Qatar Airways Incident: Flight 401

Qatar Airways has published a statement with regards to what happened on flight 401 from Aman to Doha on August 10, 2006. Apparently, a man tried to force his way in side the cockpit of the plane forcing the male cabin crew members and three passengers to restrain him. The plane had to go back to Jordan and the man, who was an Eritrean national, was handed to the police authorities. There was no given explanation why the passenger wanted to come inside the cockpit.
I’m sure that those on the plane, all 267 passengers and 12 crew members, were terrified. I would be too. I probably wouldn’t even know what to do. With what happened in the US (September 11 attack on World Trade Center), the whole world has been traumatized. Yes, we do complain of some security policies being enforced on us before we board our flights but I’m sure those measures help a lot in keeping our flights secure. While I was reading the report, the first thing that came to my mind was another terrorist got in a plane and tried to use it to serve his purpose of death and destruction. But after analyzing it, there was no report of a gun being used by the Eritrean man who wanted to “talk� to the Captain of Qatar Airways flight 401 so I’m guessing that he might have been mentally unstable instead of being a terrorist. That is part of the trauma brought about the September 11 attacks. When reading something like this, the first thing that comes to mind is what happened before in the US where hijackers supposed to have taken control of those planes.
I’m just glad that this incident isn’t the same. This was probably air rage but not a terrorist act. For scaring the hell out of those people on the plane, that passenger should be meted out a penalty and he should not be allowed to ride any public transportation again.
Muslims are as responsible for unsavoury pseudoislamic elements as much as christianity is responsible for hitlers nazi regime.
UK/US foreign policy is what fuels these crazed brainwashed zealots. Maybe policy makers should take responsibility for this.
The jury is still out on the reality behind 9/11. Too many people are too uncertain for it to be as cut and dried as it seems.
Alim prior to 9/11 hijackings almost always had a peaceful conclusion. The plane would fly around for a few days, the hijackers demands were discussed and hostages were gradually released.
None of the 9/11 victims knew that they were part of a suicide mission until except for flight 93 where the passengers heard the news from family and they did fight back.
It is surprisingly easy to control large numbers of people with a relatively small amount of force. It is all very well to say 50,000 could easily overcome one man with a machine gun but humans don't think collectively. every human wants to live so who is going to be first to charge the guns?
Don't be silly and start denying 9/11. Face the fact that there are unsavoury elements within the muslim world and take collective responsibility for removing them
Okay..perhaps its just me, but it says that there were 267 passengers on the plane "terrified" of one man. Now the same reason i dont buy into the 9/11, is because if you thought your life was truly in danger this ONE man causing trouble is getting pounced on quick like a retro Tyson fight. Maybe I'm just a bully or perhaps I just dont understand the circumstances, but it just seems rather odd to sit and let a man run wild on the plane and no one do anything about it, ESPECIALLY after the so-called hijacking of the 9/11 planes. Just my 2 cents.
He needed to take his medication and use the toilet as well.
The guy wanted to go to the bathroom while the seatbelt sign was on, and the flight attendants wouldn't let him. He got angry and pushed one of them, and then went to try to complain to the captain. This was perceived as an attempt to break into the cockpit, and to make matters worse he was still holding the bottle of medicine (i.e. unidentified liquid) that he had been trying to take into the bathroom.
An article on the incident.
Some individuals must be oblivious to the events around the world. They don't know or have never heard of the restrictions on airlines, have no access to news publications or television.(total sarcasm) They have the ability to use technology they have no understanding of, meaning a fight to whatever destination without the first clue about why there is no carry-on luggage allowed on the flight (London incident). There are also the ones who are incapable of understading how events in other countries affects them and the rest of the world. I make no excuses for this poor individual. I have seen people who, in the heat of the moment think they are somehow "special". Oh,the Captain will know I'm not a terroist and open the flight deck door for me.
Events around the world are dictating that the flight deck be secured for the ENTIRE flight. No opening the door for ANY reason. Are people daft? Do they have a death wish? Most countries outside the US have no tolerance for ignorance. They make no exceptions for "I didn't know" or "No one told me that." If you break the law, you serve the sentence or suffer the punishment. Recent current events will have a result of stiff penalties for using words like "bomb", "terrorist", "hijack" and others that are similar. Go to an international airport like JFK and throw those words around, see what happens. Someone will take notice. Try leaving your bags in a waiting lounge seat while you go to the bathroom.
There is no excuse for acting the fool on any aircraft or in any airport. There should be severe penaltiesfor tis type of behaviour. Being drunk is not an excuse. It's thrown around too much as a reason someone acts stupid or irresponsibly. Only, most people do remember what they did the next day
I think the guy was drunk.