Pointless Journalism

I just chose this at random from todays GT - it happens to be an article about Nepalese workers in Qatar - but the article ACTUALLY says NOTHING!!!!!!! Where is the detail - what are the additional protocols it mentions?? What does this article mean to the average Nepali construction worker or housemaid - absolutely nothing!!!!!
This article frankly is not worthy as written of inclusion in a company newsletter let alone the one of the flagship newspapers for the expat community in the country.
Absolute rubbish - buck up Editor Gulf Times - sort out your journalists and the garbage they are producing in the name of "news". Here is the "article".........
Pact on job regulation for Nepalese workers
Qatar and Nepal exchanged yesterday the instruments of ratification of the agreement signed between the governments of the two countries in Doha on an additional protocol to the agreement on employment regulation of the Nepalese labour force in Qatar. The minutes of the exchange of the ratification instruments were signed by HE the director of Asian and African Affairs Department Ambassador Zayed bin Rashid al-Nuaimi on behalf of the government of Qatar, and by Nepalese Ambassador to Qatar Dr Surya Nath Mishra on behalf of the government of Nepal. The agreement will enter into force under the provisions of article No. (7) of the protocol.
Makes for great bog roll when you run out of Andrex - it's a bit like Izal - slippy, pointless and full of **it but the satisfaction of using it thus is great.
Your post proves the basic point - All news medias pander to a specific agenda.
So, like Oryx, read a cross section - including The Sun :o)
As an aside, I once wrote to the Arab News (Saudi Arabia) because they had copied an article straight from a magazine (word for word) supposedly written by a local journalist.
Their answer was that sometimes they have to do this due to the dictates of time and overwork.
I look at GT for the horoscope and to see what shops have sales...and, for other general amusement.;)
What you read the Gulf Times??? No don't be silly its only for the cat litter tray.
newspapers are read online such as:
1. telegraph
2. independent
3. guardian
Yup, I always go for foreign papers online. Best way to do it guys, if you want something reliable and relatively unbias. Mind you, all countries have their own slant on things. Flipping between BBC World, CNN and RaiUno following the Meredith Kutcher murder case in Perugia was like watching propaganda at it's best. CNN slamming the disgusting Italian judicial system, BBC saying how justice has been served and it was a travesty to allow a retrial and the Italian press who just wanted girls in their skimpies.
Couldn't agree more. Print journalism is Qatar is terrible.
An issue of the Gulf Times consists a few pages about how everything is swell in Qatar (dignitary welcomed, 1000.2% fictitious growth rate for a company, new mobile phone offer, more maids rounded up for dating gardeners, and the latest award for best hot towels for Qatar Airways). This is followed by articles describing chaos in every region in the world lifted from real newspapers and concluded with an editorial that states the obvious without being too direct on controversial. And on Fridays we are treated with lengthy lessons on Islam (which are actually sometimes informative, if a little technical, but lifted directly from other websites).