A postive Trend

Out of horror sometimes comes salvation. If the plight of just one girl in Dehli has put the spot light on this problem and encouraged more women to come forward and report abuse, then at least the epidemic is on the way to be curtailed.
India abuse: 'I reported my acid attack husband'
By Rupa Jha
BBC News, Delhi
Reshma's husband abused her for years, and but is now awaiting trial after she reported him to police
What chance does a young girl have?
Does the Delhi gang rape sentence bring closure?
Almost one year on from the brutal rape of a young female student in Delhi, there are signs that more Indian women are finding the courage to report sexual violence. But many still live in fear, either of strangers - or of the man closest to them.
Reshma has five daughters and is pregnant for the sixth time - against her wishes. Her voice trembles constantly as she tells her harrowing story.
"I kept quiet for many years" she says.
"My husband treated me very badly because I had only given him daughters. Getting beaten up mercilessly became a routine for me. He wanted a son.
"When I got pregnant for the sixth time, he insisted I should get an abortion if it's another girl child. I refused and we had a big row.
"He threw acid on me, aiming at my vagina and abdomen."
Reshma breaks down as she recalls the attack. She has recently undergone an operation to try to repair some of the damage. Her baby is still alive, but she is extremely frail.
Rape within marriage is not considered a crime in India if the wife is over 15
Up to eight million female foetuses are thought have been aborted in India in the decade to 2011
In India, 22 women were killed each day in dowry-related murders in 2007
Sources: 2011 Census, National Crime Records Bureau, Amnesty International
More than one-third of all murders of women around the world are committed by a current or former partner
As many as 1 in 4 women experience physical and/or sexual violence during pregnancy
Violence by an intimate partner is the most common type of abuse, affecting 30% of women
Sources: World Health Organization, Women's Aid
It took her four days to get medical help after the attack and that was only after her father arrived. She now lives with her poor parents in Kanpur, 500km (310 miles) outside Delhi.
They were aware of the terrible life that their daughter had with her husband, but were initially too afraid to think of police action against their own son-in-law.
Eventually, Reshma says, they stood by her.
The acid attack was the culmination of 15 years of violence at the hands of her husband. As she recovered, 35-year-old Reshma decided she did not want to be another female footnote in the death columns of the newspapers.
She registered a police case against her husband on five different grounds of cruelty. Now he is in prison awaiting trial. He denies all the charges.
Changing society
The vicious assault on a young medical student on a Delhi bus last December sparked outrage across India and provoked national soul-searching about the extent of gender-based violence.
It also appears to have paved the way for more women to go to the police.
According to government statistics, 1,036 rapes were reported in Delhi in the year so far up to 15 August. That compares to 433 reports during the same period in 2012.
I agree, illegal activities do happen ..... but the onus is on ourselves ...
If a person is wrong tell her to mend her ways .... don't just listen to the philosphy of words like '' It's my life '' .
I have some friends going to Bangkok for Eid. Shall I tell their wives what they will be doing there to wake them up? Or is it okay when men have fun, and only a problem if women do it?
I've never lived in a society where so many married men are screwing around behind their wives' backs.
But what makes it that much worse is if I have never lived in a society that thinks that its only when a woman wants sex that its a bad thing, but when a guy has sex he's just "having fun".
Such a sickening double standard.
We should try ..... like ....
Not to glorify who cheat .... in movies , in social circles & media ....
Problem starts when world gives 'NOC' to all people ...
molten, i think reality proves otherwise.
{ Till my last breath } I'm of the view that if a woman is determined no man will ever have the courage to play mischief with her { at home & away } .
You see I support a woman's cause .... let men allow them to live with dignity ....
But when she attempts to go astray by any reason .... wake her up ....
Rip , we need to fix responsibility ....
MM using your example it is clear men should not be allowed to drive if they cannot keep the car on the road. They should stay at home so they are not a danger to themselves, (driving over a bridge) or women. (Raping them)
For finally working up the courage to fight back. Given how terrible her abuse was and what it must have done to her psyche along with her body, it's no mean feet! Hopefully she will now inspire other victims to come fourth as well.
Molten, why do you compare things that have absolutely nothing to do with each other?
See, here is why this comparison does not work.
A man driving a car does not WANT to go off the bride. so, if by chance he comes close to it, a barrier will help to prevent the worst.
A man going to a prostitute WANTS to go to her. IF he is already in a relationship, he will think he can get away with it.
And if there were not prostitutes, men would invent them. lol
prostitute is one of the oldest profession since time immortal. Nobody can do any thing about it.
You can always see about 3 feet high railings or barriers of some kind over the edges a 70 feet high bridge .....
That's the last attempt to stop a vehicle from falling off .....
But why a vehicle will ever break a barrier and fall off a bridge ? Vehicles are designed to remain under control of the drivers.
So , as per your idea engineers should remove all the barriers , thinking drivers keep making accidents & cars do fall off the edges ... but engineers don't remove the barriers ....
This is to support my point on closing all the places of Vice so that there should be zero opportunity for young & first timers ...
The only reason that there are women charging men for sex, is that there are men paying for it.
I don't see why it's so shameful for a woman to be a prostitute, but yet we can just ignore then men who are paying her.
Are they not equally as immoral as her (if not more so, since a lot of married men use prostitutes, but I don't think too many prostitutes are married).
Yes , sure dear ....
Not only you , Adey , Niv9 and some other good fellows pointed out this to me also ....
I wish you read my comments carefully they are flowing like a pure river ... I never take sides ... I go with the truth ...
