Politician "miaos" at a female colleague

I love Aussie politicians - They say what they feel...
Do you think this was over the top ?
David Bushby, a member of the conservative Liberal-National opposition party, could be heard saying "miaow" during a heated debate with Labor senator Penny Wong.
Ms Wong, the only openly-gay member of the Australian cabinet, was visibly outraged by the comment.
"Why do you miaow when a woman does that?" she said.
"It is just extraordinary. Blokes are allowed to yell but if a woman stands her ground, you want to make that kind of comment. It's schoolyard politics."
The comment was immediately seized on by Ms Wong's Labor colleagues as an example of misogyny among the members of the opposition.
Tanya Plibersek, the minister for women, accused Mr Bushby of blatant sexism and Wayne Swan, the treasurer, said that "feral" behaviour was typical of the opposition's "goons".
But unprofessional behaviour among Australian politicians is nothing new. In recent years one MP was caught repeatedly sniffing the chair of a female colleague, another was accused of dancing in his underwear at a post-Budget party in his office, and another was caught surfing porn websites on a parliamentary computer.
May be not in control :P
He has apologised since!
many a times "miaow" is all u hear in QL :P
So funny - it really is kids in the playground.
Anyone remeber this one?
Last year Nicola Roxon told the Liberal MP Peter Dutton, while proffering a box of golf balls, 'I can give you some balls if you want them'.
Clearly, what's good for the gander is not good for the goose.
fatimah is rite :p
They sound like a frustrated/kinky lot to me!
Well, if he meows, she should have gotten the claws out and scratched him right across the face...what comes around, goes around....there seem to be some seriously weird people in that group...:/
How horrible! Bet you if he'd made a racist comment he would find himself impeached, but make a sexist comment and you're A-Ok.
Sniffing a chair????? WTF is that all about?
ah well, their ancestors were criminal isnt it? Must be in the blood then :)