy where passengers are required to stay in their ticketed cabin!
ha ha funny!!!
nothing special in business class just the same, only they r seperating ppl from economy 2 business.
just to make the business class ppl feel more special abt them selves.
agree with u kapko20, its not right of the cabin crew to block the aisle but still for all ur not allowed to use the business class toilets unless the economy ones r incapacitated.
anything special in Business class Toilet?? :P i.e Bath Tube :P Hot watering :D lolz.....
pay more get more..........y shud any business class pax who has paid 4 - 5 times more den ECONOMY pax wait for his toilet which is occuopied by any economy passengersy shud u go to business class where yu dont belong.. ....dats common ETHICS
Seriously??? If you paid for a business class fare, you'd want to share with economy??? I think not, but thank you for posting...
If they are business class toilets you are not to use them.