Prayer Carpet / Prayer Rug needed.
Hi. I want to gift a colleague of mine a Prayer Carpet or a Prayer Rug. Forgive me if the term or name is wrong.
He is a fantastic human being who prays at the right time and I do not want him to pray on the common carpet where everyone steps on. It is my way of appreciating his selflessness !
Can anyone please advice or suggest a place? Appreciate it very much.
check if anyone needs carpet Solutions
Mobile 55150898
MohData: I got the Musallar from the Ansar gallery in City Centre. D sales man was so kind and so detailed in pointing out the best of the Prayer carpets.
As for my colleague, he is an honest man who prays in his office and I felt sad for him because everyday morning, our team sits in his office for the first cup of coffee and breakfast. And then, he has to pray on the same carpet we step on.
He is such a sweet old man who is so kind and generous in all aspects. It is the least I could do for him to appreciate his kind heart and generosity !!
And I am happy that he loved the Prayer Carpet and started using it every time he prays. What more should I ask for !!!
its a great sentiment; however, unless the common carpet you speak of is laid in a dedicated praying room; I must say that a person who prays regularly should also realize the importance of the prayer area being clean..not putting down your wonderful colleague who I envy, but I'd make sure I had a prayer mat handy if I was regular with prayers. No offense, just an observation as a fellow Muslim (bad one)
Thank you guys for the info. Appreciate it very much !!!
It is available at all major super markets. You can also find them at Souq Waqif. While selecting one please do keep in mind that the prayer rug does not carry the picture of the Ka'aba or a mosque. This is because many people unknowingly step on the Ka'aba while the rug has been laid out. It is in view of this and as I understand, only plain prayer rugs are now available in S Arabia.
Your gesture is indeed a noble one, and may the blessings of Allah be on you.
4th floor ansar gallery city center
Good Thinking , Surely you will get in Souq Waqif ( irani Market )