The price we pay for Love !

Hairy problem
A fed-up Croatian man is suing his ex - for blitzing him with postcards with bits of her hair stuck to them.
Ivo Mikesic asked a court in Zagreb to serve a restraining order on his besotted former girlfriend to stop her sending him the bizarre notes.
He said: "I got one and just thought it was really weird and tried to ignore it.
"But then the postman brought some more postcards with hair on them, and he was giving me some very funny looks. I am also dating another girl now and she thinks it's very disturbing so I decided to take action to keep my ex away from me, just in case.
"I have no idea why my ex is doing this but at the rate she is going she's going to have no hair left soon."
arecel lol...........
"I have no idea why my ex is doing this but at the rate she is going she's going to have no hair left soon."
in fairness, the bf is thoughtful:) (or panicking?)
All dirty
Maybe she has done some black magic with that Hair...for him to go back to her... in some parts of the world they ...nail etc for black
arecel ..!!!
maybe from her armpit.. nyhahaha! eiw eiw.. may i ask brit ... is it curly? LOL! joke..
"Trouble is a part of our life. If u don't share it U don't give the person who loves you enough chance to love you enough..."
I would like to know, what part of her body are those hairs are coming from?
Arecel.. Tht was just what i was thinking i wonder the hair is from :P
Tht poor guy.. Maybe he should retaliate with some "Sticky" notes to her :P
Oh Yeah! Legally blonde! Letters with hair is rank. Actually; get me one. Atleast it won't annoy me.
lol brit.. perhaps if the gf becomes bald, she will pull out hair from another part of her body.rofl...