Political Correctness Rules ..........

Political Correctness is the order of the day..
Made famous on TV and books, Scotland Yard's Vice Squad has been renamed to reflect the new era of political correctness.
The unit which deals with prostitution and other aspects of London's underworld, has changed its title to the "Serious Crime Directorate 9: Human Exploitation and Organised Crime Command", or SCD9 for short. :O)
Metropolitan Police sources said the switch had been ordered in part because the word "vice" was thought to have negative "connotations".
So - got any other examples of PC Madness ?
since the unit deals with prostitution why not STD
Save Troubled Destitue ..what were u thinking
not "Baba" too..what next I wonder? Wee willy winky should go (if it hasn't already) always sounded perverted and scary! Seriously are we a generation of easily disturbed people?
how about Acts of Naughtiness? :)
Comeon being a criminal pays more in England these days so one should motivate the kids to become a criminal. That way they can live a life of luxury so call it mischief.
What about Baa Baa Black Sheep ??
It has now become "rainbow" sheep :O(
Specially if a kid is required to study up on it. Can cause certain psychological problems at a later age. I say "Extreme naughty acts" sounds more apt! On that note heard the nursery rhyme "humpty dumpty" is the latest on the hit list...too distressing it seems =(
how about using felony instead?
what kind of connotation it has?
The word Crime brings negative connotations too, it should be called mischiefs not crimes.