please please help before i smash my lap top!
hi friends
does any one know where i can take my toshiba lap top for fixing or maybe could any one help with my lap top problem??
its a brand toshiba bought it from switzerland less than 6months ago. now my microsoft word is sunddenly just not working. i can still open the files i saved before, but cant do any adjustment, meaning i can not type inside the file or add any pics. iam going crazyyyyy its driving me nuts could any one help out what could be the problem or show me a reliable place where i can take my laptop?
thanks in advance
the trial period is over usually 60 days. you can open your file but can't edit it because the toolbars now are not functioning.
go to souq nere by sofitel old hotel there are many shop they can help u
since the toolbars are all locked then you have to purchase a new one online then they will give you an activation code or you can purchase it here uninstall the previous one then install the new software package.
hear no evil ... see no evil ... speak no evil
Call REDINGTON QATAR at 4551608 and inquire there. I brought my Toshiba laptop there also.
[quote:] "i can still open the files i saved before, but cant do any adjustment."
This means the Office package isn't authorised and you need to buy a registration key over the internet or buy the software at Jarir bookstore..
vegas, u must be kidding right? this one is my laptop nr. 2 just got it less then 6months ago. i must be rich as you, to afford a new laptop every
action speaks louder than words
You can't teach experience...
THANKS KELLY! will check out the link.
action speaks louder than words
Your problem is not related to warranty. I am afraid your files are saved as protected files.
Try to uninstall office and then install it again. If the problem persists, look for Open Office at
It is compatible with MS office and it is legal and free =====================================
lupiN what u just wrote, is exanctly whats hapening with my laptop.
action speaks louder than words
thanks every one for your help. thats why i love i was just about to smash this thing, but with the decent advice from all of u i feel much better now. lol. i feel there is a hope. lol.
drsam. thanks for ur comment but i bought my laptop from switzerland because i didt want an english laptop have one already, but when ever i needed to do some works in german laguage its laways hard with the english version of my old laptop, and because of this reason i bought this one from switzerland.cheers fefee
action speaks louder than words
If u have a pirated copy there is work around for that also, pm me if u want the solution.
"Ali Baba and 40 thieves" are now "Ali Baba and 30 thieves" ; 10 were laid off.
fefee, better take it to the agent. it was nice to meet you too and your cute son.
The Toshiba serivce centre is right behind jarir, they can help
Please dispose properly your laptop. Don't incinerate it, puncture or place into high temperatures.
feefee yes on Salwa Road oppoiste Jarir Bookshop in the Al Mannai buliding. Jarir workshop may also be able to help you..:) Good luck with the Laptop.
Just check the software that you got with the laptop, cds etc u will find a registration key/ CD key use that to register the Office online and it'll start working
"Ali Baba and 40 thieves" are now "Ali Baba and 30 thieves" ; 10 were laid off.
hi uk eng. it was nice seeing u again aswell. sad i didt get to see ur kids. jr. would have love to play with them.
anyway back to my laptop issue,thanks for the help,but since i have tried all i could, but still doest work i think my best bet is to bring it to the toshiba agent. i dont want to keep on loosing my nerves lol.
ps. is it the one on salwa road?
panda thanks for ur sugestion aswell. was nice meeting u on friday.
action speaks louder than words
to be franck i normaly work on pirated items, cracked down and sold in lebanon. the only original i might buy r encarta and chessmaster. but window, or office, or... well i get them for 1$. sorry bill gates and authors rights.
what bothers me is why purshase anything from switzerland!! i was there last week. everything is way more expensive than germany and france! taking into account that the swiss franc is 0.9 US$ while the euro is 1.35, everything in switzerland is expensive.
drsam if that is the problem, then it means that the copy you have has exceeded the 3 installation conditions I think..
jarir is the best solution.
about not being able to make changes to ur document, try opening it, select all and save it under a different file name, and work on this new copy.
I think panda is right. Where did you buy the MS Office from? like I said above if is asking you for registration then that means you have to buy it on line or you have to reinstall a proper MS Office copy. Normall MS Office (home use) only allows 3 installations per one copy.
I hope it helps..
Hey feefee.. If it is bought from Switzerland and it is less than 1 year old then, it means that it is still under International Warrranty.
I have similar Toshiba Laptop bought from Uk a few years ago and a similar problem.
In Doha there are Toshiba agents where you can take your laptop and they fix it for you free of charge as it is less than 1 year old. Now your problem is not to do with Toshiba laptop but with MS Word which is not part of what you bought.
I guess that you have bought and installed MS Office your self? Normally the MS Word and other MS Office software are offered on Toshiba laptops as a sample for may be 30 days or something and which you have to buy the MS office.
Anyway cutting the long story short. Please take the Laptop to Jareer Bookshop/workshop at the back, or to Toshiba opposite Jareer Book Shop in Al Mannai building.
Was nice to see you lttle one and your Haubby on Friday..:)
fefee, when you open any word file, did you get any request for registration? if so then you need an original MS word software.
i did again and again, but still doest work!!! :-(
action speaks louder than words
reisntall MS word again