Positive Living!

Hello everyone! I would be interested in your comments on what I call 'Positive Living'. In my own life and travels I really look for the great ideas and ways of life of people who live in other countries and of course my own country of Qatar and I try to incorporate that into my lifestyle. I have been blessed with wonderful family who have taken pains to teach me what a priveledged life I have and about charitable work and they have also taught me to seek out the good in everything and everyone. My personal belief is that I should take the best from other countries and my own culture and use that as a basis for living my life. We can each offer something to each other, I believe.
What do you think?
we have free educatio, ( not that it did me much good lol!), free healthcare, ummmmmmmm freedom of speech, right to vote, human rights, we get social benefits if we are poor a house to live in and such, we get paid money if we have no job, we get paid money if we have no job and kids and get a free house too ( not sure if thats a good thing for tax payers thou) we get a pension ( for now), we learn to handel the rain and the cold, we get aftershock too!!!
[img_assist|nid=13270|title=Love Life|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=113]
love life!
Trade unions … we have those in Liechtenstein ;)
In any country this is a bit of what I practice at home:
Don't litter (including disposal of trash from your vehicle)
Respect lines (queues)
Don't pick flowers from public areas.
Respect handicapped parking spaces.
It all starts in the home.
In Canada we have free medical care, gay marriage, de criminalized marijuana, a no smoking in public places policy, tons of multiculturalism, strict gun laws, freedom of religion and lifestyle, speech and education.
[img_assist|nid=13228|title=I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
Well, I suppose I should say the UK. Every single person has Medical Treatment available regardless of employment status, age, race or whether you have Health Insurance... there are no exceptions!
In oz, freedom of speech, multiculturalism, diversity, nature, and love for animals.
I mean each person can offer ideas from their own country or way of living...for example in Qatar we take care of our aged parents in our home (unless they need permenent hospitalisation) and the elders in the family must be respected at all times...in the Netherlands they have bicycle lanes for people to cycle safely on...in the UK if you have a baby you are offered great ante and post natal care from the government (my friend in the UK had a baby and a health visitor came to her house every day for at least a week to help her with the baby!)....so what is great in your country?
Iz dat kinda CHARITY stuff!??
Life's on MOVE...
I for sure really didnot get you.what are you trying to say.
guess need a lil more briefing on that.