You are from among those who always say that one should have an oppinion of 21st century ...
Give a thought and try to see if my comments can fit in a world of next 1000 or 2000 years ...
My respected brother , nowhere I oppose women ...
I never recommend keeping them under watch or sorts like that .....
I always stress on an honest balance between the both.
I wish both should have boundries for a healthy society ...
There should be no ill will and hidden agenda when both deal with one another at work or in social gatherings and at relatives place .....
Molten a man has a choice. He can take it or he can leave it. Are men not disciplined or morally sound enough to make that choice?
And if a man wants another woman, he will find one, one way or another.
If the want for it was not there, prostitutes would not exist. as simple as that.
MM you will find this post interesting http://www.qatarliving.com/node/18539946
Have nice weekend. Cheers. :)
doesn't a prostitute understands this ......
She is the root cause for alluring wise & innocent men into vice when their wives will be waiting at home .....
Imagine , If there is no prostitute .... where a man will go ?
No where .
He won't have a chance & place to cheat to his wife ...
MM what do you have against women? Why do you want them to caged like prisoners? To be covered up like a dirty secret? and then when something happens to them you want to blame the women for it.
Did your mother not love you?
path for women ..... misguidance by media .... & clever and irresponsible society .....
Well, Molten, there are places where a woman does not require a man's consent to leave. And she also does not HAVE to be come prostitute or go to another man.
some women are actually able to work in a regular job and take care of themselves.
Well, where I come from that would be most women.
lady who leaves her home without her man's consent .... definitely .... have to go to another man ....
Example .... Womens' sex industry ......
But they are in 21st centry ......
Of course she has the right to do so.
Not every prostitute is forced into prostitution.
I'm sure , here will be people who will argue now that one might have freedom to earn by hands or by any other part of her body .... it's 21st century ! LOL ...
can't politicians find a job for her where she can use her hands for a living ?
Is a prostitute like an ATM ?
It has electric supply 24 x 7 , air-con cabin , serviced on schedule ..... !
Sex Industry ? Who's sex ? A tree's sex ?
I don;t know what you are trying to answer..if it shows under moderation once..then use something like , - ' etc and break down the words you think are sexy or suspicious. :))
I guess we will just have to take your word for it.
If you really want an answer I can provide with proof , and believe me I tried but apparently the mod's are busy trying to analyse and approve the comment and this has been going on since yesterday.
Nomerci-human trafficking is not only for the sex industry there are other industries in the society where the slaves are employed.
And human traffiking is still eminent in Netherland.But the appreciable fact is that the government and the community have classified this issue as a serious one.And they are trying everything in their power to fight it unlike in India where people still regard it as the victims fault.
Of course she will not answer, some people don't like facts to get in the way of their prejudice.
Who knows nonmerci. We are still waiting for Stacey to answer your question.
Hmm fubar...thew sex industry in the Netherlands is actually extremely regulated. Those women pay taxes, get sick days, unemployment benefits, they are protected from pimps etc.
So...IF it were highlighted, then maybe for its relative safety for the women?
Maybe the sex industry in the Netherlands is a reason nomerci?
n1v9, yes, of course I know about the human trafficking in Europe. It's mainly eastern Europeans that get women from those countries to be prostitutes in the west.
The good thing is, that this is known and fought against.
I was just wondering why women in the Netherlands are highlighted.
Yes there is human trafficing in Europe mainly from eastern Europe and FSU. It is a problem.
The UK has a particular problem with asian men, usually of Pakistani decent grooming young girls as sex slaves. Luckily a number of these gangs have been caught recently and the men sentenced to long periods in jail.
Human trafficking-normerci , it's a serious issue in Europe.
Regarding all those who attack Rip for pointing it out ,I'm surprised that your choosing this as a chance to pick on him. You should realize that it took a man from Aruba to open your ignorent minds , to show you that such incidents are happening in your own country. And the fact that he's affected by it and that you don't even care clearly shows your mentality towards women.
And this is why death sentence is a necessity atleast in a country like India.
How are women abused in the Netherlands?
This is not a localized endemic problem. In-fact, it is pandemic.
See Europe as an example. Human trafficking is still a very common problem especially Eastern Europe. Netherlands is a good example of how abuse against women are being glorified by the europeans. They called it women liberation or freedom of choice or something of that similar crap.
What makes you think that any other part of the world will be able to fight against women abuse?
It's from the BBC actually.
publicising in QL change the culture in india and encourage women great thinking by aruba man
Brought tears in my eyes.. there are 1000s like Reshma in India.. May you get well soon..daughters are blessings...you are the inspiration for all others facing the same problem..
True. 100% agree. the more women know about other women standing up for themselves, the more women will have the courage to do the same.
I think only by publicising these brave women can they change the culture in India and encourage more women to come forward.
What a nasty creature!
Good for her to stand up against this.
Hopefully more women will have the courage to do so.
It is good to see Indian women are fighting back and not just accepting rape and violence against them.
Why did he think it was his wife's fault that she never gave birth to a son?
Maybe there is something wrong with his "contribution"?
Or is it just the default position to blame everything on the woman.
Good on her for standing up to an abusive husband.
What a brave lady. To suffer so at the hands of a moron must be terrifying. Hats off to her for finally standing up.
hello thelo my friend i missed u since morning
i need a karak
Rip, I need a cappuccino...
rippy from aruba interested in indian news..one way he talks against asians and then he is concerned about india...double standard people
What shocks me the most is the 8 million female feteus killed. That is more than all the wars in the last 10 years.