Proof - Men are just romantics at heart

Proves what we men have been saying all along - We just want a cuddle..
That old chestnut about women always wanting to cuddle? Myth, according to a Kinsey Institute study, which finds that kissing and hugging were more important to the happiness of men than of women.
The study involved 1,009 heterosexual middle-aged and older couples in long-term committed relationships in five countries - revealing some surprising truths: for instance, men who reported frequent kissing or cuddling with their partners were on average three times as happy with their relationships as men who reported limited snuggling. For women, such shows of tenderness didn't have much impact on relationship satisfaction.
Both men and women became happier with their relationships the longer they stayed together. But, in a reversal of stereotype, men were more likely than women to report being happy in their relationships, while women were more likely to report being satisfied with sex.
What predicted overall satisfaction? For women, key factors were relationship duration and their own good sexual functioning. But for men, there seemed to be a larger variety of contributors to happiness: longer relationships, good physical health (healthy men were 67% more likely to report being happy with their relationships than men in poor health), good sexual functioning and their wives' sexual satisfaction
Time Magazine
nah brit, even body doesn't matter... think again!
This proves the theory that women only want us for our bodies :O(
cuddling brings about the effect of pheromones on each other..
This is good for older men,though cuddling is nice but i dont usually do it always..i dont need to be cuddled all the time,i need it when i'm down and needs someone to talk to..
Brit, you said.."
We just want to cuddle our loved ones and make them feel good and warm inside :o)
Can you clarify, what you mean by 'feel good warm inside'.:)
i can stand it exactly 5 minutes, no any longer.. then either ya'ani do something, or let me spend my time more efficiently.. :) i guess, i am a real woman, as per survey..and I agree with Mom-me, perhaps for "middle-aged and older" men, cuddling is a substitution of something else.. and, Straight Arrow, cuddling has nothing to do with "respect between men and their wives" or with "men not cheating their wives".. very possible other way around: husband spends all his energy with his mistress, and what's left for his wife is "cuddling".. poor wife! After 3 days in a row of "cuddling" , i would have kicked my partner out.. go cuddle somewhere else, and come to me full of energy..
i love to be cuddled :( , but............. no one's giving me one :P LoL
Always knew men were big softies at heart :-)
Postman Pat I believe ya. :-)
We just want to cuddle our loved ones and make them feel good and warm inside :o)
drac, is your Sucide Map ready... ;)
Cuddlin' on ma' coffin right now! :)
What is important for Women????Bald head men.... :P
Yeah, all men above the age of 60, when Mr. Winky stops kicking. :-P
well dunoo abt u guyz but i know mine was full of cuddles 'n chocolate bars lol
that the common key for happiness for men and women are first the long relations togather, so this means that the respect between men and their wives is helping to have longer relationship, respect in all its meanings, men not cheating their wives, men and their wives are sharing the responsibilites of raising their kids, none of the wife or the husband are fighting and saying I am the boss.
The good relationship between a man and his wife, makes both health better and especially the mental health.
Also there are other factors for this long relation which I did not mintion such as both understanding each other, both of them spend some money for the place or home they are living in, none of them is miser, both are understanging each other.
We must focus on the things which makes both man and his wife stay togather happy.
Ohh..ok..:) cuddle time..
Interesting... Goodmorning! :) Safe day ahead
Morning oh shiny topped one.. Hope your weekend was full of cuddles and all things nice... :O)
yea just a cuddle and a bit of Ting Ling....:)Morning buddy.